Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ Tools Guide/ obsbrowser (abandoned)/ Troubleshooting/ File Upload or Download Through OBS Browser Is Stuck
Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

File Upload or Download Through OBS Browser Is Stuck


  • When uploading or downloading a large file through OBS Browser, you are prompted by the message max call stack size exceeded in the middle of the upload or download process.
  • When a folder is being uploaded through OBS Browser, the operating system returns an I/O status exception and the upload progress stays at 99.99%.
  • When a large file is being uploaded through OBS Browser, the progress bar does not respond and the upload keeps waiting.


The preceding problems are caused by earlier OBS Browser versions. You can upgrade your OBS Browser to the latest version and the problems will be resolved.

It is recommended that you enable the automatic update check function of OBS Browser to obtain the latest version in time.

To enable the function, perform the following steps: Settings > System Configuration > Other > Auto Check for Latest Version.