หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมใช้งานในภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณ เรากำลังพยายามอย่างหนักเพื่อเพิ่มเวอร์ชันภาษาอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุนเสมอมา
Error Codes
- An error code returned by an API does not correspond to one error message. The following table lists only common error messages.
- Most BMS APIs are asynchronous. Some error codes are displayed in the returned messages for task viewing requests. HTTP status codes may not be accurate.
- The BMS service is strongly dependent on other services, such as network and storage. When error messages are provided for the BMS-depended services, contact technical support for troubleshooting.
Error Code Description
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in API Gateway Error Codes.
HTTP Status Code |
Returned Value |
Description |
Error Message |
Handling Measure |
400 |
BMS.0001 |
Request error. |
Fail to parse request, reason: %s. |
Check the request body according to the returned error message. |
400 |
BMS.0002 |
BMS has not been launched. |
The BMS service is unavailable. |
Select a region where the BMS service is available. |
400 |
BMS.0003 |
Request error. |
Create BareMetal Server error, request is null. |
Check the request body according to the returned error message. |
400 |
BMS.0004 |
Insufficient permission. |
Role check fail, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0005 |
Insufficient permission. |
Role check fail, reason: You do not have permission or your balance is insufficient. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0008 |
Failed to query a flavor. |
Fail to query flavor [%s], reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0006 |
Failed to create the task. |
Fail to operate baremetal server. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0009 |
Failed to query flavor attributes. |
Fail to query flavor extra specs[%s], reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0010 |
Failed to query an image. |
Fail to query image [%s], reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0011 |
The images do not support BMS. |
The selected images cannot be used to apply for BMSs, %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0012 |
Insufficient IP addresses in the selected subnet. |
The number of IP addresses in the selected subnet[%s] is insufficient. |
Check whether the IP addresses of the subnet are used up. |
400 |
BMS.0013 |
Failed to query the port. |
Fail to query ports by subnet [%s], reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0014 |
IP address conflict. |
The specified IP address conflicts with an existing IP address in subnet[%s]. |
Modify the NIC IP address. |
400 |
BMS.0015 |
Failed to query the NIC. |
Fail to query subnet, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0017 |
The EIP quota is insufficient. |
The number[%d] of EIPs has reached the maximum[%d] allowed. Apply for a higher quota and try again. |
Apply for a higher EIP quota. |
400 |
BMS.0218 |
Failed to create the order. |
Fail to create order, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0219 |
Failed to change the BMS name. |
OpenStack nova change ServerName fail. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0018 |
Invalid request parameters. |
Request parameter is invalid. |
Modify the request parameters based on the returned error message. |
400 |
BMS.0019 |
Invalid NIC parameters. |
publicIp parameter is illegal, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0020 |
Failed to check the billing mode. |
Fail to check chargingMode, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0021 |
The flavor is invalid for creating the BMS. Select another flavor. |
Flavor parameter is illegal, reason: %s. |
Select a valid flavor. |
400 |
BMS.0022 |
Invalid request parameters. |
Request parameter is invalid. |
Modify the request parameters based on the returned error message. |
400 |
BMS.0023 |
Failed to query the quota. |
Fail to query limits, reason: %s |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0025 |
The number of BMSs exceeds the quota. |
The number of cloud servers has reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0026 |
The number of BMS CPUs exceeds the quota. |
The number of CPU cores used by all cloud servers has reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0027 |
The BMS memory exceeds the quota. |
The memory space used by all cloud servers has reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0028 |
The number of BMSs and that of CPUs exceed the quotas. |
The number of CPU cores used by all cloud servers and that of cloud servers have reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0029 |
The number of BMSs and the memory exceed the quotas. |
The memory space used by all cloud servers and the number of cloud servers have reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0030 |
The BMS memory and the number of CPUs exceed the quotas. |
The memory space and number of CPU cores used by all cloud servers have reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0031 |
The number of BMSs, the number of CPUs, and the memory exceed the quotas. |
The number of cloud servers, the memory space used by all cloud servers, and the number of CPU cores used by all cloud servers have reached the maximum allowed. |
