Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Black Hole Policy

A black hole will be triggered to block accesses from the Internet within a time range when a cloud server is under volumetric traffic attacks.

What Is a Black Hole?

A black hole refers to a situation where access to a cloud server is blocked by HUAWEI CLOUD because the attack traffic targeting the cloud server exceeds the configured black hole threshold. The system automatically deactivates the black hole 24 hours after the access to a cloud server is blocked. If the system detects that the attack traffic still persists and exceeds the threshold, the access will be blocked again.

The black hole service is purchased from the carrier, who has restrictions on the time and frequency of its deactivation. Therefore, the black hole cannot be manually deactivated. You need to wait until the system automatically deactivates it.

Why Is the Black Hole Policy Used?

DDoS attack mitigation is costly, especially in the bandwidth fees. Bandwidth is purchased by HUAWEI CLOUD from carriers. Carriers do not take the cleaned part out when charging HUAWEI CLOUD for bandwidth fees. HUAWEI CLOUD provides as much free defense as possible. However, when the attack traffic exceeds the threshold, it will route traffic to a black hole. To ensure service continuity, it is a better choice to purchase Advanced Anti-DDoS to expand protection capabilities.