Updated on 2022-02-24 GMT+08:00

Connecting an NA


Connect an NA to the IoT platform to allow remote device management.



  1. Set the IoT platform IP address and port number on the NA to the application interconnection information of IoT Device Management. You can view the interconnection information on the IoT Management Console.
  2. Replace the application ID and application secret on the NA with those allocated in Creating an Application.
  3. If the NA uses HTTPS to communicate with the IoT platform, replace the commissioning certificate with a commercial certificate.

    The unidirectional authentication mode is used when the NA connects to the IoT platform. Therefore, obtain the CA certificate of the IoT platform and load it to the NA.

  4. The NA calls the authentication API of the IoT platform to complete the access. For details on the authentication APIs, see the Northbound API Reference.