Updated on 2024-11-29 GMT+08:00

HetuEngine Logs

Log Description

Log paths:

The HetuEngine logs are stored in /var/log/Bigdata/hetuengine/ and /var/log/Bigdata/audit/hetuengine/.

Log archiving rules:

Log archiving rules use the FixedWindowRollingPolicy policy. The maximum size of a single file and the maximum number of log archive files can be configured. The rules are as follows:
  • When the size of a single file exceeds the default maximum value, a new compressed archive file is generated. The naming rule of the compressed archive log file is as follows: <Original log name>.[ID].log.gz.
  • When the number of log archive files reaches the maximum value, the earliest log file is deleted.

By default, the maximum size of an audit log file is 30 MB, and the maximum number of log archive files is 20.

By default, the maximum size of a run log file is 100 MB, and the maximum number of log archive files is 20.

To change the maximum size of a single run log file or audit log file or change the maximum number of log archive files of an instance, perform the following operations:

  1. Log in to Manager.
  2. Choose Cluster > Services > HetuEngine > Configurations > All Configurations.
  3. In the parameter list of log levels, search for logback.xml to view the current run log and audit log configurations of HSBroker, HSConsole, HSFabric, and QAS.
  4. Select the configuration item to be modified and modify it.
  5. Click Save, and then click OK. The configuration automatically takes effect after about 30 seconds.
Table 1 HetuEngine log list

Log Category

Log File


Installation, startup, and stop log


Preprocessing script log before startup


Startup log


Stop log


Installation log

Run log

Instance name.log

Run log

Instance name_wsf.log

Interface parameter verification log

hdfs://hacluster/hetuserverhistory/Tenant/Coordinator or worker/application_ID/container_ID/yyyyMMdd/server.log

Run log of the HetuEngine compute instance

Status check log


Health check log


Status check log


HetuEngine status check log


Log generated when the QAS checks the HA status

Audit log

Instance name-audit.log

Audit log


Audit log of HSBroker operations


Audit log of HSConsole operations


Audit log of HetuEngine operations performed across domains


Audit log of the HetuEngine compute instance

queryInfo log


queryInfo log of HetuEngine compute instances, which records SQL running statistics.

Clean log


Script cleanup log

Initialization log


Metadata initialization log


Operation log of integrating Ranger plug-ins to the HetuEngine kernel

Client log


ZooKeeper client log of the QAS instance

Stack information log


Log printed when instances are restarted or stopped



Log generated when the Hive data source configuration is automatically updated after the Hive cluster domain is changed.


Log generated when the preprocessing script calls the tool class to upload files to the HDFS during startup.

Log Level

Table 2 describes the log levels provided by HetuEngine. The priorities of log levels are OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG in descending order. Logs whose levels are higher than or equal to the specified level are printed. The number of printed logs decreases as the specified log level increases.

Table 2 Log levels




Logs of this level record no logs.


Logs of this level record error information about the current event processing.


Logs of this level record exception information about the current event processing.


Logs of this level record normal running status information about the system and events.


Logs of this level record the system information and system debugging information.

To change the run log or audit log level of an instance, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.
  2. Choose Cluster > Services > HetuEngine > Configurations > All Configurations.
  3. In the parameter list of log levels, search for logback.xml to view the current run log and audit log levels of HSBroker, HSConsole, and HSFabric.
  4. Select a desired log level.
  5. Click Save, and then click OK. The configuration automatically takes effect after about 30 seconds.

To change the HetuEngine Coordinator/Worker log level, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to FusionInsight Manager.
  2. Choose Cluster > Services > HetuEngine > Configurations > All Configurations.
  3. In the parameter list of log levels, search for log.properties to view the current log levels.
  4. Select a desired log level.
  5. Click Save, and then click OK. Wait until the operation is successful.
  6. Choose Cluster > Services > HetuEngine > Instance, click the HSBroker instance in the role list, and choose More > Restart Instance.
  7. After the HSBroker instance is restarted, choose Cluster > Services > HetuEngine. On the overview page, click the link next to HSConsole WebUI to go to the compute instance page.
  8. Select the compute instances to be restarted and click Stop. After all instances are stopped, click Start to restart the compute instances.