หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมใช้งานในภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณ เรากำลังพยายามอย่างหนักเพื่อเพิ่มเวอร์ชันภาษาอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุนเสมอมา
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Granting LTS Permissions to IAM Users
- Purchasing LTS Resource Packages
- Log Management
Log Ingestion
- Overview
Using ICAgent to Collect Logs
- Overview
- Installing ICAgent (Intra-Region Hosts)
- Installing ICAgent (Extra-Region Hosts)
- Managing ICAgent
- Managing Host Groups
- Ingesting BMS Text Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CCE Application Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ECS Text Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ServiceStage Containerized Application Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ServiceStage Cloud Host Logs to LTS
- Ingesting Self-Built Kubernetes Application Logs to LTS
- Setting ICAgent Structuring Parsing Rules
Ingesting Cloud Service Logs to LTS
- Overview
- Ingesting AOM Logs to LTS
- Ingesting APIG Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CBH Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CFW Logs to LTS
- Ingesting CTS Logs to LTS
- Ingesting DDS Logs to LTS
- Ingesting DMS for Kafka Logs to LTS
- Ingesting DRS Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GaussDB(DWS) Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ELB Logs to LTS
- Ingesting Enterprise Router Logs to LTS
- Ingesting FunctionGraph Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GaussDB Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GES Logs to LTS
- Ingesting TaurusDB Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GeminiDB Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GeminiDB Mongo Logs to LTS
- Ingesting GeminiDB Cassandra Logs to LTS
- Ingesting IoTDA Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ModelArts Logs to LTS
- Ingesting MRS Logs to LTS
- Ingesting RDS for MySQL Logs to LTS
- Ingesting RDS for PostgreSQL Logs to LTS
- Ingesting RDS for SQL Server Logs to LTS
- Ingesting ROMA Connect Logs to LTS
- Ingesting SMN Logs to LTS
- Ingesting SecMaster Logs to LTS
- Ingesting OBS Files to LTS (Beta)
- Ingesting VPC Logs to LTS
- Ingesting WAF Logs to LTS
- Using APIs to Ingest Logs to LTS
- Ingesting Logs to LTS Across IAM Accounts
- Using Kafka to Report Logs to LTS
- Using Flume to Report Logs to LTS
- Log Search and Analysis
Log Visualization
- Overview
- Visualizing Logs in Statistical Charts
Visualizing Logs in Dashboards
- Creating a Dashboard
- Adding a Dashboard Filter
Dashboard Templates
- APIG Dashboard Templates
- CCE Dashboard Templates
- CDN Dashboard Templates
- CFW Dashboard Templates
- CSE Dashboard Templates
- DCS Dashboard Template
- DDS Dashboard Template
- DMS Dashboard Template
- DSL Dashboard Template
- ER Dashboard Template
- METRIC Dashboard Template
- Nginx Dashboard Templates
- VPC Dashboard Template
- WAF Dashboard Templates
- Log Alarms
- Log Transfer
- Log Processing
- Configuration Center
- Querying Real-Time LTS Traces
Best Practices
- Overview
Log Ingestion
- Collecting Logs from Third-Party Cloud Vendors, Internet Data Centers, and Other Huawei Cloud Regions to LTS
- Collecting Kubernetes Logs from Third-Party Clouds, IDCs, and Other Huawei Cloud Regions to LTS
- Collecting Syslog Aggregation Server Logs to LTS
- Importing Logs of Self-built ELK to LTS
- Using Flume to Report Logs to LTS
- Collecting Zabbix Data Through ECS Log Ingestion
- Collecting Logs from Multiple Channels to LTS
- Log Search and Analysis
- Log Transfer
- Billing
- Developer Guide
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- API Calling Examples
- Examples
- Host Group Management
- Log Group Management
- Log Stream Management
- Log Management
- Log Ingestion
- Log Transfer
- Log Collection Beyond Free Quota
- Cloud Log Structuring
- Container Log Ingestion from AOM to LTS
- Alarm Topics
- Message Template Management
- SQL Alarm Rules
- Keyword Alarm Rules
- Alarm List
- Tag Management
- Dashboard Management
- Log Charts
- Quick Search
- Multi-Account Log Aggregation
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- SDK Reference
- Overview
- Consultation
- Log Management
Host Management
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Installation Fails in Windows and the Message "SERVICE STOP" Is Displayed?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Upgrade Fails on the LTS Console?
