1 |
tf.nn.avg_pool |
Type: Mean |
- value: 4D tensor of type float32, with shape [batch, height, width, channels]
- ksize: list or tuple of four integers, each value corresponding to the window size for each dimension of the input tensor.
- strides: list or tuple of four integers. Each value corresponding to the stride of the sliding window for each dimension of the input tensor.
- padding: string, either VALID or SAME
- data_format: string, either NHWC (default) or NCHW
- name: (optional) string
- kernelH ≤ inputH + padTop + padBottom
- kernelW ≤ inputW + padLeft + padRight
- padTop < windowH
- padBottom < windowH
- padLeft < windowW
- padRight < windowW
In addition to common restrictions, the following restrictions must be satisfied.
The global pooling mode supports only the following scenarios:
- outputH == 1 && outputW == 1 && kernelH ≥ inputH && kernelW ≥ inputW
- inputH*inputW ≤ 10,000
Tensor of the identical data type as value
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
2 |
tf.nn.max_pool |
MaxPool |
Same as tf.nn.avg_pool |
3 |
tf.nn.conv2d |
Conv2D |
- value: 4D tensor, with shape [batch, height, width, channels]
- Data type: float32
- filter: constant tensor, with same data type and dimensions as value, with shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]
- strides: non-null list or tuple of four integers, each value corresponding to the stride of the sliding window for each dimension of the input tensor
- padding: non-null string, either VALID or SAME
- data_format: non-null string, either NHWC (default) or NCHW
- dilations: (optional) list of four integers, default to [1,1,1,1], each value corresponding to a dimension. If k > 1, k – 1 units are skipped at the corresponding dimension in filtering. The dimension sequence is determined by data_format. The values of batch and depth of dilations must be 1.
- name: (optional) string
- (inputW + padWHead + padWTail) ≥ (((FilterW-1) x dilationW) + 1)
- (inputW + padWHead + padWTail)/StrideW + 1 ≤ INT32_MAX
- (inputH + padHHead + padHTail) ≥ (((FilterH-1) x dilationH) + 1)
- (inputH + padHHead + padHTail)/StrideH + 1 ≤ INT32_MAX
- 0 ≤ Pad < 256, 0 < FilterSize < 256, 0 < Stride < 64, 1 ≤ dilationsize < 256
Tensor of the identical data type as value
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
4 |
tf.concat |
Concat |
- values: list of tensor objects or a single tensor. The values of dimensions must be the same except the dimensions to be concatenated.
- axis: 0D tensor of type int32, specifying the dimension to be concatenated. The value range is [–rank(values), rank(values)]. As in Python, indexing for axis is 0-based. Positive axis in the range [0, rank(values)) refers to axis-th dimension, while negative axis refers to [axis + rank(values)]-th dimension.
For the input tensor, the sizes of its dimensions must be the same except the dimension for concatenation.
The range of the input tensor count is [1, 1000].
Tensor, resulting from concatenation of the input tensors
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
5 |
tf.matmul |
MatMul |
- a: non-constant tensor of type float32, rank ≥ 2
- b: constant tensor with the same data type and rank as a
- transpose_a: The value true indicates that a is transposed before multiplication.
- transpose_b: The value true indicates that b is transposed before multiplication. If transpose_a is false, transpose_b is also false.
- adjoint_a: The value true indicates that a is conjugated and transposed before multiplication.
- adjoint_b: The value true indicates that b is conjugated and transposed before multiplication.
- a_is_sparse: The value true indicates that a is treated as a sparse matrix.
- b_is_sparse: The value true indicates that b is treated as a sparse matrix.
- name: optional
- The transposing property of weight is false.
- The multiplication of two tensors is not supported. Only one tensor by one constant is supported.
Tensor of the identical data type as a and b
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
6 |
tf.nn.fused_batch_norm |
FusedBatchNorm |
- x: 4D tensor of type float32
- scale: 1D tensor for scaling
- offset: 1D tensor for bias
- mean: 1D tensor for population mean used for inference
- variance: 1D tensor for population variance used for inference
- epsilon: small float number added to the variance of x
- data_format: data format for x, either NHWC (default) or NCHW
- is_training: bool, specifying whether the operation is used for training or inference
- name: (optional) operation name
shape of scale, bias, mean, and var: (1, C, 1, 1), with the C dimensions equal to that of the input
- y: 4D tensor for the normalized, scaled, offset x
- batch_mean: 1D tensor for the mean of x
- batch_var: 1D Tensor for the variance of x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
7 |
tf.abs |
Abs |
- x: tensor or sparse tensor of type float32
- name: (optional) operation name
Returns the absolute value of x, tensor or sparse tensor. The size and type are the same as those of x.
