Help Center/ Cloud Certificate Manager/ FAQs/ SSL Certificate Download, Installation, and Use/ SSL Certificate Use/ What Can I Do If Errors Are Reported When I Upload an SSL Certificate?
Updated on 2024-09-18 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do If Errors Are Reported When I Upload an SSL Certificate?

You can upload your SSL certificates (SSL certificates that have been purchased and issued on other platforms) to the CCM service for centralized management. For details about how to upload a certificate, see Uploading an Existing SSL Certificate.

This section describes the error messages that may be displayed when uploading a certificate and how to rectify the errors.

Table 1 Certificate upload error

Error Type

Error Code

Error Details


Certificate chain parsing error.


The certificate format is incorrect. It must start or end with a specific string.

Incorrect certificate format. The certificate must start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and end with -----END CERTIFICATE-----.


The certificate content is missing.

The content between the prefix and suffix needs to be added due to the content missing.

Certificate chain check error.


The subject of the CA certificate does not match the issuer of the certificate.

Ensure that the certificate issuing relationship in the certificate chain is correct. The sequence of the certificate chain is from the user certificate to the lowest-level CA.

For example, if the certificate chain contains two certificates: issuing certificate A and issued certificate B, ensure that the subject DN of certificate A is the same as the issuer DN of certificate B.

SSL certificate upload error.


The uploaded private key failed to be resolved. Ensure that the certificate has been issued.

Check the content of your private key and upload a correct private key.


Incorrect private key format. It must start or end with a specific string.

Check the private key format. It must start and end with an asterisk (*).


The private key is not encoded using Base64.

Check the private key format. The private key must be encoded using Base64.


Failed to generate the private key.

Enter the correct private key content.

Chinese cryptographic certificate upload error.


The private key of the Chinese cryptographic is empty.

Enter a correct private key of the Chinese cryptographic.


The private key is not encoded using Base64.

Check the private key format. The private key must be encoded using Base64.


Failed to generate the private key.

Enter the correct private key content.


Incorrect private key format. It must start or end with a specific string.

Check the private key format. It must start and end with an asterisk (*).


Failed to parse the private key of the Chinese cryptographic.

Enter the correct private key content.


The length of the Chinese cryptographic certificate must be 1.

The length of the Chinese encryption certificate chain must be 1.


The certificate content is not encoded using Base64.

Check the certificate content. The certificate content must be encoded using Base64.


Failed to generate the X509 certificate.

Enter the correct certificate content.


Failed to write the content of the encryption certificate or private key.

Enter a correct encryption certificate or private key.


Failed to write the private key or certificate content.

Enter a correct certificate or private key.