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Viewing Details About a Real-Time Service

Updated on 2024-12-26 GMT+08:00

After a model is deployed as a real-time service, you can access the service page to view its details.

  1. Log in to the ModelArts console and choose Model Deployment > Real-Time Services.
  2. Click the name of the target service to access its details page.

    View service information. For details, see Table 1.

    Table 1 real-time service parameters




    Name of the real-time service.


    Status of the real-time service.


    AI application source of the real-time service.

    Service ID

    Real-time service ID.


    Service description, which you can click the edit button to modify.

    Resource Pool

    Resource pool specifications used by the service. If the public resource pool is used for deployment, this parameter is not displayed.

    Custom Settings

    Customized configurations based on real-time service versions. This allows version-based traffic distribution policies and configurations. Enable this option and click View Settings to customize the settings. For details, see Modifying Customized Settings.

    Traffic Limit

    Maximum number of times a service can be accessed within a second.

    Runtime Log Output

    This feature is disabled by default. The runtime logs of real-time services are stored only in the ModelArts log system.

    If this feature is enabled, the runtime logs of real-time services will be exported and stored in Log Tank Service (LTS). LTS automatically creates log groups and log streams and caches run logs generated within seven days by default. For details about LTS log management, see Log Tank Service.

    • This cannot be disabled once it is enabled.
    • You will be billed for log query and storage features provided by LTS. For details, see LTS Pricing Details.
    • Do not print unnecessary audio log files. Otherwise, system logs may fail to be displayed, and the error message "Failed to load audio" may be displayed.


    Whether to upgrade to the WebSocket service.

  3. Switch between tabs on the details page of a real-time service to view more details. For details, see Table 2.
    Table 2 Details of a real-time service



    Usage Guides

    This page displays the API URL, model information, input parameters, and output parameters. You can click to copy the API URL to call the service. If application authentication is supported, you can view the API URL and authorization management details, including the application name, AppKey, and AppSecret, in the Usage Guides. You can also add or cancel authorization for an application.


    You can perform real-time prediction on this page. For details, see Testing Real-Time Service Prediction.


    Instance information of the asynchronous real-time service. The number of instances is the same as the number of instances set during service deployment. If the service is modified or the service is abnormal, the number of instances changes. To rebuild an abnormal instance, click Delete. After the instance is deleted, a new instance with the same compute specifications is automatically created.

    Configuration Updates

    This page displays Current Configurations and Update History.

    • Current Configurations: model name, version, status, instance flavor, traffic ratio, number of instances, deployment timeout interval, environment variables, and storage mounting. If the service is deployed in a dedicated resource pool, the resource pool information is also displayed.
    • Update History: historical model information.


    This page displays resource usage and model calls.

    • Resource Usage: includes the used and available CPU, memory, GPU, and NPU resources.
    • AI Application Calls: indicates the number of model calls. The statistics collection starts after the model status changes to Ready. (This parameter is not displayed for WebSocket services.)


    This page displays key operations during service use, such as the service deployment progress, detailed causes of deployment exceptions, and time points when a service is started, stopped, or modified.

    Events are saved for one month and will be automatically cleared then.

    For details about how to view events of a service, see Viewing Events of a Real-Time Service.


    This page displays the log information about each model in the service. You can view logs generated in the latest 5 minutes, latest 30 minutes, latest 1 hour, and user-defined time segment.

    You can select the start time and end time when defining a time segment.

    If this feature is enabled, the logs stored in LTS will be displayed. You can click View Complete Logs on LTS to view all logs.

    Log search rules:

    • Do not enter a string that contains any of the following delimiters: ,'";=()[]{}@&<>/:\n\t\r.
    • You can use exact search by keyword. A keyword refers to the word between two adjacent delimiters.
    • You can use fuzzy search by keyword. For example, you can enter error, er?or, rro*, or er*r.
    • You can enter a phrase for exact search. For example, Start to refresh.
    • Before enabling this feature, you can combine keywords with && or ||. For example, query logs&&erro* or query logs||erro*. After enabling this feature, you can combine keywords with AND or OR. For example, query logs AND erro* or query logs OR erro*.


    Tags that have been added to the service. Tags can be added, modified, and deleted.