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
8 |
tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor |
ResizeNearestNeighbor |
- images: 4D tensor of type float32, with shape [batch, height, width, channels] or 3D tensor of type float32 with shape [height, width, channels]
- size: 1D 2-element constant tensor, indicating the new size for the images
- method: ResizeMethod.NEARESTNEIGHBOR
- align_corners: bool, default to False. The value True indicates that the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and output tensors are aligned and the values at the corner pixels are preserved.
Tensor of type float, with the identical shape as the input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
9 |
tf.image.resize_bilinear |
ResizeBilinear |
- images: 4D non-constant tensor of type float32, with shape [batch, height, width, channels]
- size: 1D 2-element constant tensor, indicating the new size for the images
- method: ResizeMethod.BILINEAR
- align_corners: bool, default to False. The value True indicates that the centers of the 4 corner pixels of the input and output tensors are aligned and the values at the corner pixels are preserved.
(outputH x outputW)/(inputH x inputW) > 1/7
Tensor of type float, with the identical shape as the input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
10 |
tf.cast |
Cast |
Type: float32, int32, bool, int64, int16, int8, uint8, uint16, double
- x: Tensor, SparseTensor, or IndexedSlices
- dtype: destination type, same as the data type of x
- name: optional
Tensor, SparseTensor, or IndexedSlices with the same dtype and shape as the input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
11 |
tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d |
DepthwiseConv2dNative |
- input: 4D
- filter: 4D constant, with shape [filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier]
- strides: non-null list of four integers, each value corresponding to the stride of the sliding window for each dimension of the input tensor
- padding: string, either VALID or SAME
- rate: 1D of size 2. The dilation rate in which we sample input values across the height and width dimensions in atrous convolution. If i\t is greater than 1, then all values of strides must be 1.
- data_format: data format for input, either NHWC (default) or NCHW
- name: optional
filterN = inputC = group
4D tensor, with shape according to data_format. For example, for format NHWC, shape = [batch, out_height, out_width, in_channels * channel_multiplier]
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
12 |
tf.reshape |
Reshape |
- tensor: 1 tensor input
- shape: constant tensor of type int64 or int, indicating the output shape
- name: (optional) operation name
Tensor of the identical data type as input
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
13 |
tf.squeeze |
Squeeze |
- input: non-constant tensor
- axis: list of ints, specifying the dimensions to be squeezed, default to []. It is an error to squeeze a dimension that is not 1.
- name: (optional) operation name
- squeeze_dims: (deprecated) exclusive with axis
Tensor, with the same data and type as input, but has one or more dimensions of size 1 removed.
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
14 |
tf.expand_dims |
ExpandDims |
- inuput: 1 tensor input
- axis: 0D (scalar), specifying the dimension index of the extended input shape
- name: name of the output tensor
- dim: 0D (scalar), equivalent to axis (deprecated)
Tensor with the same data as input, but its shape has an additional dimension of size 1 added
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
15 |
tf.greater |
Greater |
- x: 1 tensor input
- y: scalar
- name: (optional) operation name
Broadcasting is supported, so the shape of x and shape of y are compared. For a right-aligned dimension, if the values of xdim[i] and ydim[i] are not the same, one of them must be 1 or missing.
