Help Center/ Cloud Bastion Host/ User Guide/ Audit/ Live Session/ Interrupting a Live Session
Updated on 2025-03-12 GMT+08:00

Interrupting a Live Session

After a system user logs in to a managed resource through a bastion host, the audit administrator will receive session records in real time. When discovering violations or high-risk operations, the audit administrator can interrupt the session to prevent the system user from performing further operations.


  • You have the management permissions for the Live Session module.
  • There is at least one live session.


  1. Log in to your bastion host.
  2. Choose Audit > Live Session.
  3. Click Interrupt in the Operation column of the session to forcibly disconnect the session.

    After the session is interrupted, the session window is immediately disconnected and the system user receives a message indicating that the session is interrupted.

    Figure 1 Session interrupted