- What Do I Do If I Could Not Query New Logs on LTS?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Restarts Repeatedly After Being Installed?
- What Do I Do If ICAgent Is Displayed as Offline on the LTS Console After Installation?
- What Do I Do If I Do Not See a Host with ICAgent Installed on the LTS Console?
- How Do I Create a VPC Endpoint on the VPCEP Console?
- How Do I Obtain an AK/SK Pair?
- How Do I Install ICAgent by Creating an Agency?
Log Ingestion
- What Do I Do If LTS Cannot Collect Logs After I Configure Host Log Ingestion?
- Will LTS Stop Collecting Logs After the Free Quota Is Used Up If I Disable "Continue to Collect Logs When the Free Quota Is Exceeded" in AOM?
- What Do I Do If the CPU Usage Is High When ICAgent Is Collecting Logs?
- What Kinds of Logs and Files Does LTS Collect?
- How Do I Disable the Function of Collecting CCE Standard Output Logs to AOM on the LTS Console?
- What Log Rotation Scheme Should I Use for ICAgent to Collect Logs?
- Does LTS Use the Log4j Plug-in to Report Logs?
- How Long Does It Take to Generate Logs After Configuring Log Ingestion?
- What Do I Do If LTS Cannot Collect Logs After I Configure Log Ingestion with ICAgent?
- Log Search and Analysis
Log Transfer
- Does LTS Delete Logs That Have Been Transferred to OBS Buckets?
- What Are the Common Causes of LTS Log Transfer Abnormalities?
- How Do I Transfer CTS Logs to an OBS Bucket?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot View Historical Data in an OBS Bucket After Transferring Data from LTS to OBS?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a New Partition in a DLI Table After Logs Are Transferred to DLI?
More Documents
- User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- User Guide(Paris Regions)
- API Reference(Paris Regions)
- User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- User Guide (Ankara Region)
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- API Calling Examples
- APIs
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
- Videos
- General Reference
Transferring Logs to OBS
You can transfer logs to OBS and download log files from the OBS console.
- Currently, this function is available only to whitelisted users. To use this function, you need to submit a service ticket. For details, see .
- To transfer logs, you must have the OBS Administrator permissions apart from the LTS permissions.
- Logs have been ingested to LTS.
- You have created an OBS bucket.
Creating a Log Transfer Task
- Log in to the LTS console and choose Log Transfer in the navigation pane on the left.
- Click Configure Log Transfer in the upper right corner.
- On the displayed page, configure the log transfer parameters.
Table 1 Transfer parameters Parameter
Example Value
Log Source Account
- Current: Logs of the current account will be transferred.
- Other: Logs of the delegator account will be transferred. Ensure that the delegator has created an agency for log transfer delegation. For details, see Creating an Agency.
Agency Name
This parameter is required when Log Source Account is set to Other. Enter the name of the IAM agency created by the delegator.
Delegator Account Name
This parameter is required when Log Source Account is set to Other. Enter the account name of the delegator.
Enable Transfer
Enabled by default.
Transfer Destination
Select a cloud service for log transfer.
Log Group Name
Select a log group.
Enterprise Project Name
Select an enterprise project.
- This parameter is displayed only when the enterprise project function is enabled for the current account.
- If the enterprise project function is enabled for the current account:
- All enterprise projects under the current account are displayed in the drop-down list when Log Source Account is set to Current.
- default is displayed when Log Source Account is set to Other and the enterprise project function is not enabled for the delegator account.
- All enterprise projects under the delegator account are displayed when Log Source Account is set to Other and the enterprise project function is enabled for the delegator account.
Log Stream Name
Select a log stream.
Log streams that have been configured with OBS transfer settings cannot be configured again.
OBS Bucket
- Select an OBS bucket.
- If no OBS buckets are available, click View OBS Bucket to access the OBS console and create an OBS bucket.
- If encryption has been enabled for the selected OBS bucket, select a key name and select I agree to grant permissions on Key Management Service (KMS) to LTS so LTS can create and use keys to encrypt and decrypt transferred logs.
- Currently, LTS supports only Standard OBS buckets.
Key Name
Select a key name for an OBS bucket for which encryption has been enabled. If no keys are available, click Create Key and Authorize to go to the Data Encryption Workshop (DEW) console and create a key.
Custom Log Transfer Path
- Enabled: Logs will be transferred to a custom path to separate transferred log files of different log streams.