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
16 |
tf.nn.relu |
Relu |
- features: non-constant tensor
- name: (optional) operation name
Tensor of the identical data type as features
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
17 |
tf.nn.relu6 |
Relu6 |
- features: non-constant tensor
- name: (optional) operation name
Tensor of the identical data type as features
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
18 |
tf.nn.leaky_relu |
/ |
- features: non-constant tensor representing pre-activation values
- alpha: slope of the activation function at x < 0
- name: (optional) operation name
Activation value
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
19 |
tf.exp |
exp |
- x: tensor of type float32 or double
- name: (optional) operation name
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
20 |
tf.nn.conv2d_transpose |
Conv2DBackpropInput |
- value: 4D tensor with shape [batch, height, width, in_channels] for NHWC data format or [batch, in_channel, height, width] for NCHW data format
- filter: 4D constant tensor with shape [height, width, output_channels, in_channels]
- output_shape: 1D tensor, indicating the output shape
- strides: non-null list of integers, each value corresponding to the stride of the sliding window for each dimension of the input tensor
- padding: non-null string, either VALID or SAME
- data_format: non-null string, either NHWC or NCHW
- name: (optional) output name
- group = 1
- dilation = 1
- filterH - padHHead - 1 ≥ 0
- filterW - padWHead - 1 ≥ 0
Restrictions involving intermediate variables:
- a = ALIGN(filter_num, 16) x ALIGN(filter_c, 16) x filter_h x filter_w x 2
- If ALIGN(filter_c, 16)%32 = 0, a = a/2
- conv_input_width = (deconvolution input W – 1) x strideW + 1
- b = (conv_input_width) x filter_h x ALIGN(filter_num, 16) x 2 x 2
- a + b <= 1024*1024
Tensor of the identical data type as value
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
21 |
tf.sigmoid |
Sigmoid |
- x: 1 tensor input
- name: (optional) operation name
Tensor of the identical data type as value
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
22 |
tf.add |
Add |
- x: Tensor of type float32 or int32
- y: Tensor of the identical data type as x. For two constant inputs, one of them is a scalar.
- name: (optional) operation name
If the two inputs have inconsistent dimensions, broadcasting (that is, dimension padding) is performed.
Broadcasting is supported in the following scenarios:
- NHWC + NHWC, NHWC + scalar
- NHWC + 1 1 1 1
- NHWC + W, HWC + W, HW + W (W-based broadcasting)
- NCHW + NH1C, HWC + H1C, HW + H1
- HWC + 1 WC (H-based broadcasting)
The input sequence of the two tensors is not fixed.
Tensor of the identical data type as y
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
23 |
tf.multiply |
Type: Mul |
- x: Tensor of type float32 or int32
- y: Tensor of the identical data type as x. If two constants are input, their dimensions must be identical (scalar or 1D tensor)
- name: (optional) operation name
If the two inputs have inconsistent dimensions, broadcasting (that is, dimension padding) is performed.
Broadcasting is supported in the following scenarios:
- NHWC + NHWC, NHWC + scalar
- NHWC + 1 1 1 1
- NHWC + W, HWC + W, HW + W (W-based broadcasting)
- NCHW + NH1C, HWC + H1C, HW + H1
- HWC + 1 WC (H-based broadcasting)
The input sequence of the two tensors is not fixed.
1 tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
24 |
tf.subtract |
Type: Sub |
- x: 1 tensor input
- y: Tensor of the identical data type as x, constant or non-constant
- name: (optional) operation name
If the two inputs have inconsistent dimensions, broadcasting (that is, dimension padding) is performed.
Broadcasting is supported in the following scenarios:
- NHWC + NHWC, NHWC + scalar
- NHWC + 1 1 1 1
- NHWC + W, HWC + W, HW + W (W-based broadcasting)
- NCHW + NH1C, HWC + H1C, HW + H1
- HWC + 1 WC (H-based broadcasting)
The input sequence of the two tensors is not fixed.
1 tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
25 |
tf.nn.bias_add |
BiasAdd |
- value: non-constant tensor
- bias: 1D constant tensor, with size matching the last dimension of value, of the same type as value unless value is a quantized type
- data_format: string, either NHWC or NCHW
- name: (optional) operation name
- C < 10,000
- input and bias must have the same data layout.
- When bias is added to the C dimension, the C dimensions of input and bias must of the same size.
Tensor of the identical data type as value
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
26 |
tf.nn.lrn |
- input: 4D tensor of type float32
- depth_radius: 0D of type int, default to 5, indicating the half-width of the 1D normalization window
- bias: (optional) float, default to 1, indicating the offset (usually positive to avoid dividing by 0)
- alpha: (optional) float, default to 1, indicating the scale factor, usually positive
- beta: (optional) float, default to 0.5, indicating an exponent
- name: (optional) operation name
- depth_radius is an odd number greater than 0.
