Help Center/ Data Replication Service/ FAQs/ Network and Security/ Which Database Accounts Are Required During Migration?
Updated on 2024-06-07 GMT+08:00

Which Database Accounts Are Required During Migration?


To ensure your database can be successfully migrated to RDS for MySQL DB instances on the current cloud, DRS automatically creates temporary accounts drsFull and drsIncremental for a destination database when you create a migration task. After the task is complete, DRS automatically deletes the temporary account.

  • Do not use the drsFull and drsIncrementa accounts created by users as the account for database connections for a DRS task.
  • Attempting to delete, rename, or change the passwords or permissions for these accounts will cause task errors.
Table 1 Temporary accounts created for RDS for MySQL


Application Scenario




Full migration

RDS for MySQL DB instance

When you start a full migration task, DRS will add this account to the destination RDS database for data migration.


Incremental migration

RDS for MySQL DB instance

When you start an incremental migration task, DRS will add this account to the destination RDS database for data migration.