Updated on 2024-07-05 GMT+08:00

Tag Policy Syntax

Basic Syntax

The following tag policy shows basic tag policy syntax:

    "tags": {
        "costcenter": {                 <!-- policy key -->
            "tag_key": {
                "@@assign": "CostCenter"                 <!-- tag key -->
            "tag_value": {
                "@@assign": [
                    "100",                 <!-- policy value -->
            "enforced_for": {                 <!-- enforcement -->
                "@@assign": [
                    "apig:instance"                 <!-- service or resource type -->
  • Policy key: A policy key uniquely identifies a policy statement. It must match the value for the tag key, except for the case treatment.
  • Tag key: The value for the tag key must match the value for the policy key. But since the policy key value is case insensitive, the capitalization can be different. If the tag key is not defined, lowercase is the default case treatment for tag keys. In this example, costcenter is the policy key and CostCenter is the tag key, and CostCenter is the case treatment that is required for compliance with the tag policy. If the policy key is set to CostCenter and the tag key is not defined, the lowercase costcenter will be the case treatment required for tag compliance evaluation.
  • Policy value: A list of one or more acceptable tag values for the tag key. If you do not specify tag values for a tag key, any value (including no value at all) is considered compliant.
  • Enforcement: An enforced_for field indicates whether to prevent any non-compliant tagging operations on specified services and resources. If you do not specify any services or resource types in a tag policy, the tag policy will not apply to any resources.
  • Wildcard: You can use the wildcard (*) in tag values and the enforced_for field provided that you adhere to the following rules:
    • You can use only one wildcard for each tag value. For example, *@example.com is allowed, but *@*.com is not.
    • For the enforced_for field, you can use <service>:* to enable enforcement for all resources for a service, but you cannot use a wildcard to specify all services or specify a resource of all services.

Inheritance Operators

In the preceding example tag policy, the operator @@assign used in the tag key, tag value, and enforcement is an inheritance operator.

Inheritance operators specify how directly attached tag policies and inherited tag policies are merged into the account's effective tag policy. Such operators include value-setting operators and child control operators.

  • Value-setting operators
    You can use the following value-setting operators to control how your policy interacts with its parent policies.
    Table 1 Value-setting operators




    Overwrites any inherited policy settings with the specified setting. If the specified setting is not inherited, this operator adds it to the effective tag policy. This operator can apply to any policy setting of any type.

    For single-valued settings, this operator replaces the inherited value with the specified value.

    For multi-valued settings (JSON arrays), this operator removes all inherited values and replaces them with the values specified for this policy.


    Adds the specified settings to the inherited settings, without deleting any settings. If the specified setting is not inherited, this operator adds it to the effective tag policy. You can only use this operator with multi-valued settings.

    This operator adds the specified value to any values in the inherited array.


    Removes the specified inherited setting (if there is one) from the effective policy. You can only use this operator with multi-valued settings.

    This operator removes only the specified values from the array of values inherited from the parent policies. Other values can be retained in the array and inherited by child policies.

  • Child control operators

    Child control operators specify which value-setting operators child OUs and accounts can use in child policies. By default, all operators (@@all) are allowed.

    • "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies":["@@all"] indicates that child OUs and accounts can use any operator in policies. By default, all operators are allowed in child policies.
    • "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies":["@@assign", "@@append", "@@remove"] indicates that child OUs and accounts can use only the specified operators in child policies. You can specify one or more value-setting operators in this child control operator.
    • "@@operators_allowed_for_child_policies":["@@none"] indicates that child OUs and accounts cannot use operators in policies. You can use this operator to effectively lock the values defined in a parent policy so that the child policies cannot add, append, or delete those values.