- Inter-channel:
When depth_radius is within [1,15], alpha > 0.00001 and beta > 0.01; Otherwise, alpha and beta are of any values. When C > 1,776, depth_radius < 1,728.
Tensor of the identical data type as input
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
27 |
tf.nn.elu |
Elu |
- features: non-constant tensor
- name: optional
Tensor of the identical data type as features
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
28 |
tf.rsqrt |
Rsqrt |
- x: tensor input
- name: optional
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
29 |
tf.log |
Log |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: optional
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
30 |
tf.tanh |
Tanh |
- x: non-constant tensor
- name: optional
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
31 |
tf.slice |
Slice |
- input_: tensor input
- begin: tensor of type int32 or int64
- size: Tensor of type int32 or int64
- name: optional
The number of tensor elements cannot exceed INT32_MAX.
Tensor of the identical data type as input_
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
32 |
tf.split |
Split |
- value: tensor input
- num_or_size_splits: not supported
- axis: integer, specifying the dimension along which to split
- name: (optional), string
List of tensor objects resulting from splitting
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
33 |
tf.nn.softplus |
Softplus |
- features: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as features
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
34 |
tf.nn.softsign |
Softsign |
- features: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as features
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
35 |
tf.pad |
Excessive CPU usage usually means insufficient idle CPUs in the system. |
- tensor: 4D tensor of type float32 and int32
- paddings: constant tensor of type int32
- name: (optional), string
- constant_values: scalar pad value to use, of the identical data type as tensor.
In CONSTANT mode: 0 ≤ PAD ≤ 128, 0 < W ≤ 3000
Tensor of the identical data type as tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
36 |
tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars |
FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars |
- inputs: Tensor of type float32
- min: tensor of type float32
- max: tensor of type float32
- num_bits: scalar of type int, default to 8
- narrow_range: (optional) bool, default to False
- name: (optional), string
-65,504 ≤ min ≤ 65,504, -65,504 ≤ max ≤ 65,504
Tensor of type float32
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
37 |
tf.reduce_max |
Max |
- input_tensor: Tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, uint16, int16, int8
- axis: 1D list or scalar of type integer
- keepdims: bool, indicating whether to retain reduced dimensions with length 1
- name: (optional), string
- reduction_indices: (deprecated) equivalent to axis
- keep_dims: (deprecated) equivalent to keepdims
- When the input tensor has four dimensions: input axis = {3,{1,2,3}}, keepDims = true, H * W * 16 * 2 ≤ 16 * 1024
- When the input tensor has two dimensions: input axis = {1,{1}}, keepDims = true, H * W * CEIL(C, 16) * 16 * 2 ≤ 16 * 1024
Reduced Tensor of the identical data type as input_tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
38 |
tf.strided_slice |
StridedSlice |
- input: 1 tensor
- begin: 1D tensor of type int32
- end: 1D tensor of type int32
- strides: 1D tensor of type int32
- begin_mask: scalar of type int32
- end_mask: scalar of type int32
- ellipsis_mask: scalar of type int32
- new_axis_mask: scalar of type int32
- new_axis_mask: scalar of type int32
- var: variable corresponding to input_ or None
- name: (optional), string
strides ≠ 0
Tensor of the identical data type as input_
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
39 |
tf.reverse |
Reverse |
- tensor: list of tensor objects
- axis: int32 or int64, indicating the dimensions to reverse
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
40 |
tf.realdiv |
RealDiv |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- y: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
41 |
tf.stack |
Stack |
- values: list of tensor objects with the same shape and type (float32 or int32)
- axis: (mandatory) integer, indicating the axis to stack along, default to the first dimension
- name: optional
Stacked tensor of the identical data type as values
Mandatory attributes: T, N, and axis
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
42 |
tf.unstack |
Unpack |
- value: tensor (rank > 0) to be unstacked, of type float32 or int32
- num: integer, indicating the length of the dimension axis, default to None
- axis: (mandatory) integer, indicating the axis to unstack along, default to the first dimension
- name: optional
List of tensor objects unstacked from value
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
43 |
tf.transpose |
Transpose |
- a: tensor input
- perm: permutation of the dimensions of a
- name: optional
- conjugate: (optional) bool, default to False. Setting it to True is mathematically equivalent to tf.conj(tf.transpose(input))
Resulting tensor after transposition
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
44 |
tf.space_to_batch_nd |
SpaceToBatchND |
- input: ND tensor with shape input_shape = [batch] + spatial_shape + remaining_shape, where spatial_shape has M dimensions. The following data types are supported: uint8, int8, int16, uint16, int32, int64, and float32
- block_shape: 1D Tensor of type int32 or int64, with shape [M]. All values must be ≥ 1.
