Updated on 2024-11-13 GMT+08:00

Email Messages

Billing Modes

Email messages are billed by the number of emails you send. Package (pay-per-use only) and postpaid pay-per-use options are available.

For the dedicated IP service for email messages, you must have a monthly subscription.

  • Once KooMessage is enabled, you cannot disable it. The postpaid pay-per-use option will not incur charges when there is no usage. Since prepaid billing options (monthly subscription or pay-per-use package) are non-refundable, confirm your order before purchasing.
  • The pay-per-use package is a prepaid option. However, once your package quota is used up, you will be billed by the number of sent emails.

Billing Rules

  • Billed by the number of emails you sent

    This number is determined by the number of email addresses set. Example: an email sent to 10 email addresses is billed as 10 email messages.

  • Sending is charged regardless of whether the email is successfully received by the email address, unless the failure was caused by a Huawei Cloud system fault.