Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

Creating a Secret

A secret is a type of resource that holds sensitive data, such as authentication and key information, required by a workload. Its content is user-defined. After creating secrets, you can use them as files or environment variables in a containerized workload.

Creating a Secret

  1. Log in to the cluster console. In the navigation pane, choose ConfigMaps and Secrets, and click the Secrets tab. You can create a secret directly or using YAML. If you want to create a secret using YAML, go to 4.
  2. Select the namespace to which the secret will belong.
  3. Click Create Secret.

    Set the parameters listed in Table 1.
    Table 1 Basic information parameters




    Name of the secret you create, which must be unique.


    Namespace to which the secret belongs. The current namespace is used by default.


    Description of the secret.

    Secret Type

    Type of the secret.

    • Opaque: general secret type. In high-sensitive scenarios, you are advised to encrypt sensitive data using data encryption services and then store the encrypted data in secrets.
    • kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson: a secret that stores the authentication information required for pulling images from a private repository. If you select this secret type, enter the image repository address.
    • IngressTLS: a secret that stores the certificate required by ingresses. If you select this secret type, upload the certificate file and private key file.
    • Other: another type of secret, which is specified manually.


    Workload secret data can be used in containers.

    • If the secret type is Opaque, enter the key and value. The value must be a Base64-encoded value. You can select Auto Base64 Encoding to Base64-encode the entered value. For details about manual Base64 encoding, see Base64 Encoding.
    • If the secret type is kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson, enter the username and password of the private image repository.


    Labels are attached to objects such as workloads, nodes, and Services in key-value pairs.

    Labels define identified attributes of these objects and can be used to manage and select objects.

    1. Set Key and Value.
    2. Click Confirm.

  4. Create a secret from a YAML file by clicking Create from YAML.

    To create a resource by uploading a file, ensure that the resource description file has been created. UCS supports files in JSON or YAML format. For details, see Secret Resource File Configuration.

    You can import or directly write the file content in YAML or JSON format.
    • Method 1: Import an orchestration file.

      Click Import to import a YAML or JSON file. The content of the YAML or JSON file is displayed in the orchestration content area.

    • Method 2: Directly orchestrate the content.

      In the orchestration content area, enter the content of the YAML or JSON file.

  5. When the configuration is complete, click OK.

    The new secret is displayed in the secret list.

Secret Resource File Configuration

This section provides a configuration example of a secret resource file.

For example, you can retrieve the username and password for a workload through a secret.

  • YAML format

    The content in the secret file secret.yaml is as follows. The value must be encoded using Base64. For details, see Base64 Encoding.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: mysecret           #Secret name
      namespace: default       #Namespace. The default value is default.
      username: bXktdXNlcm5hbWUK  #Username, which must be encoded using Base64.
      password: ******  #The value must be encoded using Base64.
    type: Opaque     #You are advised not to change this parameter value.
  • JSON format

    The content in the secret file secret.json is as follows:

      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "Secret",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "mysecret",
        "namespace": "default"
      "data": {
        "username": "bXktdXNlcm5hbWUK",
        "password": "******"
      "type": "Opaque"

Related Operations

After a secret is created, you can perform the operations described in Table 2.

The secrets in the kube-system namespace can only be viewed.

Table 2 Other operations



Editing a YAML file

Click Edit YAML in the row where the target secret resides to edit its YAML file.

Updating a secret

  1. Click Update in the row where the target secret resides.
  2. Modify the secret data according to Table 1.
  3. Click OK.

Deleting a secret

Click Delete in the row where the target secret resides.

Delete the secret as prompted.

Deleting secrets in batches

  1. Select the secrets to be deleted.
  2. Click Delete in the upper left corner.
  3. Delete the secret as prompted.

Base64 Encoding

To encode a character string using Base64, run the echo -n Content to be encoded | base64 command. The following is an example:

root@ubuntu:~# echo -n "Content to be encoded" | base64