Help Center/ Cloud Phone Host/ Progressive Knowledge
Progressive Knowledge - HuaweiCloud

Cloud Phone Host

Cloud Phone Host (CPH) provides you with cloud servers virtualized from Huawei Cloud BMSs and running native Android. Just one of these cloud servers can virtualize up to 60 cloud phones with the functions of virtual phones. You can remotely control cloud phones in real time and run Android applications on the cloud. Cloud phone compute lets you build and test phone applications more efficiently.

Progressive Knowledge

CPH knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level


Learn Cloud Phone Host concepts, advantages, and application scenarios so you can more quickly match them to your service requirements.

Service Overview

Be a Power User

Learn more about various cloud phone server parameters. Learn the four ways you can connect to a cloud phone, and how to manage the cloud phone life cycle. You can also view cloud phone monitoring data in real time and learn of any issues in a timely manner.

Common Operations

Monitoring and Auditing


Purchase a cloud phone server and get started. Before the purchase, you are advised to learn about CPH billing.

Getting Started


Take advantage of a wealth of APIs to choose from and learn from examples provided by CPH. You can use APIs to purchase and query cloud phones and manage their life cycles.

API Reference


Learn more about common issues and solutions.