Help Center/ EventGrid/ Progressive Knowledge
Progressive Knowledge - HuaweiCloud


EventGrid (EG) is a serverless event bus service for standard and centralized access of Huawei Cloud services and custom or SaaS applications. You can build a loosely coupled, distributed event-driven architecture to flexibly route events via CloudEvents.

Progressive Knowledge

EG knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level


EG functions, application scenarios, and basic concepts are provided to help you understand the EG service.

Service Overview



EG provides REST APIs, which you can call using HTTPS.

API Reference

Be a Power User

You can modify event sources, targets, and rules to meet your service development requirements. You can also view logs for audit and backtracking.

Common Operations

O&M and Monitoring


EG provides the open-source CloudEvents SDK and event publishing sample code for secondary development.

SDK Reference


Learn more about common issues and solutions.