- paddings: 2D tensor of type int32 or int64, with shape [M, 2]. All values must be ≥ 0.
When the tensor rank is 4:
The length of blockShape must be 2, and the length of paddings must be 4.
- Element value of blockShape ≥ 1; Element value of paddings ≥ 0
- The padded H dimension is a multiple of blockShape[0], and the padded W dimension is a multiple of blockShape[1].
Tensor of the identical data type as input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
45 |
tf.batch_to_space_nd |
BatchToSpaceND |
- input: ND tensor with shape input_shape = [batch] + spatial_shape + remaining_shape, where spatial_shape has M dimensions. The following data types are supported: uint8, int8, int16, uint16, int32, int64, and float32
- block_shape: 1D Tensor of type int32 or int64, with shape [M]. All values must be ≥ 1.
- crops: 2D tensor of type int32 or int64, with shape [M, 2]. All values must be ≥ 0.
- The element data type of blockShape and crops must be int32. When the dimension count of the tensor is 4, the length of blockShape must be 2, and the length of crops must be 4.
- Element value of blockShape ≥ 1; Element value of crops ≥ 0; for the crops array: crop_start[i] + crop_end[i] < block_shape[i] * input_shape[i+1]
Tensor of the identical data type as images
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
46 |
tf.extract_image_patches |
ExtractImagePatches |
- images: 4D tensor with shape [batch, in_rows, in_cols, depth], must be one of the following types: float32, int32, int64, uint8, int8, uint16, and int16
- ksizes: list of ints with length ≥ 4
- strides: list of ints, must be [1, stride_rows, stride_cols, 1]
- rate: list of ints, must be [1, rate_rows, rate_cols, 1]
- padding: string, either VALID or SAME. VALID indicates that the selected patch area must be completely included in the source image. SAME indicates that the part that exceeds the source image is padded with 0.
- name: optional
Tensor of the identical data type as images
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
47 |
tf.floormod |
FloorMod |
- x: Tensor of type float32 or int32
- y: Tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: optional
Broadcasting is supported, so the shape of x and shape of y are compared. For a right-aligned dimension, if the values of xdim[i] and ydim[i] are not the same, one of them must be 1 or missing.
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
48 |
tf.nn.softmax |
Softmax |
- logits: non-null Tensor of type float32
- axis: dimension softmax to be performed on, default to –1, indicating the last dimension. The value cannot be greater than the rank of logits.
- name: optional
- dim: (deprecated) equivalent to axis
- Softmax can be performed on each of the four input dimensions.
According to axis:
When axis = 1: C ≤ ((256 x 1024/4) – 8 x 1024 – 256)/2
When axis = 0: n ≤ (56 x 1024 – 256)/2
When axis = 2: W = 1, 0 < h < (1024 x 1024/32)
When axis = 3: 0 < W < (1024 x 1024/32)
- If the input contains fewer than four dimensions, softmax is performed only on the last dimension, with the last dimension ≤ 46,080.
Tensor of the identical type and shape as logits
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
49 |
tf.math.pow |
Power |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- y: Tensor of type float32
- name: optional
power! = 1
scale*x + shift > 0
1 tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
50 |
tf.placeholder |
- |
- dype: (mandatory) data type
- shape: (mandatory) shape of the tensor to be fed
1 tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
51 |
tf.shape |
Shape |
- input: Tensor or SparseTensor
- name: (optional), string
- out_type: data type for the output tensor, either int32 (default) or int64
Tensor of the data type specified by out_type
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
52 |
tf.math.argmax |
ArgMax |
- input: Tensor, must be one of the following types: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, int64, float32
- axis: 1 tensor of type: int32 or int64
- out_type: data type for the output tensor, either int32 or int64 (default)
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the data type specified by out_type
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
53 |
tf.gather |
GatherV2 |
- params: 1 tensor, must be at least rank axis + 1
- indices: tensor of type int32 or int64, must be in range [0, params.shape[axis])
- axis: output tensor of type int32 or int64, specifying the axis in params to gather indices from, rank = 0
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as params
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
54 |
tf.gather_nd |
GatherNd |
- params: 1 tensor, must be at least rank axis + 1
- indices: 1 tensor of type: int32 or int64
- name: (optional), string
- indices: The last dimension of indices can be at most the rank of params.
