Updated on 2022-12-07 GMT+08:00

Custom Route Information

Customizing Route Information

After an enhanced datasource connection is created and bound to a queue, the system automatically configures route information. You can also add a custom route for the queue to which the enhanced connection is bound.

  • Viewing route information

    On the Enhanced tab page, select a connection and click Manage Route in the Operation column to view the route information of the datasource connection.

  • Adding a route

    On the Enhanced tab page, select a connection and choose More > Add Route in the Operation column, or click Add Route on the Details page of the connection to add a custom route. In the displayed dialog box, enter the route name and route CIDR block. For details about the parameters, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Parameters for adding a custom route



    Route Name

    Name of a custom route, which is unique in the same enhanced datasource scenario. The name contains 1 to 64 characters, including digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

    IP Address

    Custom route CIDR block. The CIDR block of different routes can overlap but cannot be the same.

  • Deleting a route

    On the Enhanced page, select a connection and choose More > Delete Route in the Operation column, or click Delete Route on the Details page of the connection to delete a custom route.