Updated on 2024-06-21 GMT+08:00

Time Selector

This section describes parameters of a time selector.


  • Size/Position
    • Size: width and height of the component. Unit: pixel.
    • Position: position where the component is located in the canvas. Unit: pixel.
    Figure 1 Time selector
  • Global Style
    • Background Color: to set the background color of the time selector by clicking the editor.
    • Round Corner: to set the round corner angle of the component by clicking . A larger value leads to a larger angle. The value ranges from 0% to 50%.
    • Font Size: to set the font size of the component text by entering a value or clicking .
    • Color: to set the font color of the component text by clicking the color editor.
    • Format: to set the time display format.


date: default time displayed on the component.


For details about whether the component supports the interaction function and how to use the interaction function, see Configuring Component Interaction.