Updated on 2024-05-16 GMT+08:00


You can view the bill of a resource in the Billing section of Billing Center to learn about its usage and billing information in a certain period.

Bill Reporting Period

After yearly/monthly resources are paid, a bill is reported to the billing system for settlement.

The usage of pay-per-use resources is reported to the billing system at a fixed interval. Pay-per-use products can be settled by hour, day, or month based on the usage type. Pay-per-use ROMA Connect instances are settled by hour.

The fee deduction time of pay-per-use resources may be later than the settlement period. For example, if a gateway (settled by hour) is deleted at 08:30, the fees generated during 08:00 to 09:00 are usually deducted at about 10:00. On the Billing Center > Billing > Bill Details page, Expenditure Time indicates the time when a pay-per-use resource is used.

Viewing Bills of a Specific Resource

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console and go to the Instances page.

    If the resource belongs to the new version, click Try New Version on the ROMA Connect console, and choose Resource from the main menu on the left.

  2. Copy the instance ID.
  3. Choose Billing > Bill Details.
  4. Select Resource ID as the filter, paste the instance ID obtained in 2, and click the icon.

    You can view the fees deducted for the ROMA Connect instance, which depend on the ROMA Connect billing mode and billing items. For details, see Overview.

Scenario Example: Check the Consistency Between the Actual Usage and Billed Usage

Assume that a user created a pay-per-use ROMA Connect instance (APIC only, 2 RCUs) at 09:44:38 on Oct 16, 2023 and deleted the instance at 11:20:08 on the same day.

  • Bill details

    Pay-per-use instances are billed by second and settled on the hour. You can check whether the information about each billing period in a transaction bill is consistent with the actual information. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Transaction bill of a ROMA Connect instance

    Service Type

    ROMA Connect

    Resource Type

    ROMA Connect

    Billing Mode


    Expenditure Time

    For the period of time from 09:44:38 to 11:20:08 on Oct 16, 2023, two transaction records were generated for the resource usage in the following periods:

    • 09:44:38–10:00:00
    • 10:00:00–11:00:00

      From 11:00:00 to 11:20:08, the fee is not charged since the period is less than an hour.

    List Price

    List price = Usage x Unit price

    In this example, the instance is used for 922 seconds in the first billing period, and the unit price is $1.6 USD/RCU-hour. The list price is (922/3,600) × 2 × 1.6 = $0.81955555 USD. Similarly, you can calculate the list price for the other periods.


    Discounts offered for cloud services, for example, commercial discounts, partner authorized discounts, and promotional discounts. It is the discounted amount based on the list price.


    Huawei Cloud bills a resource with the price accurate to the 8th decimal place. However, the amount due is truncated to the 2nd decimal place. The third and later decimal places are referred to as the truncated amount.

    The truncated amount for the first billing cycle is $0.00955555 USD.


    Amount = List price – Discount amount – Truncated amount

    Take the first period as an example. If the discounted amount is 0, the amount due is 0.81955555 – 0 – 0.00955555 = $0.81 USD.

  • Expenditure details

    Expenditure details can be displayed in multiple ways. By default, the expenditure details of a resource are displayed by usage and by billing period. Table 2 illustrates the bill details, which can be used to check against the actual usage.

    Table 2 Bill details of a ROMA Connect instance

    Service Type

    ROMA Connect

    Resource Type

    ROMA Connect

    Billing Mode


    Resource Name/ID

    Resource name and ID

    Example: roma-zwnn, 8ec1b2db-92c7-4785-888b-b4db4b57546c_rcu.apic.api


    Instance type and specifications


    Usage Type

    RCUHour for pay-per-use instances

    Unit Price

    Pay-per-use pricing provides unit prices, and the bill amount is equal to the used number of units multiplied by the unit price.


    USD/RCU-hour for pay-per-use instances

    Total Usage

    In RCU-hours

    In this example, the total usage from 09:44:38 to 11:00:00 on Oct 16, 2023 is (922 + 3,600)/3,600 x 2 = 2.5122 RCU-hours.

    Usage Unit


    List price

    List price = Usage x Unit price

    In this example, the total usage is 2.5122 RCU-hours, and the unit price is $1.6 USD/RCU-hour. The list price is 2.5122 x 1.6 = $4.0195 USD.


    Discounts offered for cloud services, for example, commercial discounts, partner authorized discounts, and promotional discounts. It is the discounted amount based on the list price.


    Amount that should be paid for used cloud services after discounts are applied.