Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ Component Operation Guide (LTS)/ Using Spark/Spark2x/ Spark SQL Performance Tuning/ Optimizing Memory When Data Is Inserted into Spark Dynamic Partitioned Tables
Updated on 2024-10-09 GMT+08:00

Optimizing Memory When Data Is Inserted into Spark Dynamic Partitioned Tables


When Spark SQL inserts data into dynamic partitioned tables, the more partitions there are, the more HDFS files a single task generates and the more memory metadata occupies. In this case, GC is severe and OOM may occur.

Based on the test results, there are 10,240 tasks and 2,000 partitions. Before renaming an HDFS file from the temporary to the target directory, the FileStatus metadata is approximately 29 GB in size. To avoid the preceding problem, you can modify the SQL statement to repartition data to reduce the number of HDFS files.


Insert distribute by followed by partition fields into dynamic partition statements.


insert into table store_returns partition (sr_returned_date_sk) select sr_return_time_sk,sr_item_sk,sr_customer_sk,sr_cdemo_sk,sr_hdemo_sk,sr_addr_sk,sr_store_sk,sr_reason_sk,sr_ticket_number,sr_return_quantity,sr_return_amt,sr_return_tax,sr_return_amt_inc_tax,sr_fee,sr_return_ship_cost,sr_refunded_cash,sr_reversed_charge,sr_store_credit,sr_net_loss,sr_returned_date_sk from ${SOURCE}.store_returns distribute by sr_returned_date_sk;