- The elements in the last dimension of indices correspond to the coordinates along a dimension of params. Therefore, the coordinate rules must be met.
- The coordinates of the corresponding dimension in the indices cannot exceed the dimension size.
Tensor of the identical data type as params
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
55 |
tf.math.floordiv |
FloorDiv |
- x: Tensor of type float32 or int32
- y: Tensor, denominator of type float32 or int32
- name: (optional), string
Broadcasting is supported, so the shape of x and shape of y are compared. For a right-aligned dimension, if the values of xdim[i] and ydim[i] are not the same, one of them must be 1 or missing.
Tensor, floor (x/y)
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
56 |
tf.range |
Range |
- start: start constant scalar of type float32 or int32
- limit: end constant scalar of type float32 or int32
- delta: stride constant scalar of type float32 or int32
- dtype: data type of the resulting tensor
- name: (optional), string
1 1D tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
57 |
tf.tile |
Tile |
- input: Tensor, must be one of the following types:
int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, int64, float32
- multiples: 1D constant tensor of type int32. The length must be the same as that of input.
- name: (optional), string
1 tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
58 |
tf.size |
Size |
- input: tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
- out_type: data type for the output tensor, default to int32
Tensor of the data type specified by out_type
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
59 |
tf.fill |
Fill |
- dims: 1D tensor of type int32
- value: variable of type int32 or float32
- name: (optional), string
The following padding modes are supported: Constant, GivenTensor, Range, Diagonal, Gaussian, MSRA, Uniform, UniformInt, UniqueUniform, and XavierFill. When the Uniform, UniformInt, UniqueUniform, and xavier padding modes are used, the value range of the generated value is [min, max).
Tensor of the identical data type as value
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
60 |
tf.concat |
Concat |
- value: list of tensor objects of type int32 or float32
- axis: int32, indicating the dimensions to concatenate
- name: (optional), string
For the input tensor, the sizes of its dimensions must be the same except the dimension for concatenation.
The range of the input tensor count is [1, 1000].
1 tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
Yes |
61 |
tf.reverse |
Reverse |
- tensor: list of tensor objects
- axis: int32, indicating the dimensions to reverse
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
62 |
tf. reduce_sum |
sum |
- input_tensor: tensor input
- axis: int32, indicating the dimensions to sum up
- keepdims: bool, indicating whether to retain reduced dimensions
- name: (optional), string
- reduction_indices: (deprecated) string, equivalent to axis
- keep_dims: deprecated alias for keepdims
Tensor of the identical data type as tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
63 |
tf. math.maximum |
Maximum |
- max: tensor, must be one of the following types: int32, int64, float32
- y: tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: (optional), string
Broadcasting is supported, so the shape of x and shape of y are compared. For a right-aligned dimension, if the values of xdim[i] and ydim[i] are not the same, one of them must be 1 or missing.
Tensor. Returns the max of x and y (x < y ? x:y)
Identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
64 |
tf. math.minimum |
Minimum |
- max: tensor, must be one of the following types: int32, int64, float32
- y: tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: optional
Broadcasting is supported in the following two scenarios:
NHWC + scaler, NHWC + NHWC
Tensor. Returns the max of x and y (x < y ? x:y)
Identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
65 |
tf.clip_by_value |
ClipByValue |
- t: Tensor
- clip_value_min: minimum value to clip by
- clip_value_max: maximum value to clip by
- name: (optional), string
The minimum value must be less than or equal to the maximum value.
Clipped tensor. The return value range is [clip_value_min, clip_value_max].
