Help Center/ Application Operations Management/ User Guide/ Prometheus Monitoring/ Checking the Number of Metric Samples Reported by Prometheus Instances
Updated on 2025-03-13 GMT+08:00

Checking the Number of Metric Samples Reported by Prometheus Instances

After metric data is reported to AOM through Prometheus monitoring, you can view the number of basic and custom metric samples reported by Prometheus instances.



  • The Resource Usage page does not display the number of basic and custom metric samples reported by Prometheus instances for cloud services or for multi-account aggregation.
  • Metric samples are reported every hour. If you specify a time range shorter than one hour, the query result of total metric samples may be 0.
  • The number of metric samples displayed on the Resource Usage page may be different from the actual number.


  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Prometheus Monitoring > Resource Usage.
  3. In the upper left corner of the page, select a desired Prometheus instance.
  4. In the upper right corner of the page, set filter criteria.

    1. Set a time range. You can use a predefined time label, such as Last hour and Last 6 hours, or customize a time range. Max.: 30 days.

      You are advised to select a time range longer than 1 hour.

    2. Set the interval for refreshing information. Click and select a value from the drop-down list, such as Refresh manually or 1 minute auto refresh.

  5. View the number of basic metrics and that of custom metrics reported by the Prometheus instance.

    • Custom Metric Samples: include the number of custom metric samples reported within 24 hours and that reported within a specified time range.
    • Basic Metric Samples: include the number of basic metric samples reported within 24 hours and that reported within a specified time range.
    • Custom Metrics: indicates the number of custom metric types reported within a specified time range.
    • Basic Metrics: indicates the number of basic metric types reported within a specified time range.
    • Top 10 Custom Metric Samples: displays the top 10 custom metric samples within a specified time range.
    Figure 1 Viewing metric statistics

  6. In the Instance Info area, view Total Custom Metric Samples (Million), Total Basic Metric Samples (Million), Custom Metric Samples in 24 Hours (Million), Basic Metric Samples in 24 Hours (Million), Custom Metrics, and Basic Metrics.