Updated on 2024-10-11 GMT+08:00

Enhanced Open Source Feature

Enhanced Open Source Feature: HDFS Colocation

HDFS Colocation is the data location control function provided by HDFS. The HDFS Colocation API stores associated data or data on which associated operations are performed on the same storage node.

Hive supports HDFS Colocation. When Hive tables are created, after the locator information is set for table files, the data files of related tables are stored on the same storage node. This ensures convenient and efficient data computing among associated tables.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: Column Encryption

Hive supports encryption of one or more columns. The columns to be encrypted and the encryption algorithm can be specified when a Hive table is created. When data is inserted into the table using the INSERT statement, the related columns are encrypted. The Hive column encryption does not support views and the Hive over HBase scenario.

The Hive column encryption mechanism supports two encryption algorithms that can be selected to meet site requirements during table creation:

  • AES (the encryption class is org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.AESRewriter)
  • SMS4 (the encryption class is org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SMS4Rewriter)

Enhanced Open Source Feature: HBase Deletion

Due to the limitations of underlying storage systems, Hive does not support the ability to delete a single piece of table data. In Hive on HBase, Hive in the MRS solution supports the ability to delete a single piece of HBase table data. Using a specific syntax, Hive can delete one or more pieces of data from an HBase table.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: Row Delimiter

In most cases, a carriage return character is used as the row delimiter in Hive tables stored in text files, that is, the carriage return character is used as the terminator of a row during queries.

However, some data files are delimited by special characters, and not a carriage return character.

MRS Hive allows you to specify different characters or character combinations as row delimiters for Hive data in text files.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: HTTPS/HTTP-based REST API Switchover

WebHCat provides external REST APIs for Hive. By default, the open source community version uses the HTTP protocol.

MRS Hive supports the HTTPS protocol that is more secure, and enables switchover between the HTTP protocol and the HTTPS protocol.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: Transform Function

The Transform function is not allowed by Hive of the open source version. MRS Hive supports the configuration of the Transform function. The function is disabled by default, which is the same as that of the open source community version.

Users can modify configurations of the Transform function to enable the function. However, security risks exist when the Transform function is enabled.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: Temporary Function Creation Without ADMIN Permission

You must have ADMIN permission when creating temporary functions on Hive of the open source community version. MRS Hive supports the configuration of the function for creating temporary functions with ADMIN permission. The function is disabled by default, which is the same as that of the open-source community version.

You can modify configurations of this function. After the function is enabled, you can create temporary functions without ADMIN permission.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: Database Authorization

In the Hive open source community version, only the database owner can create tables in the database. You can be granted with the CREATE and SELECT permissions on tables by MRS Hive in a database. After you are granted with the permission to query data in the database, the system automatically associates the query permission on all tables in the database.

Enhanced Open Source Feature: Column Authorization

The Hive open source community version supports only table-level permission control. MRS Hive supports column-level permission control. You can be granted with column-level permissions, such as SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE.