Updated on 2022-11-14 GMT+08:00



Graph Engine Service (GES) facilitates query and analysis of multi-relational graph data structures. It is particularly well suited for scenarios requiring analysis of rich relationships, including social network analysis, marketing recommendations, social listening, information distribution, and fraud detection.

Development Guide Overview

GES Software Development Kit (SDK) is the encapsulation of RESTful APIs provided by GES to simplify your development. You can directly call APIs provided by the GES SDK to use GES functions.

Content Navigation

This development guide describes how to install and configure an environment and call GES APIs for secondary development.




GES and development concepts


Required environment configuration and method to download the GES SDK

Importing a Project

How to import a project

Using the Service Plane SDK

Common operations using the GES SDK on the service plane

Using the Management Plane SDK

Common operations using the GES SDK on the management plane

Relationships Between SDKs and REST APIs

Relationships between GES SDKs and REST APIs