Updated on 2024-02-04 GMT+08:00

CBR and Other Services

CBR-related Services

Table 1 CBR-related services


Related Service


CBR backs up data of an ECS and uses the backup to restore data for the ECS. You can also create images from ECS backups and use the images to quickly provision ECSs to restore services.


Creating a Cloud Server Backup

Creating a Cloud Disk Backup

CBR backs up data of a BMS and uses the backup to restore data for the BMS. The backup and management processes for BMSs and ECSs are the same.


What Is CBR?

Creating a Cloud Server Backup

CBR backs up data of SFS Turbo file systems and uses the backup to create new file systems to restore lost or corrupted data.


Creating an SFS Turbo Backup

CBR stores backups securely in OBS.


What Is CBR?

CBR backs up data of EVS disks and uses the backup to create new disks.