Updated on 2023-02-28 GMT+08:00



  • com.roma.apic.livedata.client.v1.HttpClient
  • com.huawei.livedata.lambdaservice.livedataprovider.HttpClient


This class is used to send HTTP requests.


  • com.roma.apic.livedata.client.v1.HttpClient
    function execute(data) {
        var httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var resp = httpClient.request('GET', 'http://apigdemo.exampleRegion.com/api/echo', {}, null, 'application/json');
        myHeaders = resp.headers();
        proxyHeaders = {};
        for (var key in myHeaders) {
            proxyHeaders[key] = myHeaders.get(key);
        return new APIConnectResponse(resp.code(), proxyHeaders, resp.body().string(), false);
  • com.huawei.livedata.lambdaservice.livedataprovider.HttpClient
    function excute(data) {
        var httpExecutor = new HttpClient();
        var obj = JSON.parse(data);
        var host = 'xx.xx.xxx.xx:xxxx';
        var headers = {
            'clientapp' : 'FunctionStage'
        var params = {
            'employ_no' :'00xxxxxx'
        var result = httpExecutor.callGETAPI(host,'/livews/rest/apiservice/iData/personInfo/batch',JSON.stringify(params),JSON.stringify(headers));
        return result;

Constructor Details

  • com.roma.apic.livedata.client.v1.HttpClient

    public HttpClient()

    Constructs an HttpClient without parameters.

    public HttpClient(HttpConfig config)

    Constructs an HttpClient that contains the HttpConfig configuration information.

    Parameter: config indicates the HttpConfig configuration information.

  • com.huawei.livedata.lambdaservice.livedataprovider.HttpClient

    public HttpClient()

    Constructs an HttpClient without parameters.

Method List

  • com.roma.apic.livedata.client.v1.HttpClient

    Returned Type

    Method and Description


    request(HttpConfig config)

    Send REST requests.


    request(String method, String url)

    Send a REST request by specifying the request method and path.


    request(String method, String url, Map<String,String> headers)

    Send a REST request by specifying the request method, path, and header.


    request(String method, String url, Map<String,String> headers, String body)

    Send a REST request by specifying the request method, path, header, and body.


    request(String method, String url, Map<String,String> headers, String body, String contentType)

    Send a REST request by specifying the request method, path, header, body, and content type.

  • com.huawei.livedata.lambdaservice.livedataprovider.HttpClient

    Returned Type

    Method and Description


    callGETAPI(String url)

    Use the get method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    callGETAPI(String host, String service, String params, String header)

    Use the get method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    get(String url, String header)

    Use the get method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    callPostAPI(String host, String service, String content, String header, String contentType)

    Use the post method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    callPostAPI(String url, String header, String requestBody, String type)

    Use the post method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    post(String url, String header, String content, String type)

    Use the post method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    callFormPost(String url, String header, String/Map param)

    Invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service in the formdata format.


    callFormPost(String url, String header, String param, FormDataMultiPart form)

    Invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service in the formdata format.


    callDelAPI(String url, String header, String content, String type)

    Use the delete method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    callPUTAPI(String url, String header, String content, String type)

    Use the put method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    callPatchAPI(String url, String header, String content, String type)

    Use the patch method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.


    put(String url, String header, String content, String type)

    Use the put method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

Method Details

  • com.roma.apic.livedata.client.v1.HttpClient
    • public okhttp3.Response request(HttpConfig config)

      Send REST requests.

      Input Parameter

      config indicates the HttpConfig configuration information.


      Response body.

    • public okhttp3.Response request(String method, String url)

      Send a REST request by specifying the request method and path.

      Input Parameter

      • method indicates a request method.
      • url indicates a request URL.


      Response body.

    • public okhttp3.Response request(String method, String url, Map<String,String> headers)

      Send a REST request by specifying the request method, path, and header.

      Input Parameter

      • method indicates a request method.
      • url indicates a request URL.
      • headers indicates the request header information of the map type.


      Response body.

    • public okhttp3.Response request(String method, String url, Map<String,String> headers, String body)

      Send a REST request by specifying the request method, path, header, and body.

      Input Parameter

      • method indicates a request method.
      • url indicates a request URL.
      • headers indicates the request header information of the map type.
      • body indicates the request body.


      Response body.

    • public okhttp3.Response request(String method, String url, Map<String,String> headers, String body, String contentType)

      Send a REST request by specifying the request method, path, header, body, and content type.

      Input Parameter

      • method indicates a request method.
      • url indicates a request URL.
      • headers indicates the request header information of the map type.
      • body indicates the request body.
      • contentType indicates the content type of the request body.


      Response body.

  • com.huawei.livedata.lambdaservice.livedataprovider.HttpClient
    • public String callGETAPI(String url)

      Use the get method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      url indicates the service address.


      Response body.

    • public String callGETAPI(String host, String service, String params, String header)

      Use the get method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • host indicates the service address.
      • service indicates the service path.
      • params indicates the HTTP parameter information.
      • header indicates the HTTP header information.


      Response body.

    • public Response get(String url, String header)

      Use the get method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.


      Response body.

    • public String callPostAPI(String host, String service, String content, String header, String contentType)

      Use the post method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • host indicates the service address.
      • service indicates the service path.
      • content indicates the message body.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • contentType indicates the content type.


      Response body.

    • public String callPostAPI(String url, String header, String requestBody, String type)

      Use the post method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • requestBody indicates the message body.
      • type indicates the MIME type.


      Response body.

    • public Response post(String url, String header, String content, String type)

      Use the post method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • content indicates the message body.
      • type indicates the MIME type.


      Response body.

    • public String callFormPost(String url, String header, String/Map param)

      Invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service in the formdata format.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • param indicates the parameter information.


      Response body.

    • public Response callFormPost(String url, String header, String param, FormDataMultiPart form)

      Invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service in the formdata format.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • param indicates the parameter information.
      • form indicates the body parameter.


      Response body.

    • public String callDelAPI(String url, String header, String content, String type)

      Use the delete method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • content indicates the message body.
      • type indicates the MIME type.


      Response body.

    • public String callPUTAPI(String url, String header, String content, String type)

      Use the put method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • content indicates the message body.
      • type indicates the MIME type.


      Response body.

    • public String callPatchAPI(String url, String header, String content, String type)

      Use the patch method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • content indicates the message body.
      • type indicates the MIME type.


      Response body.

    • public Response put(String url, String header, String content, String type)

      Use the put method to invoke the HTTP or HTTPS service.

      Input Parameter

      • url indicates the service address.
      • header indicates the request header information.
      • content indicates the message body.
      • type indicates the MIME type.


      Response body.