Updated on 2024-07-25 GMT+08:00

Security Reports

WAF can generate daily, weekly, monthly, or custom reports based on the report templates you have created. Reports will be sent to you in the way and within the time range you configure.


  • WAF offers a quota for creating report templates.
    • Cloud mode - professional edition: 10
    • Cloud mode - platinum or dedicated edition: 20
    • Cloud mode - standard edition: 5
  • WAF stores security reports for six months only. You are advised to regularly download reports to meet compliance and audit requirements.

Creating a Report Template

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner and choose Web Application Firewall under Security & Compliance.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Reports.
  5. In the upper left corner of the list, click Create Report Template. Table 1 describes the parameters.

    Figure 1 Create Report Template
    Table 1 Parameters for creating a report template



    Example Value

    Data Source

    Enterprise projects the current report covers.

    All projects

    Report Template Name

    Name of the custom security report template.


    Report Type

    • Daily

      Statistical period: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 every day

      A report will be sent to the recipients the day after it is generated.

    • Weekly

      Statistical period: 00:00:00 on Monday to 23:59:59 on Sunday

      A report will be sent to the recipients the next Monday after it is generated.

    • Monthly

      Statistical period: 00:00:00 on the first day of each month to 23:59:59 on the last day of that month

      A report will be sent to the recipients on the first day of the month after it is generated.

    • Custom

      Customize the log statistics period.


    Data Scope

    If Report Type is set to Custom, you need to set Statistical Period.


    Send Report

    Set the time range for sending daily reports.

    • Daily, weekly, and monthly reports: WAF sends protection log reports to recipients every day, every Monday, and on the first day of each month, respectively.
    • Custom: The report will be sent after it is generated.


    Send Report To

    You can enable either of the following ways, or both, to receive security reports:

    • Message Center: Click in the upper right corner of the page to access the message center and add recipient information.
    • SMN Topic: Select a topic from the drop-down list or click Create SMN Topic to create one and configure recipients.

    If you do not want to send the report to your mailbox, select Do not send reports to the email address..

    SMN Topic

  6. Click Next: Set Report Content and select the content you want the report to include.

    Figure 2 Select Report Content

  7. Click Save Report.

Downloading a Report

WAF stores security reports for six months only. You are advised to regularly download reports to meet compliance and audit requirements.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the management console and select a region or project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner and choose Web Application Firewall under Security & Compliance.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Reports.
  5. In the row containing the desired report template, click Download New Report in the Operation column.

Related Operations

  • By default, report templates are enabled once they are created. To disable a report template, locate the row containing the report template you want to disable and choose More > Disable in the Operation column.
  • To delete a report template, locate the row containing the report template you want to delete and choose More > Delete in the Operation column.
  • To copy a report template, locate the row containing the report template you want to copy and choose More > Copy in the Operation column.
  • To edit a report template, locate the row containing the report template you want to edit and choose More > Edit in the Operation column.