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Customizing Extensions on the GUI

Updated on 2025-01-22 GMT+08:00

Creating an Extension

  1. Access the CodeArts Pipeline homepage.
  2. On the CodeArts Pipeline homepage, choose Services > Extensions.
  3. Click .
  4. Set basic information. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Extension information




    Icon of the extension. Upload an image in PNG, JPEG, or JPG format, with a file size no more than 512 KB (recommended: 128 x 128 pixels). If no image is uploaded, the system generates an icon.


    The extension name displayed in the extension platform. Enter only spaces, letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.) with a maximum of 50 characters.

    Unique Identifier

    ID of the extension. Once set, this parameter cannot be changed. Enter only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) with a maximum of 50 characters.


    Type of the extension, which can be Build, Check, Test, Deploy, or Normal. Once set, this parameter cannot be changed.


    Purposes and functions of the extension. The description can be edited. Enter no more than 1,000 characters.

  5. Click Next. On the Version Information page, set the version and description.

    • Version of the extension, in X.X.X format. Each digit ranges from 0 to 99.
    • Version information of the extension cannot be modified later.

  6. Click Next. The Input page is displayed. Configure widgets as needed.

    You can drag and drop widgets to generate visual forms and to streamline pipeline contexts. Multiple preset widgets are available: Single-line Text Box, Digit, Single-selection Drop-down List, Multi-selection Drop-down List, Option Button, Switch, Multi-line Text Box, and so on.

    Figure 1 Orchestrating widgets

    Drag required widgets to the middle area. Click a widget and configure its parameters on the right part of the page.

    Table 2 Widget parameters






    Unique Identifier

    Unique ID of the widget. The ID is used to obtain widget input. Enter only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) with a maximum of 200 characters.



    Name of the widget. The name will be displayed on the pipeline job orchestration page. Enter no more than 140 characters.



    Tooltip of the widget. Enter no more than 1,000 characters.



    Informative message displayed in the text box. For example, what value should be input.

    Single-line Text Box


    Number of decimal places allowed in a widget value: 0 to 4.


    Default Value

    Default value of the widget.

    Single-line Text Box, Digit, Switch, Multi-line Text Box, and Metrics



    Whether the widget content is mandatory. Error messages can be set.

    Single-line Text Box, Digit, Single-selection Drop-down List, Multi-selection Drop-down List, Option Button, and Multi-line Text Box

    RegEx Validation

    Verifies the widget content. You can set error messages.

    Single-line Text Box, Digit, Single-selection Drop-down List, Multi-selection Drop-down List, and Multi-line Text Box

    Word limit

    Max. widget characters.

    Multi-line Text Box



    Options available for the widget. Click to add an option. Click to delete an option.

    • Option name: option displayed on the extension configuration page.
    • Value: value delivered when the extension is running.

    In addition to manual configuration, set options by:

    • APIs: Set options by configuring web APIs. Click on the right. On the displayed dialog box, you can configure parameters after enabling the function. For details, see Table 3.
    • Context: Configure data source to obtain the URL of the pipeline source or IDs of build jobs. Click next to Custom. The context dialog box is displayed. You can configure parameters after enabling the function.

    Single-selection Drop-down List, Multi-selection Drop-down List, and Option Button



    Whether the widget is visible. You can click on the right to set display conditions.



    Whether the widget is disabled (not disabled by default). You can click on the right to set conditions.


    Table 3 API parameters




    By enabling the function, you can set options by configuring APIs.

    Linked Attribute

    Associates the selected widgets with the API to transfer parameters. When a widget value is changed, the new value is used to call the API again.


    Only HTTPS protocol is supported.

    Returned Data Path

    The widget used must be list data. In the following response body example, the returned data path is result.parameters.

        "result": {
            "total": 2,
            "parameters": [
                    "id": 3353753,
                    "name": "parameters01"
                    "id": 3353697,
                    "name": "parameters02"
        "status": "success"

    Option Value

    Set this parameter to the value of the corresponding field in the returned data path. This parameter is delivered when the extension is running.

    Option Name

    Set this parameter to the value of the corresponding field in the returned data path. This parameter is displayed on the extension configuration page.


    Params parameters of the API request body.


