Updated on 2024-06-12 GMT+08:00

Querying System Logs

After a system user logs in to the CBH system and perform operations such as permission configuration and audit management, you, the audit administrator, will receive system log records. You can query detailed login and operation records in the CBH system and audit system logs online. System logs include system login logs and system operation logs.


You have the management permissions for the System Logon or System Operation module under System Log.

Querying System Logon Logs

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Audit > System Log > System Logon to switch to the system log page.

    In system operation logs, O&M task results record whether O&M tasks are complete. System logs do not include the execution results of specific commands or scripts in an O&M task.

  3. Query login logs.

    • Quick search

      Enter a keyword in the search box to quickly query system logon logs by user, source IP address, start time, end time, and log content.

    • Advanced search

      Enter keywords in the corresponding attribute search boxes to search for system login logs in exact mode.

  4. View the login logs in the search result.

Viewing System Operation Logs

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Audit > System Log to go to the system log page.
  3. Click the System Operation tab.

    Figure 1 System operation logs

  4. Query operation logs.

    • Quick search

      Enter a keyword in the search box to quickly query operation logs by user, source IP address, start time, end time, and log content.

    • Advanced search

      Enter keywords in the corresponding attribute search boxes to search for operation logs in exact mode.

  5. View the operation logs in the search result.