Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00


Automatic Provisioning

Cloud Eye is automatically enabled for all users. You can use the Cloud Eye console or APIs to view the service running status and set alarm rules.

Real-time and Reliable Monitoring

Raw data is reported to Cloud Eye in real time for monitoring of cloud services.

Alarms are generated and notifications are sent to you in real time.

Monitoring Visualization

You can create monitoring panels and graphs to compare multiple metrics. The graphs automatically refresh to display the latest data.

Multiple Notification Types

You can enable the SMN service when creating alarm rules. When the metric data reaches the threshold specified in an alarm rule, Cloud Eye notifies you by emails, allowing you to keep track of the running status of cloud services. Cloud Eye can also send HTTP/HTTPS messages to an IP address of your choice, enabling you to build smart alarm handling programs.

Batch Creation of Alarm Rules

Alarm templates allow you to create alarm rules in batches for multiple cloud services.