Updated on 2025-01-17 GMT+08:00

Real-Time Performance

The Real-Time Performance tab displays key metrics of your instance and allows you to compare performance of your instance by date, helping you keep track of changes of your periodic services and metrics and detect exceptions.


  1. Log in to the Huawei Cloud console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and project.
  3. Click in the upper left corner, and under Databases, click Data Admin Service.
  4. In the navigation pane, choose Intelligent O&M > Instance List.

    Alternatively, on the Overview page, click Go to Intelligent O&M.

  5. In the upper right corner of the Instance List page, search for instances by engine type, instance name, or instance IP.

    Figure 1 Searching for instances

  6. Locate the target instance and click Details.
  7. On the Performance tab page, perform the following operations:

    • Enable monitoring by seconds.
      To improve the instantaneous accuracy of monitoring metrics, you can click Enable Monitoring by Seconds. In the displayed dialog box, toggle on Monitoring by Seconds, specify the interval, and click OK.
      Figure 2 Enabling monitoring by seconds
    • View the trends in metrics in the same time range on different days.

      You can select Select Date for Comparison, and specify the target comparison date and metrics to view trends in the metrics at the same time on different days.

      You can place the pointer over a time point in the trend chart to view the metric at the time point on different days.
      Figure 3 Performance comparison
    • View real-time performance of the instance.

      You can deselect Select Date for Comparison, set a time range or select 1h, 3h, or 12h to view real-time metrics of the instance.

      You can place the pointer over a time point in the trend chart to view the metric at this time point.
      Figure 4 Viewing performance metrics
    • Customize the time range you wish to view.
      After clicking , you can drag the mouse on the chart to select a period of time. Then, you can click Analyze to go to the Slow SQL Logs page and analyze slow query logs in the time period.
      Figure 5 Locating and analysis