Help Center/ Cloud Certificate Manager/ FAQs/ SSL Certificate Application and Purchase/ Troubleshooting/ Can I Change Certificate Information After I Submit a Certificate Application?
Updated on 2023-04-27 GMT+08:00

Can I Change Certificate Information After I Submit a Certificate Application?

What Information Changes or Incorrect Information Will Affect the Certificate Approval?

The certificate approval will be affected if all information except the contact name is incorrect.

Which of the Following Information Changes or Incorrect Information Will Affect the Certificate Use?

Table 1 Whether the certificate use will be affected by the information changes or incorrect information


SSL Certificate Affected

Domain name


Contact name



When you apply for a certificate, the company contact or authorizing person information entered in Company Contact/Authorizing Person Information is used for verification only and not included in the certificate after the certificate is issued.

If the information is changed, the certificate use is not affected and no action is required.

Contact mobile number

Address of the company


Business scope of the company


Can I Change Certificate Information After I Submit a Certificate Application?

  1. Check whether the incorrect information affects the approval or use of the certificate.
    • If yes, go to 2.
    • If no, performed the corresponding operations based on the actual situation.
      • If the certificate is not issued, perform the subsequent operations and wait for the certificate to be approved.
      • If the certificate is issued, no actions are required, and you can use the certificate.
  2. Check whether the certificate is issued.
    • If the certificate has not been issued:

      If you have submitted a certificate application but then discover there are incorrect details included, you can withdraw the application.

      For details, see Withdrawing an SSL Certificate Application.

    • If the certificate has been issued:
      • For single-domain or wildcard-domain certificate, you can change certificate information within the specified period by reissuing certificates after the certificates are issued. The specified period varies depending on CAs and domain types. (DigiCert and GeoTrust: 25 days). For details, see Reissuing an SSL Certificate. For free and multi-domain certificates, certificate information cannot be changed after they are issued. In this case, buy another certificate. For details, see Purchasing a Certificate.
      • If your certificate has been issued and is out of the allowable reissue period, you need to purchase a new certificate if there is incorrect information in the certificate or the certificate information needs to be changed. The allowable reissue period varies depending on CAs. DigiCert and GeoTrust allow you to apply for a reissue within 25 days after the certificate is issued.