What's New

Updated on 2024/12/24 GMT+08:00

The tables below describe the functions released in each Data Lake Factory version and corresponding documentation updates. New features will be successively launched in each region.

May 2019







Released new features such as copying a job and script, and disabling and resuming the node that carries an event-driven subjob of a real-time job.

  • Copy a job.
  • Copy a script.
  • Disable and resume the node that carries an event-driven subjob of a real-time job.
  • Allow to specify the rerun position when a job instance is rerun on the instance monitoring page.
  • Add the event-driven subjob page on the real-time job monitoring page. On the event-driven subjob page, you can perform operations such as rerunning the subjob instance, forcing the subjob instance to succeed, and viewing the event content of the subjob instance.

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