หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมใช้งานในภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณ เรากำลังพยายามอย่างหนักเพื่อเพิ่มเวอร์ชันภาษาอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุนเสมอมา
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Product Bulletin
Service Overview
- Infographics
- What Is DMS for RabbitMQ?
- Product Advantages
- Application Scenarios
- Specifications
- Comparing RabbitMQ, Kafka, and RocketMQ
- Comparing RabbitMQ AMQP-0-9-1 with Open-Source RabbitMQ
- Comparing RabbitMQ Versions
- Related Services
- Security
- Notes and Constraints
- Basic Concepts
- Exchanges
- Permissions Management
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Process of Using RabbitMQ
- Permissions Management
- Buying a RabbitMQ Instance
- Configuring Virtual Hosts
- Accessing a RabbitMQ Instance
- Managing Messages
- Advanced Features
Managing Instances
- Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a RabbitMQ Instance
- Viewing RabbitMQ Client Connection Addresses
- Managing RabbitMQ Instance Tags
- Configuring RabbitMQ Recycling Policies
- Resetting the RabbitMQ Instance Password
- Enabling RabbitMQ Plug-ins
- Exporting the RabbitMQ Instance List
- Deleting a RabbitMQ Instance
- Logging In to RabbitMQ Management UI
- Modifying RabbitMQ Instance Specifications
- Migrating RabbitMQ Services
- Testing Instance Performance
- Applying for Increasing RabbitMQ Quotas
- Viewing Metrics and Configuring Alarms
- Viewing RabbitMQ Audit Logs
Best Practices
- RabbitMQ Best Practices
- Automatic Recovery of a RabbitMQ Client from Network Exceptions
- Automatic Consumer Reconnection After a RabbitMQ Node Restart
- Improving RabbitMQ Performance
- Configuring Queue Load Balancing
- Deduplicating Messages Through Message Idempotence
- Suggestions on Using DMS for RabbitMQ Securely
- Developer Guide
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- APIs V2 (Recommended)
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
- What RabbitMQ Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- What SSL Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information During Instance Creation?
- How Are Requests Evenly Distributed to Each VM of a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance?
- Do Queues Inside a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Have Any Redundancy Backup?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Data Persistence? How Do I Perform Scheduled Data Backups?
- How Do I Obtain the Certificate After SSL Has Been Enabled?
- Can I Change the SSL Setting of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Can RabbitMQ Instances Be Scaled Up?
- Does RabbitMQ Support Two-Way Authentication?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support CPU and Memory Upgrades?
- How Do I Disable the RabbitMQ Management UI?
- Can I Change the AZ for an Instance?
- How Do I Obtain the Region ID?
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- How to Change Single-node RabbitMQ Instances to Cluster Ones?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a RabbitMQ Instance Is Created?
- How Do I Configure a Security Group?
- Why Does a Client Fail to Connect to a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Public Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Region Deployment?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access a RabbitMQ Instance with SSL Encryption?
- Can I Access a RabbitMQ Instance Using DNAT?
- Why Can't I Open the Management Web UI?
- Can a Client Connect to Multiple Virtual Hosts of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Why Does a RabbitMQ Cluster Have Only One Connection Address?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support the Ping Command?
- Messages
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
- Process of Using RabbitMQ
- Permissions Management
- Buying a RabbitMQ Instance
- Configuring Virtual Hosts
- Accessing a RabbitMQ Instance
- Managing Messages
- Advanced Features
Managing Instances
- Viewing and Modifying Basic Information of a RabbitMQ Instance
- Viewing RabbitMQ Client Connection Addresses
- Managing RabbitMQ Instance Tags
- Resetting the RabbitMQ Instance Password
- Enabling RabbitMQ Plug-ins
- Using the rabbitmq_tracing Plug-in
- Exporting the RabbitMQ Instance List
- Deleting a RabbitMQ Instance
- Logging In to RabbitMQ Management UI
- Modifying RabbitMQ Instance Specifications
- Migrating RabbitMQ Services
- Applying for Increasing RabbitMQ Quotas
- Viewing Metrics and Configuring Alarms
- Viewing RabbitMQ Audit Logs
- What RabbitMQ Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- What SSL Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information During Instance Creation?
- How Are Requests Evenly Distributed to Each VM of a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance?
- Do Queues Inside a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Have Any Redundancy Backup?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Data Persistence? How Do I Perform Scheduled Data Backups?
- How Do I Obtain the Certificate After SSL Has Been Enabled?
- Can I Change the SSL Setting of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Can RabbitMQ Instances Be Scaled Up?
- Does RabbitMQ Support Two-Way Authentication?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support CPU and Memory Upgrades?
- How Do I Disable the RabbitMQ Management UI?
- Can I Change the AZ for an Instance?
- How Do I Obtain the Region ID?
- Why Can't I Select Two AZs?
- How to Change Single-node RabbitMQ Instances to Cluster Ones?
- Can I Change the VPC and Subnet After a RabbitMQ Instance Is Created?
- How Do I Configure a Security Group?
- Why Does a Client Fail to Connect to a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Public Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Region Deployment?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Do RabbitMQ Instances Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access a RabbitMQ Instance with SSL Encryption?
- Can I Access a RabbitMQ Instance Using DNAT?
- Why Can't I Open the Management Web UI?
- Can a Client Connect to Multiple Virtual Hosts of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Why Does a RabbitMQ Cluster Have Only One Connection Address?
- Messages
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Permissions Management
- Preparing the Environment
- Buying an Instance
- Accessing a RabbitMQ Instance
- Operating RabbitMQ Instances
- Quotas
- Monitoring
- Auditing
- What RabbitMQ Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- What SSL Version Does DMS for RabbitMQ Use?
