Updated on 2025-01-02 GMT+08:00

Cryptographic Attestation

QingTian Enclave instances support cryptographic attestation. The instances use cryptographic attestation to prove their identities and build trust with external services. The attestation process uses an attestation document that includes the measurements of the QingTian Enclave runtime environment. These measurements can be used to create access control policies in external services to control access to specific operations for specific QingTian Enclave instances.

You can use the QingTian Enclave SDK to obtain an attestation document from the QingTian Hypervisor. The attestation document includes unique measurements and digital signature. This document can be attached to requests from the QingTian Enclave instance to an external service. The external service can validate whether the measurements included in the attestation document match the values in the access control policy to determine whether to grant the QingTian Enclave instance access or establish trust.