Updated on 2023-09-26 GMT+08:00

Updating Alert Notification Methods


You can use a stored procedure to update the notification method of an alert notification.


An RDS for SQL Server DB instance has been connected. Connect to the DB instance through the SQL Server client. For details, see Connecting to a DB Instance Through a Public Network.


Run the following commands to update the notification method of an alert notification:

EXEC [msdb].[dbo].[rds_update_notification]

@alert_name = 'alert',

@operator_name ='operator',

@notification_method =notification;

Table 1 Parameter description




The name of the alert associated with this notification. alert is sysname, with no default.


The operator who will be notified when the alert occurs. operator is sysname, with no default.


The method by which the operator is notified. notification is tinyint with no default, and can be one or more of the following values:

  • 1: E-mail
  • 2: Pager
  • 4: net send
  • 7: All methods

After the command is executed, the system displays the following information.

Commands completed successfully.


The command output is as follows.