Updated on 2024-10-09 GMT+08:00



This command is used to update the CarbonData table based on the column expression and optional filtering conditions.


  • Syntax 1:

    UPDATE <CARBON TABLE> SET (column_name1, column_name2, ... column_name n) = (column1_expression , column2_expression , column3_expression ... column n_expression ) [ WHERE { <filter_condition> } ];

  • Syntax 2:

    UPDATE <CARBON TABLE> SET (column_name1, column_name2,) = (select sourceColumn1, sourceColumn2 from sourceTable [ WHERE { <filter_condition> } ] ) [ WHERE { <filter_condition> } ];

Parameter Description

Table 1 UPDATE parameters




Name of the CarbonData table to be updated


Target column to be updated


Column value of the source table that needs to be updated in the target table


Table from which the records are updated to the target table


Note the following before running this command:

  • The UPDATE command fails if multiple input rows in the source table are matched with a single row in the target table.
  • If the source table generates empty records, the UPDATE operation completes without updating the table.
  • If rows in the source table do not match any existing rows in the target table, the UPDATE operation completes without updating the table.
  • UPDATE is not allowed in the table with secondary index.
  • In a subquery, if the source table and target table are the same, the UPDATE operation fails.
  • The UPDATE operation fails if the subquery used in the UPDATE command contains an aggregate function or a GROUP BY clause.

    For example, update t_carbn01 a set (a.item_type_code, a.profit) = ( select b.item_type_cd, sum(b.profit) from t_carbn01b b where item_type_cd =2 group by item_type_code);.

    In the preceding example, aggregate function sum(b.profit) and GROUP BY clause are used in the subquery. As a result, the UPDATE operation will fail.

  • If the carbon.input.segments property has been set for the queried table, the UPDATE operation fails. To solve this problem, run the following statement before the query:


    SET carbon.input.segments. <database_name>. <table_name>=*;


  • Example 1:

    update carbonTable1 d set (d.column3,d.column5 ) = (select s.c33 ,s.c55 from sourceTable1 s where d.column1 = s.c11) where d.column1 = 'country' exists( select * from table3 o where o.c2 > 1);

  • Example 2:

    update carbonTable1 d set (c3) = (select s.c33 from sourceTable1 s where d.column1 = s.c11) where exists( select * from iud.other o where o.c2 > 1);

  • Example 3:

    update carbonTable1 set (c2, c5 ) = (c2 + 1, concat(c5 , "y" ));

  • Example 4:

    update carbonTable1 d set (c2, c5 ) = (c2 + 1, "xyx") where d.column1 = 'india';

  • Example 5:

    update carbonTable1 d set (c2, c5 ) = (c2 + 1, "xyx") where d.column1 = 'india' and exists( select * from table3 o where o.column2 > 1);

System Response

Success or failure will be recorded in the driver log and on the client.