Updated on 2024-10-14 GMT+08:00

Installing a PostgreSQL Client

PostgreSQL provides client installation methods for different OSs on its official website.

The following describes how to install a PostgreSQL 12 client in CentOS.


  1. Log in to an ECS.

    1. When you create an ECS, select an OS like CentOS 7 and bind an EIP to it.
    2. Use a remote connection tool to connect to the ECS through the EIP.

  2. Open the client installation page.
  3. Select a DB engine version, OS, and OS architecture, and run the following commands on the ECS to install a PostgreSQL client.

    sudo yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
    Figure 1 Installing a client
    • Select a DB engine version that is consistent with that of your RDS for PostgreSQL instance.
    • Select an OS that is consistent with that of the ECS.
    • Select an OS architecture that is consistent with that of the ECS.
    Figure 2 Installing the RPM package
    Figure 3 Client installed

  4. Connect to the RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

    Figure 4 Connection successful