Updated on 2024-06-12 GMT+08:00

Configuring OBS Buckets for Remote Log Backup

To enhance data disaster recovery management and improve audit data security and system scalability, CBH enables backup of configuration logs.

This topic walks you through how to set OBS buckets to remotely back up logs.


  • After remote backup is enabled, the system backs up the system data of the previous day at 00:00 every day by default.
  • Logs are automatically backed up on a daily basis and uploaded to the corresponding folder in the OBS bucket.
  • Logs of the same day cannot be backed up repeatedly in the same server path.
  • System configuration and session playback logs can be remotely backed up to OBS buckets.


  • You have the management permissions for the System module.
  • You have created an OBS bucket, and the network between the OBS bucket and the CBH system is normal.


  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose System > Data Maintain > Log Backup.
  3. In the Remote Backup To OBS area, click Edit. In the displayed dialog box, set bucket parameters.

    Table 1 Parameters for remote backup to OBS




    Whether to back up logs to an OBS bucket (default: ).

    • : Backing up logs to OBS buckets is enabled. The system automatically starts backup at 00:00 every day.
    • : Backing up logs to OBS buckets is disabled.

    Access Key ID

    Specifies the access key ID, which is used to verify the identity of the request sender for accessing the OBS bucket.

    An access key ID is a unique identifier associated with a secret access key and is used together with the secret access key to sign requests cryptographically.

    Secret Access Key

    Specifies the secret access key used together with the access key ID.

    A secret access key works as a cryptographic signature to identify the sender of a request and prevent the request from being tampered with.


    Region where the bucket is located.


    Bucket name.

    Storage Path

    Bucket path or bucket folder path. The path cannot contain three or more consecutive slashes (/).

    If the OBS bucket does not have the corresponding path, a folder is automatically generated in the bucket.

    Example: cbh/bastion/.../...

    Test connectivity

    Tests whether the network between the CBH system and the configured OBS bucket is reachable.

    The connectivity test checks only the network status between the CBH system and the OBS bucket.

    Backup Content

    Select at least one type of logs to be backed up.

    • System configuration
    • Session recording playback log
    • System logon log
    • Resource logon log
    • Command operation log
    • File operation log
    • Two-person authorization log

  4. Click OK. You can then view the backup information on the Log Backup tab.

    After the configuration is complete, the system backs up the data of the previous day at 00:00 every day and uploads the data to the OBS bucket.

Follow-up Operations

  • To back up the logs of a certain day immediately, start the remote backup immediately.

    In the Remote Backup To OBS area, select the date of the logs to be backed up and click Backup.

  • To disable the remote OBS bucket backup, click Edit. In the displayed dialog box, set Status to Disabled.
  • To view or download logs backed up to the OBS bucket, log in to the OBS console and perform operations in the corresponding bucket folder.