Apply for a higher quota. |
400 |
BMS.0032 |
Contact technical support to apply for a BMS. |
Token check fail. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
403 |
BMS.0033 |
You do not have operation rights. Contact technical support. |
Fail to check roles, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0034 |
Currently, BMSs cannot be automatically provisioned. |
Not support create Bare Metal Server. |
This operation is not supported. |
400 |
BMS.0047 |
Invalid system disk. |
Root volume is illegal, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0049 |
Failed to query key_name. |
Query keypair fail, reason is: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0089 |
Failed to pass the verification of tag policy compliance. |
The tag policy does not allow the specified value for the following tag key: %s. |
Change the tag values according to the policy or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0102 |
This image does not support volume attaching. |
The image does not support attach volume. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0103 |
The disk does not exist. |
Attach volume %s fail, volume info is null. |
Check whether the disk information is correct. |
400 |
BMS.0104 |
The data volume cannot be attached to the mount point of the system volume. |
Attach volume %s fail, data volume can not attach in root volume device. |
Select another mount point. |
400 |
BMS.0105 |
The mount point is invalid. |
Attach volume %s fail, device is illegal. |
Check whether the mount point is valid. |
400 |
BMS.0106 |
The AZ of data disks is different from that of the BMS. |
Attach volume %s fail, volume's az is not equal with server's az. |
Ensure that the AZ of data disks is the same as that of the BMS. |
400 |
BMS.0108 |
The system disk does not match the BMS. |
Attach volume %s fail, root volume does not match the VM, do not change image. |
Attach a matching system disk to the BMS. |
400 |
BMS.1001 |
This operation can be performed only when the BMS is in running or stopped. |
Volume can only be attached when server %s stopped or active. |
Try again later or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.1002 |
The number of data disks that can be attached to the BMS exceeds the quota. |
Attach volume fail, server %s attachment num over limit. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.1003 |
The disk status is invalid. |
Attach shareable volume %s fail, volume status is %s, not available or inuse. |
Check whether the disk is in attached or other unavailable status. |
400 |
BMS.1004 |
The number of shared data disks that can be attached to the BMS exceeds the quota. |
Attach shareable volume %s fail, volume status is %s, not available or inuse. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.1006 |
The running status of the BMS cannot be obtained. |
Server %s info is null or its status or its metadata is null. |
Try again later or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.1007 |
Failed to call the API. |
Calling interface failed |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.1008 |
The disk type does not match the BMS. |
The server[%s] is not HANA server, volume[%s] does not match the server. |
Check whether the disk type matches the BMS or contact the technical support. |
400 |
BMS.1009 |
The data disk has been attached to the BMS. |
Attach shareable volume %s fail, volume status is %s, the volume has been attached to the server. |
Select another data disk. |
400 |
BMS.1011 |
The data disk is being attached. |
Attach shareable volume %s fail, volume status is %s, not available or inuse. |
Do not repeatedly attach the data disk. |
400 |
BMS.3001 |
Failed to query the security group or subnet. |
Query security group failed: %s. or Query vpcId for subnet failed: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3011 |
System error. |
Decoded token is null. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3025 |
The EVS disk type is incorrect. |
Not support create shareable data volumes. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3035 |
No matching disk is found for the BMS. |
Attach volume fail: the bmsid [%s] in volume metadata is not the same with bmsid [%s] in url. |
Ensure that the disk matches the BMS or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3039 |
Failed to verify password complexity. |
The password is illegal, reason: %s. |
See the password rules. |
400 |
BMS.0246 |
Failed to query the VPC. |
The vpcId[%s] is invalid or not-existing. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0201 |
The parameters for creating the BMS are incorrectly configured. |
Fail to check the baremetal server params, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0202 |
The data disk type is invalid. |
All volumes must be in same type. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0203 |
Parameter Volume is invalid. |
Volume is illegal, %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0204 |
The number of data disks exceeds the upper limit. |
The number of data volumes is illegal. The number is %d, but maximum number allow is %d. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0205 |
The BMS quantity is invalid. |
The number of baremetal servers is out of range for one quest. |
Change or delete the BMS quantity. |
400 |
