Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Parsing Responses

After receiving and interpreting a request message, the server returns an HTTP response message.

A response also consists of three parts: a status line, a response header, and a response body.

Status Line

The format of the status line is as follows:

HTTP-Version Status-Code Reason-Phrase CRLF
  • HTTP-Version indicates the version of the HTTP protocol used by the server.
  • Status-Code indicates the status code in the response returned by the server.

    A status code consists of three digits. The first digit defines the category of a response. There are five possible values for the first digit:

    • 1xx: informational response, indicating that the request has been received and the recipient is continuing to process the request.
    • 2xx: success response, indicating that the request has been received, understood, and accepted.
    • 3xx: redirection response, indicating that further actions need to be taken to complete the request.
    • 4xx: client error response, indicating that the request contains a syntax error or cannot be fulfilled.
    • 5xx: server error response, indicating that the server has failed to fulfill a valid request.
  • Reason-Phrase indicates the text description of a status code.

Response Header

For details about common response headers, see Table 1.

Response Body

A response body is a JSON text. If an error occurs in calling an API, the server returns a response body containing an error code and error description.