    For details about how to use tags, see Using TMS Tags to Manage Resources by Group

    Cloud Shell

    You can use Cloud Shell provided by the ModelArts console to log in to the instance container of a running real-time service. For details, see Using Cloud Shell to Debug a Real-Time Service Instance Container.

Modifying Customized Settings

A customized configuration rule consists of the configuration condition (Setting), access version (Version), and customized running parameters (including Setting Name and Setting Value).

You can configure different settings with customized running parameters for different versions of a real-time service.

The priorities of customized configuration rules are in descending order. You can change the priorities by dragging the sequence of customized configuration rules.

After a rule is matched, the system will no longer match subsequent rules. A maximum of 10 configuration rules can be configured.

Table 3 Parameters for Custom Settings






Expression of the Spring Expression Language (SPEL) rule. Only the equal, matches, and hashCode expressions of the character type are supported.



Access version for a customized service configuration rule. When a rule is matched, the real-time service of the version is requested.

Setting Name


Key of a customized running parameter, consisting of a maximum of 128 characters.

Configure this parameter if the HTTP message header is used to carry customized running parameters to a real-time service.

Setting Value


Value of a customized running parameter, consisting of a maximum of 256 characters.

Configure this parameter if the HTTP message header is used to carry customized running parameters to a real-time service.

Customized settings can be used in the following scenarios:

  • If multiple versions of a real-time service are deployed for gray release, customized settings can be used to distribute traffic by user.
    Table 4 Built-in variables

    Built-in Variable



    Account name used to call an inference request


    Account ID used to call an inference request


    Project name used to call an inference request


    Project ID used to call an inference request


    Username used to call an inference request


    User ID used to call an inference request

    Pound key (#) indicates that a variable is referenced. The matched character string must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

    #{Built-in variable} == 'Character string'
    #{Built-in variable} matches 'Regular expression'
    • Example 1:

      If the account name in the inference request is User A, the specified version is matched.

      #DOMAIN_NAME == 'zhangsan'
    • Example 2:

      If the account name in the inference request starts with op, the specified version is matched.

      #DOMAIN_NAME matches 'op.*'
      Table 5 Common regular expressions




      Match any single character except \n. To match any character including \n, use (.|\n).


      Match the subexpression that it follows for zero or multiple times. For example, zo* can match z and zoo.


      Match the subexpression that it follows for once or multiple times. For example, zo+ can match zo and zoo, but cannot match z.


      Match the subexpression that it follows for zero or one time. For example, do(es)? can match does or do in does.


      Match the start of the input string.


      Match the end of the input string.


      n is a non-negative integer, which matches exactly n number of occurrences of an expression. For example, o{2} cannot match o in Bob, but can match two os in food.


      Match x or y. For example, z|food can match z or food, and (z|f)ood can match zood or food.


      Character set, where any single character in it can be matched. For example, [abc] can match a in plain.

      Figure 1 Traffic distribution by user
  • If multiple versions of a real-time service are deployed for gated launch, customized settings can be used to access different versions through the header.
    Start with #HEADER_, indicating that the header is referenced as a condition.
    #HEADER_{key} == '{value}'
    #HEADER_{key} matches '{value}'
    • Example 1:

      If the header of an inference HTTP request contains a version and the value is 0.0.1, the condition is met. Otherwise, the condition is not met.

      #HEADER_version == '0.0.1'
    • Example 2:

      If the header of an inference HTTP request contains testheader and the value starts with mock, the rule is matched.

      #HEADER_testheader matches 'mock.*'
    • Example 3:

      If the header of an inference HTTP request contains uid and the hash code value meets the conditions described in the following algorithm, the rule is matched.

      #HEADER_uid.hashCode() % 100 < 10
      Figure 2 Using the header to access different versions
  • If a real-time service version supports different runtime configurations, you can use Setting Name and Setting Value to specify customized runtime parameters so that different users can use different running configurations.


    When user A accesses the model, the user uses configuration A. When user B accesses the model, the user uses configuration B. When matching a running configuration, ModelArts adds a header to the request and also the customized running parameters specified by Setting Name and Setting Value.
    Figure 3 Customized running parameters added for a customized configuration rule

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