Updated on 2022-01-25 GMT+08:00


At least one listener must be added to a load balancer. A listener receives requests from clients and routes requests to backend servers using the protocol, port, and load balancing algorithm you select.

Supported Protocols

ELB provides load balancing at both Layer 4 and Layer 7. Select a protocol that meets your needs in a specific scenario.

Table 1 Protocols supported by ELB



Application Scenario

Layer 4


  • Source IP address-based sticky sessions
  • Fast data transfer
  • Scenarios that require high reliability and data accuracy, such as file transfer, email sending and receiving, and remote login
  • Web applications with a number of concurrent connections or requiring high performance

Layer 4


  • Low reliability
  • Fast data transfer

Scenarios that focus more on timeliness than on reliability, such as video chats, games, and real-time financial quotations

Layer 7


  • Cookie-based sticky sessions
  • X-Forward-For request header

Applications where data content needs to be identified, such as web applications and mobile games

Layer 7


  • An extension of HTTP for encrypted data transmission to prevent unauthorized access
  • Encryption and decryption performed on load balancers to reduce the workload of backend servers.

Applications that require encrypted transmission