The format is /LogTanks/Region name/Custom path. The default custom path is lts/%Y/%m/%d, where %Y indicates the year, %m indicates the month, and %d indicates the day. A custom path must meet the following requirements:
- Must start with /LogTanks/Region name.
- Can contain only letters, digits, and the following special characters: &$@;:,=+?-._/ %. The character % can only be followed only by Y (year), m (month), d (day), H (hour), and M (minute). Any number of characters can be added before and after %Y, %m, %d, %H, and %M, and the sequence of these variables can be changed.
- Can contain 1–128 characters.
- If you enter LTS-test/%Y/%m/%done/%H/%m, the path is LogTanks/Region name/LTS-test/Y/m/done/H/m/Log file name.
- If you enter LTS-test/%d/%H/%m/%Y, the path is LogTanks/Region name/LTS-test/d/H/m/Y/Log file name.
- Disabled: Logs will be transferred to the default path. The default path is LogTanks/Region name/2019/01/01/Log group/Log stream/Log file name.
Log Prefix
The file name prefix of the log files transferred to an OBS bucket
The prefix must meet the following requirements:
- Can contain 0 to 64 characters.
- Can contain only letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.).
Example: If you enter LTS-log, the log file name will be LTS-log_Log file name.
The storage format of logs. The value can be Raw Log Format or JSON.
- Examples of the raw log format:
- The following is an example of the JSON format:
{"host_name":"ecs-bd70","ip":"","line_no":249,"message":"Sep 30 14:40:01 ecs-bd70 CRON[4363]: (root) CMD (/opt/oss/servicemgr/ICAgent/bin/manual/mstart.sh > /dev/null 2>&1)\n","path":"/var/log/syslog","time":1569825602303}
Log Transfer Interval
The interval for automatically transferring logs to OBS buckets. The value can be 2, 5, or 30 minutes, or 1, 3, 6, or 12 hours.
3 hours
Time Zone
When logs are transferred to OBS buckets, the time in the transfer directory and file name will use the specified UTC time zone.
(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time
Filter by Tag Fields
During transfer, logs will be filtered by tag fields collected by ICAgent.
- Disabled: Logs will not be filtered by tag fields.
- Enabled: Default tag fields include those for hosts (hostIP, hostId, hostName, pathFile, and collectTime) and for Kubernetes (clusterName, clusterId, nameSpace, podName, containerName, and appName). Optional public tag fields are regionName and projectId.
When Filter by Tag Fields is enabled, Format must be JSON.
- Filter by Tag Fields: When this parameter is enabled, logs will be filtered by tags.
- Click OK. When the log transfer status changes to Normal, the transfer task has been created.
- Click the OBS bucket name in the Transfer Destination column to switch to the OBS console and view the transferred log files.
Transferred logs can be downloaded from OBS to your local computer for viewing.
Modifying a Log Transfer Task
- Locate the row that contains the target transfer task and click Modify in the Operation column.
- Click OK.
Viewing Transfer Details
- Locate the target log transfer task and click Details in the row of the desired task to view the task details.
- On the displayed Transfer Details page, you can view the log transfer details.
Deleting a Log Transfer Task
If logs do not need to be transferred, you can delete the transfer task.
- After a transfer task is deleted, log transfer will be stopped. Exercise caution when performing the deletion.
- After a transfer task is deleted, the logs that have been transferred remain in OBS.
- When you create a transfer task, OBS will grant read and write permissions to LTS for the selected bucket. If one OBS bucket is used by multiple transfer tasks, perform the following operations to delete the transfer task:
- If only one transfer task is created using this OBS bucket, delete the bucket access permission granted to specific users on the Access Control > Bucket ACLs tab page on the OBS console when you delete the transfer task.
- If multiple transfer tasks are created using this OBS bucket, do not delete the bucket access permission. Otherwise, data transfer will fail.
- Locate the row of the target transfer task and choose Delete in the Operation column.
- Click OK.
Viewing Transfer Status
The status of a transfer task can be Normal, Abnormal, or Disabled.
- Normal: The log transfer task works properly.
- Abnormal: An error occurred in the log transfer task. The possible causes are as follows:
- The OBS bucket has been deleted. Specify another OBS bucket.
- Access control on the OBS bucket is configured incorrectly. Access the OBS console to correct the settings.
- The key for the encrypted OBS bucket has been deleted or the authorization has been canceled. Ensure that the key is valid.
- Disabled: The log transfer task is stopped.
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