BMS.0206 |
The name contains invalid characters. |
The baremetal server name [%s] is include invalid char. |
Change the name as prompted. |
400 |
BMS.0207 |
No IP address can be specified when BMSs are created in a batch. |
VPC is illegal, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0208 |
Failed to query the AZ. |
Fail to get RegionInfo by tenant [%s], reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0210 |
The length of the injected data exceeds the upper limit. |
The size of userdata [%d] is over quota limits [%d]. |
Modify the injected data. |
400 |
BMS.0211 |
Invalid key. |
The image platform is [%s], support publicKey, reason: the publicKey is illegal, null is not allowed. |
Select a valid key. |
400 |
BMS.0114 |
The disk to be detached is not in the disk list of the BMS. |
Volume %s is not in server %s attach volume list. |
Check whether the disk exists. |
400 |
BMS.0212 |
The system is overloaded. |
System is overloaded, please try again later. |
Try again later. |
400 |
BMS.0213 |
Insufficient permission. |
OBTAZ role verify fail: not allowed role. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0214 |
Failed to query the NIC. |
Query subnet[%s] failed: response is null. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0215 |
Failed to create the order. |
The response of inquiry order info is null or invalid. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0216 |
Failed to submit the order. |
Submit order[%s] failed: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0217 |
Failed to verify metadata. |
Create server fail, reason: metaData is illegal. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0222 |
The primary NIC cannot be deleted. |
primary port can not be deleted. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0223 |
Currently, only SCSI disks are supported. |
Only SCSI disks are supported. |
Select the SCSI disk type. |
400 |
BMS.0039 |
The BMS has been shut down. |
Server is stopped, not allow to stop. |
Do not stop the BMS again. |
400 |
BMS.0040 |
The BMS does not exist. |
The server does not exist. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0035 |
The BMS is being powered on and no other operations are allowed. |
Server is powering on, not allow to %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0036 |
The BMS is being powered off and no other operations are allowed. |
Server is powering off, not allow to %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0038 |
The BMS is running and cannot be started. |
Server is running, not allow to start. |
Do not start the BMS again. |
400 |
BMS.0037 |
The BMS is being restarted and no other operations are allowed. |
Server is rebooting, not allow to %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
403 |
BMS.0288 |
You do not have permissions to perform this operation. |
Policy doesn't allow %s to be performed. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0290 |
The disk is not a shared disk and cannot be attached to multiple BMSs. |
Batch attach volume type must be sharable. |
Select a shared disk. |
400 |
BMS.0291 |
The enterprise project ID cannot be empty. |
enterprise_project_id can not be empty. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0294 |
Failed to invoke EPS to query the project. |
Query enterprise_project_id[%s] failed %. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0293 |
Failed to query the project information. |
Query enterprise_project_id[%s] failed: response is null. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0292 |
The enterprise project has been suspended. |
enterprise_project_id[%s] is deactive. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0071 |
If an EIP has been specified for creating the BMS, no other EIP can be created for the BMS. |
Using an existing EIP and creating a new EIP can't be used at the same time. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0072 |
An EIP cannot be used to create multiple BMSs. |
An existing EIP cannot be assigned to the ECSs created in batches. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0073 |
The bandwidth parameter is empty. |
Bandwidth info in eip is null. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0074 |
The EIP extension parameter is unavailable. |
Parameter exetendparam or chargingMode is null. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0075 |
The bandwidth ID is empty. |
Bandwidth info in eip is null. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0076 |
The EIP billing mode is unavailable. |
Parameter chargingMode only supports postPaid when shared type is whole. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0077 |
Invalid bandwidth size. |
PublicIp parameter is illegal, reason: %s. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0078 |
EIP quota is insufficient. |
Shared bandwidth has been bound to %d EIPs, quota is %d. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0079 |
The EIP bandwidth type is unavailable. |
Specifies the bandwidth of the shared type and the id cannot be empty. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0080 |
The subnet status is unavailable. |
Check subnet status failed. |
Check whether the subnet exists or whether it is in ACTIVE state. |
400 |
BMS.0297 |
The submitted EVS disk order has not been paid. The EVS disk cannot be attached to or detached from the BMS. |
