Updated on 2023-06-27 GMT+08:00

Disk Types

Huawei Cloud provides various storage products for your BMSs, including block storage based on the distributed storage architecture, dedicated storage based on enterprise storage architecture, and local disks.

  • Block storage refers to EVS disks, which are block-based storage products and adopt a three-copy distributed mechanism. EVS disks provide high reliability, performance, and scalability. You can create or release them at any time.
  • Dedicated Distributed Storage Service (DSS) provides dedicated physical storage resources and adopts a three-copy distributed mechanism similar to block storage. It provides high availability and durability, and stable and low latency using multiple technologies, such as data redundancy and cache acceleration.
  • Local disks include NVMe SSDs, SATA disks, and others. They provide a low latency, high throughput, and high cost-effectiveness and are applicable to scenarios that have large volumes of data and require high storage I/O performance and real-time performance.

    Because local disks of a single physical server may encounter a single point of failure (SPOF), you are advised to configure data redundancy at the application layer to ensure data availability.

Table 1 Comparison of storage products

Storage Product

Storage Type

Typical Application Scenarios


Block storage

Shared storage pools

  • Enterprise daily work
  • Development and testing
  • Enterprise applications, including SAP, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft SharePoint
  • Distributed file systems
  • Various databases, including MongoDB, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

Create a disk and then attach the disk to the BMS.


Physically isolated storage pools and dedicated resources

  • Hybrid load: DSS supports hybrid deployment of HPC, database, email, OA, and web applications.
  • High-performance computing
  • OLAP applications

DSS can be used with BMSs in DeCs or those not in DeCs.

  • DeC scenario: Enable DeC, apply for a storage pool, create a disk in the storage pool, and attach the disk to the BMS.
  • Non-DeC scenario: Apply for a storage pool, create a disk in the storage pool, and attach the disk to the BMS.

Local disks

Local disks of servers

  • Big data
  • Distributed cache

Create a BMS and use its local disks directly.