Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Cycle Overview


Notifications can be set to specified personnel by day, week, or month, allowing related personnel to regularly understand job scheduling information about the quantity of successfully/unsuccessfully scheduled jobs and failure details.


  • Simple Message Notification (SMN) has been enabled, topics have been configured, and subscriptions have been added to the topics.
  • Jobs are not in Not started status and have been submitted.
  • OBS has been enabled and a folder has been created in OBS.

Creating a Notification

  1. Log in to the DLF console.
  2. In the navigation tree of the Data Development console, choose Monitoring > Manage Notification.
  3. On the Cycles tab page, click Create Notification. In the displayed dialog box, configure parameters. Table 1 describes the notification parameters.

    Figure 1 Create a notification
    Table 1 Notification parameters




    Notification Name


    Name of the notification to be sent.



    Interval for sending notifications, which can be set to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.


    When Cycle is set to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, a notification is sent every day, week, or month, and the notification content comes from the data generated from the last 24 hours, seven days, or 30 days.

    Select Time


    Time when the notification is sent.

    • If Cycle is set to Weekly, the value can be any day or any several days from Monday to Sunday in a week.
    • If Cycle is set to Monthly, the value can be any day or any several days from 1st to 31st in a month.

    Start Time


    Point in time when the notification is sent. The value can be accurate to hour or minute.



    Select a notification topic from the drop-down list box.

    OBS Bucket


    Enter an OBS bucket in the text box or click OBS and select one from the displayed dialog box.



    Specifies whether to enable the notification function. The function is enabled by default.

  4. Click OK.

    DLF sends notifications through SMN. Using SMN may incur fees. For price details, contact the SMN support personnel.

  5. After the notification is created, you can perform the following operations on the notification:

    • Click Edit. In the Create Notification dialog box, edit the notification again.
    • Click View Record. In the View Record dialog box, view the job scheduling details.
    • Click Delete. In the Delete Notification dialog box, click OK to delete the notification.