Fail to attach volume[%s]: volume is locked. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0054 |
Failed to verify the capacity. |
Check capacity fail, the number of capacity is: [%d], and req num is: [%d]. |
The capacity is insufficient. Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0055 |
Failed to query the quota. |
Query capacity fail, Flavor id is [%s], reason: [%s]. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.2005 |
Failed to query the network. |
Network could not be found. |
Check the network information or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3037 |
Insufficient resources or failed to start the BMS. |
Insufficient resources or failed to start the BMS. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3004 |
Failed to create the BMS due to an internal system error. |
Failed to create the BMS due to an internal system error. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3005 |
Failed to create the port. |
Failed to create the port. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3033 |
Failed to create the system disk. |
Failed to create the system disk. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3029 |
Failed to create the system disk. The disk status is abnormal. |
Failed to create the system disk. The disk status is abnormal. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3006 |
Failed to assign the EIP. |
Failed to assign the floating IP address. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3021 |
Failed to create the data disk. |
Failed to create the data disk. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3019 |
Failed to attach the data disk. |
Failed to attach the data disk. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3038 |
Failed to assign an EIP. |
Failed to assign the EIP. |
Contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0315 |
Disks cannot be attached to a BMS using this flavor. |
Disks cannot be attached to a BMS using this flavor[%s]. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0316 |
The RAID level does not match the RAID type. |
RAID level and RAID type do not match. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0317 |
Disk information is empty. |
Disk information is empty. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0320 |
This flavor does not support RAID formed by disks of this type. |
This flavor does not support RAID formed by disks of this type. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0321 |
This flavor does not support RAID formed by disks of this size. |
This flavor does not support RAID formed by disks of this size. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0322 |
Disk quantity and RAID level do not match. |
Disk quantity and RAID level do not match. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0323 |
Disk quantity does not match that in the flavor. |
Disk quantity does not match that in the flavor. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0325 |
Disk quantity exceeds that supported by the flavor. |
Disk quantity exceeds that supported by the flavor. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0327 |
Only JBOD is supported. |
Only JBOD is supported. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0328 |
Only single-disk RAID 0 is supported. |
Only single-disk RAID 0 is supported. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0329 |
Disk type is empty. |
Disk type is empty. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0330 |
RAID is not supported. |
RAID is not supported. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0331 |
No IPv6 Open Beta Test permissions. |
No IPv6 Open Beta Test permissions. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0333 |
IPv6 is not supported. |
IPv6 is not supported. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0400 |
The image does not support IPv6. |
the image[%s] is not support IPv6. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0360 |
The disk has been frozen and cannot be operated for the BMS. |
This operation cannot be performed because EVS Disk %s is frozen. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3026 |
The password does not meet requirements. |
Password does not meet the requirements of the rule. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3027 |
Invalid VPC parameters. |
VPC parameter is illegal. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.3028 |
Disk quota is abnormal. |
cinder quota check fail. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
Common.0018 |
tenant_id in the token is different from that in the URL. |
tenantId in token is not the same with in URL. |
Check whether the tenant token is correct. |
400 |
BMS.0111 |
Password or key pair is not specified, or both specified. |
none or multiple passwords specified, please specify one. |
The password and key pair cannot be specified at the same time. Select one of them based on the login mode. |
400 |
BMS.0395 |
Windows BMSs do not support remote login. |
The server[%s] is windows system and can not support remote login. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
400 |
BMS.0605 |
The BMS is locked. |
the BMS is locked. |
See the returned error message or contact technical support. |
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