Updated on 2023-05-30 GMT+08:00

HaydnCSF Advantages

Efficient Collaboration of Enterprises and Teams

Enterprises and teams can collaborate effectively in the dedicated workspaces created. In a workspace, they can receive to-do tasks in real time, customize solutions, and verify BPM processes.

Intelligent Architecture Recommendation

The open architecture template community continuously accumulates and shares architecture templates for industrial scenario-specific solutions, providing plentiful reference for solution design and improving the solution design efficiency.

Design Rule-based Real-Time Check

The connectivity and quality of integrated paths are checked in real time based on design rules to ensure that the architecture design is optimal and the design can be implemented.

Intelligent Recommendation of Integrated Paths

Integrated paths (1,000+) and next-hop cloud service diagram elements are recommended in real time to improve the solution design efficiency.

Automatic Application Orchestration and Deployment

The cloud infrastructure and applications in the solutions can be orchestrated in a visualized manner and deployed easily, which greatly reduce the time required for resource provisioning and application deployment.

Automatic Generation of Configuration Lists

Integrated architectures designed on HaydnCSF can use price calculators to quickly and accurately generate their configuration lists.

Architecture Export

The architecture design can be exported as editable PowerPoint slides for communication and demonstration.

Architecture Sharing

The architecture design can be shared via WeLink, email, and WeChat. You can view the architecture without login and reference it easily.

Five Types of Automatic Tests

By integrating the Huawei Cloud automatic test framework, you can use HaydnCSF to automatically test and verify the solution functions, UI, performance, security, and APIs.

Automatic Generation of Test Reports

Preset test report templates are available for use. Test reports can be generated and combined easily, saving your time for writing test reports.

Easy Reference of Solution Templates

Solution templates can be used to generate delivery projects easily. Assets in the verification phase are reused in the delivery phase for efficient delivery.

Efficient Management of Implementation Jobs

Delivery implementation jobs can be allocated, implemented, and managed online, so efficient delivery can be achieved across teams.

Unified Alarm Management

Alarms reported to Cloud Eye, AOM, eSight, and Zabbix are all accessed to HaydnCFS for unified management.

Refined Shift Schedule Management

Shift schedule is linked with O&M incident management, so alarms and events can be distributed to O&M personnel who are on duty.

Quick O&M Event Distribution

Events can be automatically generated based on alarms or manually created by the O&M personnel. In addition, events are automatically distributed to on-duty personnel for handling.

O&M Event SLA Management

SLA settings for O&M incident response and handling and SLA expiration notification are supported.

Experience in Solutions

Continuously accumulated solution assets such as architecture templates and test case templates can be reused easily.

Customized Efficiency Analysis

Enterprise administrators can customize solution design and verification efficiency so that solution construction and verification are controllable and manageable.