    Header parameters of the API request body.

    Remote Search

    Enable this function to add a remote search field. For extension search, the entered value will be used as the value of the remote search field to call the API again.

    • Params parameter: The parameter type of the search field is the Params parameters of the API request body.
    • Body parameter: The parameter type of the search field is the Body parameters of the API request body.

  7. Click Next. On the displayed Orchestration page, you can add the ExecuteShellCommand extension.

    • ExecuteShellCommand: executes shell commands entered by users.

      Enter shell commands. Commands will be executed when a pipeline calls the extension.


      The commands indicate the actual service logic implementation process of an extension. For more input and output configurations, see Customizing Shell Commands.

  8. Click Next. On the Output page, click Add Configuration to configure output information, including output, link, table, and metric. After the pipeline is executed, go to the job result page to check the extension execution results. The result information is displayed by result type.

    • output: displayed on the Others card. It outputs data together with shell commands.
    • metric: displayed on the Others card. It outputs metric thresholds. The thresholds information can be referenced in an extension and finally applied to pipelines.
    • link: displayed on the Link card. You can click the link to go to the corresponding page.
    • table: displayed on the Tabular Data page. It is an object array and displays the array information in a table.

  9. After the configuration, click Release or Release Draft.

    • Draft release
      Click Release Draft to release a test version.
      • You can configure a draft extension in a pipeline for debugging. After debugging, the draft extension can be officially released, so that other members of the current tenant can use the extension.
      • All draft versions are marked with Draft.
      • Only one draft is allowed. If there is already a draft, no more versions can be created until you officially release or delete the draft.
    • Official release

      Click Release to release an official version. An official extension has a unique version number. All members of the current tenant can use this version in a pipeline.

Customizing Shell Commands

When registering an extension or creating an extension version, you can use shell commands to implement service logic. The commands usually involve interaction with all kinds of data during pipeline execution. This section describes how to implement extension logic through data input and output.

  • Data Input

    The obtained data consists of low-code GUI input, pipeline run parameters, and other information.

    • Low-code GUI input: Obtain the low-code user interface output using environment variables, for example, echo ${Widget ID}.
    • Pipeline run parameters: Some pipeline run parameters will be delivered to environment variables, as shown in the following table.
      Table 4 Pipeline environment variables




      Step name of the pipeline.


      Step ID of the pipeline.


      Version of the extension.


      Pipeline ID.


      Pipeline execution ID.


      Extension name.


      Project ID.


      Job ID of the pipeline.


      Directory for storing the file of extension execution result. The ${STEP_ID}_result.json and ${STEP_ID}_metrics.json files are written to this directory to report the execution result to the pipeline.

    • Other information: Obtain information by interacting with external data through Git, Wget, and Curl.
  • Data Output

    Once executed, the custom extension can read file information in a specified path and obtain the metric data output.

    1. On the configuration page, configure the thresholds output of the extension.
    2. During development, the ${STEP_ID}_result.json and ${STEP_ID}_metrics.json files are stored in a specified path so that metric values can be parsed.
      Table 5 Output files




      The output is a text file in {"par1":123, "par2":456} format. After the pipeline is executed, the result will be displayed as the corresponding task result.


      Only extensions of the check type can display the result.


      The output is a text file in {"par1":123, "par2":456} format. The Metrics widget should be configured. After the extension is executed, the threshold configured for the Metrics widget and the content of ${STEP_ID}_metrics.json are parsed for pipeline pass conditions. Notes:

      • During parsing, empty key values in the Metrics widget will be ignored.
      • If the key value configured for the Metrics widget cannot be found in the ${STEP_ID}_result.json file, the specified threshold value will be used.

      Example: par1 and par2 for task result display; par3 and par4 for pass conditions. The sample code is as follows:

      # Optionally, construct the extension output.
      echo '{"par1":100,"par2":200}' > ${RESULT_MSG_PATH}/${STEP_ID}_result.json
      echo '{"par3":300,"par4":400}' > ${RESULT_MSG_PATH}/${STEP_ID}_metrics.json
    3. After the extension run is complete, click the extension card to view the output.

      If policies are configured for the current extension and applied to the pipeline pass conditions, click the pass conditions to check the check status.

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