Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

Replicating a Backup


This section describes how to replicate a manual or an automated backup. The new backup name must be different from the original backup name.


You can replicate backups and use them only within the same region.

Backup Retention Policy

  • If you want to retain the automated backups for a long time, you can replicate them to generate manual backups, which will be always retained until you delete them.
  • If the storage occupied by manual backups exceeds the provisioned free backup storage, additional storage costs may incur.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and a project.
  3. Click Service List. Under Database, click Relational Database Service. The RDS console is displayed.
  4. On the Instance Management page, click the target DB instance. On the Backups & Restorations page, locate the target backup to be replicated and click Replicate in the Operation column.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, enter a new backup name and description and click OK.

    • The backup name must consist of 4 to 64 characters and start with a letter. It can contain only uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
    • The description consists of a maximum of 256 characters and cannot contain the following special characters: >!<"&'=

  6. After the new backup has been created, you can view and manage it on the Backup Management page.