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
66 |
tf.math.logical_not |
LogicalNot |
- x: tensor of type bool
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
67 |
tf.math.logical_and |
LogicalAnd |
- x: tensor of type bool
- y: tensor of type bool
- name: (optional), string
Broadcasting is supported in the following dimension scenarios: NHWC and [1,1,1,1], [N,H,W,C], [N,H,W,1], [1,H,W,C], [N,1,1,C]
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
68 |
tf.equal |
Equal |
- x: Tensor
- y: tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: (optional), string
Broadcasting is supported, so shape of x and shape of y are compared. For a right-aligned dimension, the values of xdim[i] and ydim[i] are the same. If not, one of them must be 1 or missing.
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
69 |
tf.square |
Square |
- x: Tensor
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
70 |
tf.image.crop_and_resize |
CropAndResize |
- image: 4D tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int8, int32, int64, with shape [num_boxes, 4]
- boxes: 2D tensor of type float32, with shape [num_boxes]
- box_ind: 1D tensor of type int32
- crop_size: 1D 2-element tensor of type int32
- method: string, indicating the interpolation method, either bilinear (default) or nearest
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of type float32
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
71 |
tf.math.top_k |
TopKV2 |
- input: 1D tensor or higher with the last dimension at least k, of type float32 (k: scalar of type int32, ≥ 1)
- sorted: bool
- name: (optional), string
k must be a constant.
72 |
tf.invert_permutation |
InvertPermutation |
- x: 1D tensor of type int32 or int64
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
73 |
tf.multinomial |
Multinomial |
- logits: 2D tensor, with shape [batch_size, num_classes]
- num_samples: scalar, indicating the number of samples to draw
- seed: int32 or int64, used to create a random seed
- name: (optional), string
- output_dtype: integer, data type for the output tensor, default to int64
When seed is 0, the generated random is dynamic.
Number of rows in the output data = Number of rows in the output data; Number of columns in the output data = num_samples
Tensor of the data type specified by output_dtype
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
74 |
tf.reverse_sequence |
ReverseSequence |
- input: tensor input
- seq_lengths: 1D tensor of type int32 or int64
- seq_axis: scalar of type integer
- batch_axis: scalar of type integer
- name: (optional), string
- The length of seq_lengths must be equal to the number of elements of input in batchAxis.
- The maximum element in seq_lengths must be less than or equal to the number of elements in seq_dim.
- seqAxis, batchAxis, seqDim, and batchDim must be of type int64.
- seqAxis and seqDim are exclusive. batchAxis and batchDim are exclusive.
- batchAxis and batchDim are optional. The default values are 0.
Tensor of the data type specified by input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
75 |
tf.math.reciprocal |
Reciprocal |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
The input data cannot contain 0.
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
76 |
tf.nn.selu |
Selu |
- features: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as features
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
77 |
tf.math.acosh |
Acosh |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
78 |
tf.math.asinh |
Asinh |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
79 |
tf.math.reduce_prod |
Prod |
- input_tensor: tensor input
- axis: dimension to reduce
- keepdims: bool, indicating whether to retain reduced dimensions
- name: (optional), string
- reduction_indices: (deprecated) equivalent to axis
- keep_dims: (deprecated) equivalent to keepdims
Tensor and reduced tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
80 |
tf.math.sqrt |
Sqrt |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
81 |
tf.math.reduce_all |
All |
- input_tensor: tensor of type bool
- axis: dimension to reduce
- keepdims: bool
- name: (optional), string
- reduction_indices: (deprecated) equivalent to axis
- keep_dims: (deprecated) equivalent to keepdims
Tensor of the identical data type as input_tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
82 |
tf.nn.l2_normalize |
L2Normalize |
- x: Tensor of type boolean
- axis: dimension along which to normalize
- For format NCHW, axis must be set to 1.
- For format NHWC, axis must be set to 3.
- epsilon: lower bound value for the norm. If norm < sqrt(epsilon), sqrt(epsilon) is used as the divisor.
- name: (optional), string
- dim: (deprecated) equivalent to axis
H*W*2 < 256*1024/4
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
83 |
tf.keras.backend.hard_sigmoid |
Hardsigmoid |
x: tensor input
Output Tensor. If x < –2.5, 0 is returned. If x > 2.5, 1 is returned.
If -2.5 ≤ x ≤ 2.5, 0.2 * x + 0.5 is returned.
