Help Center/ Data Encryption Workshop/ FAQs/ General/ What Functions Does DEW Provide?
Updated on 2024-06-12 GMT+08:00

What Functions Does DEW Provide?

Key Management Service

  • On the KMS console, you can:
    • Create, query, enable, and disable CMKs, as well as schedule and cancel CMK deletion.
    • Modify the alias and descriptions of CMKs.
    • Use the online tool to encrypt and decrypt small-size data.
    • Add, search for, edit, and delete tags.
    • Create, cancel, and query grants.
  • You can use the APIs to:
    • Create, encrypt, or decrypt DEKs.
    • Retire grants.
    • Sign or verify the signature of messages or message digests.
    • Generate and verify message authentication codes.

    For details, see the Data Encryption Workshop API Reference.

  • Generate hardware true random numbers.

    You can generate 512-bit random numbers based on hardware using the KMS API. The 512-bit true random numbers can be used as basis for key materials and encryption parameters. For details, see the Data Encryption Workshop API Reference.

Key Pair Service

Using the KPS console or APIs, you can perform the following operations on key pairs:
  • Creating, importing, viewing, and deleting key pairs
  • Resetting, replacing, binding, and unbinding key pairs
  • Managing, importing, exporting, and clearing private keys

Dedicated HSM

On the Dedicated HSM page of the management console, you can purchase Dedicated HSM instances