Updated on 2023-05-29 GMT+08:00

(Optional) Upgrading Backint Agent

The installation script is required for upgrading Backint Agent. If the installation script is deleted by mistake, download the installation script by referring to Downloading Backint Agent.

1. Go to the /tmp directory.

cd /tmp

2. Run the following command as user root to upgrade Backint Agent. Enter the system ID of the server where Backint Agent is installed for SID in the command, for example, bash install.sh --upgrade S99.

bash install.sh --upgrade SID

The install.sh will:

  • Install the Backint Agent of the latest version in the /usr/sap/{SID}/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hw-backint-agent/.
  • Update the hdbbackint script to invoke Backint Agent of the latest version. The hdbbackint script cannot be modified.
  • Download the latest VERSION.txt file.
  • Generate the new hw-backint-agent.conf configuration file. The original hw-backint-agent.conf file is renamed and retained.
  • Send a message to notify of updating /usr/sap/{SID}/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbconfig/hw-backint-agent.conf after the upgrade is finished.

After the upgrade, the parameters in the configuration file may be updated. You need to modify the configuration file by referring to Modifying the Backint Agent Configuration File.

In the HA scenario, you need to repeat the preceding operations to upgrade Backint Agent on the standby server.

Before executing the upgrade command, ensure that no backup (including log backup) or restoration task is being executed. Otherwise, the running tasks may be affected.