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
84 |
tf.keras.layers.ThresholdedReLU |
ThresholdedReLU |
theta: scalar of type float32, ≥ 0
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
85 |
tf.math.acos |
Acos |
x: Tensor of type float32, int32, or int64
name: (optional), string
The input data range is (–1 ≤ x ≤ 1), and the output data range is (0 ≤ y ≤ π).
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
86 |
tf.math.atan |
Arctan |
x: Tensor of type float32, int32, or int64
name: (optional), string
The input data range is (-65504 ≤ x ≤ 65504), and the output data range is (-π/2 ≤ y ≤ π/2).
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
87 |
tf.math.asin |
Asin |
- x: Tensor of type float32, int32, or int64
- name: (optional), string
The input data range is (–1 ≤ x ≤ 1), and the output data range is (-π/2 ≤ y ≤ π/2).
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
88 |
tf.math.atanh |
Atanh |
- x: Tensor of type float32, int32, or int64
- name: (optional), string
Input data range: x within (-1, 1)
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
89 |
tf.math.tan |
Tan |
- x: Tensor of type float32, int32, or int64
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
90 |
tf.math.logical_or |
LogicalOr |
- x: Tensor of type bool
- y: Tensor of type bool
- name: (optional), string
Broadcasting is supported, so shape of x and shape of y are compared. For a right-aligned dimension, the values of xdim[i] and ydim[i] are the same. If not, one of them must be 1 or missing.
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
91 |
tf.math.reduce_min |
ReduceMin |
- input_tensor: Tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, uint16, int8, int16
- axis: dimension to reduce
- keepdims: scalar of type bool
- name: (optional), string
- reduction_indices: (deprecated) equivalent to axis
- keep_dims: (deprecated) equivalent to keepdims
- When the input tensor has four dimensions: input axis = {3,{1,2,3}}, keepDims = true, H * W * 16 * 2 ≤ 16 * 1024
- When the input tensor has two dimensions: input axis = {1,{1}}, keepDims = true, H * W * CEIL(C, 16) * 16 * 2 ≤ 16 * 1024
Tensor of the identical data type as input_tensor
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
92 |
tf.math.negative |
Neg |
- x: Tensor of type float32, int64, or int32
- name: (optional), string
The input data range is (-65504 ≤ x ≤ 65504), and the output data range is (-65504 ≤ y ≤ 65504).
Tensor. Returns –x.
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
93 |
tf.math.greater_equal |
Greaterequal |
- x: Tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, uint16, int8, int16
- y: tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: (optional), string
The input data range is (-65504 ≤ x ≤ 65504)
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
94 |
tf.space_to_depth |
SpaceToDepth |
- input: tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, int8
- block_size: scalar of type integer, ≥ 2
- data_format: string, must be NHWC (default), NCHW, or NCHW_VECT_C
- name: (optional), string
blockSize ≥ 1 and blockSize must be a divisor of both the input height and width.
Tensor of the identical data type as input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
95 |
tf.depth_to_space |
DepthToSpace |
- input: tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, int8
- block_size: scalar of type integer, ≥ 2
- data_format: string, must be NHWC (default), NCHW, or NCHW_VECT_C
- name: (optional), string
blockSize ≥ 1, and blockSize * blockSize must be exactly divided by C.
Tensor of the identical data type as input
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
96 |
tf.math.round |
Round |
- x: Tensor of type float32, int64, or int32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type and shape as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
97 |
tf.math.rint |
Rint |
- x: tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, int8
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical data type and shape as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
98 |
tf.math.less |
Less |
- x: Tensor, must be one of the following types: float32, int64, int32, uint8, uint16, int8, int16
- y: tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of type bool
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
99 |
tf.math.sinh |
Sinh |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical output type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
100 |
tf.math.cosh |
Cosh |
- x: Tensor of type float32
- name: (optional), string
Tensor of the identical output type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |
101 |
tf.math.squared_difference |
Squared_difference |
- x: Tensor of type float32, int64, or int32
- y: tensor of the identical data type as x
- name: (optional), string
Broadcasting is supported only in the following scenarios:
One NCHW tensor and one tensor of the following format: dim{} = [1,1,1,1], [N,C,H,W], [N,1,H,W], [1,C,H,W], [N,C,1,1], [1,C,1,1], [1,1,H,W], or [N,1,1,1]
Tensor of the identical data type as x
[Quantitative tool support]
No |