- Why Can't I View the Subnet and Security Group Information During Instance Creation?
- What If One RabbitMQ VM Fails to Be Restarted When a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Is Being Restarted?
- How Are Requests Evenly Distributed to Each VM of a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance?
- Do Queues Inside a Cluster RabbitMQ Instance Have Any Redundancy Backup?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Data Persistence? How Do I Perform Scheduled Data Backups?
- How Do I Obtain the Certificate After SSL Has Been Enabled?
- Can I Change the SSL Setting of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Can RabbitMQ Instances Be Scaled Up?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support MQTT?
- How Do I Clear Queue Data?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support CPU and Memory Upgrades?
- How Do I Disable the RabbitMQ Management UI?
- Can I Change the AZ for an Instance?
- How Do I Configure a Security Group?
- Why Does a Client Fail to Connect to a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Public Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Region Deployment?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-VPC Access?
- Does DMS for RabbitMQ Support Cross-Subnet Access?
- What Should I Do If I Fail to Access a RabbitMQ Instance with SSL Encryption?
- Can I Access a RabbitMQ Instance Using DNAT?
- Why Can't I Open the Management Web UI?
- Can a Client Connect to Multiple Virtual Hosts of a RabbitMQ Instance?
- Why Does a RabbitMQ Cluster Have Only One Connection Address?
- Plug-ins
- Messages
- Monitoring & Alarm
- Change History
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Show all
Status Code
Table 1 lists status codes.
Status Code |
Name |
Description |
100 |
Continue |
The server has received the initial part of the request and the client should continue to send the remaining part. |
101 |
Switching Protocols |
The requester has asked the server to switch protocols and the server has agreed to do so. The target protocol must be more advanced than the source protocol. For example, the current HTTP protocol is switched to a later version of HTTP. |
200 |
OK |
Request sent successfully. |
201 |
Created |
The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource. |
202 |
Accepted |
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. |
203 |
Non-Authoritative Information |
The request has been fulfilled. |
204 |
NoContent |
The server has successfully processed the request, but is not returning any response body. The status code is returned in response to an HTTP OPTIONS request. |
205 |
Reset Content |
The server has fulfilled the request, but the requester is required to reset the content. |
206 |
Partial Content |
The server has successfully processed a part of the GET request. |
300 |
Multiple Choices |
There are multiple options for the requested resource. For example, this code could be used to present a list of resource characteristics and addresses from which the client such as a browser may choose. |
301 |
Moved Permanently |
This and all future requests have been permanently moved to the given URI indicated in this response. |
302 |
Found |
The requested resource was temporarily moved. |
303 |
See Other |
The response to the request can be found under another URI using a GET or POST method. |
304 |
Not Modified |
The requested resource has not been modified. When the server returns this status code, it does not return any resources. |
305 |
Use Proxy |
The requested resource is available only through a proxy. |
306 |
Unused |
This HTTP status code is no longer used. |
400 |
BadRequest |
Invalid request. The client should modify the request instead of re-initiating it. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
The authorization information provided by the client is incorrect or invalid. |
402 |
Payment Required |
Reserved for future use. |
403 |
Forbidden |
The server has received the request and understood it, but the server is refusing to respond to it. The client should modify the request instead of re-initiating it. |
404 |
NotFound |
The requested resource cannot be found. The client should modify the request instead of re-initiating it. |
405 |
MethodNotAllowed |
A request method is not supported for the requested resource. The client should modify the request instead of re-initiating it. |
406 |
Not Acceptable |
The server cannot fulfill the request based on the content characteristics of the request. |
407 |
Proxy Authentication Required |
This code is similar to 401, but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy. |
408 |
Request Time-out |
The server timed out when waiting for the request. The client may re-initiate the request without any modification at any time. |
409 |
Conflict |
The request cannot be processed due to a conflict, such as an edit conflict between multiple simultaneous updates or the resource that the client attempts to create already exits. |
410 |
Gone |
The requested resource has been deleted permanently and will not be available again. |
411 |
Length Required |
The server refused to process the request because the request does not specify the length of its content. |
412 |
Precondition Failed |
The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester puts on the request. |
413 |
Request Entity Too Large |
The server refuses to process a request because the request is too large. The server may close the connection to prevent the client from continuing the request. If the server cannot process the request temporarily, the response will contain a Retry-After field. |
414 |
Request-URI Too Large |
The URI provided was too long for the server to process. |
415 |
Unsupported Media Type |
The server does not support the media type in the request. |
416 |
Requested range not satisfiable |
The requested range is invalid. |
417 |
Expectation Failed |
The server fails to meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field. |
422 |
UnprocessableEntity |
The request is well-formed but is unable to be processed due to semantic errors. |
429 |
TooManyRequests |
The client has sent more requests than its rate limit is allowed within a given amount of time, or the server has received more requests than it is able to process within a given amount of time. In this case, the client should re-initiate requests after the time specified in the Retry-After header of the response expires. |
500 |
InternalServerError |
The server is able to receive the request but it could not understand the request. |
501 |
Not Implemented |
The server does not support the requested function. |
502 |
Bad Gateway |
The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid request from a remote server. |
503 |
ServiceUnavailable |
The requested service is invalid. The client should modify the request instead of re-initiating it. |
504 |
ServerTimeout |
The request cannot be fulfilled within a given time. The response will reach the client only if the request carries the timeout parameter. |
505 |
HTTP Version not supported |
The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. |
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