Updated on 2023-08-09 GMT+08:00

Viewing Error Logs


You can use a stored procedure to query specific error logs.


An RDS for SQL Server DB instance has been connected. For details about how to connect to a DB instance, see Connecting to a DB Instance.


Run the following command to view specific error logs:

EXEC master.dbo.rds_read_errorlog @FileID, @LogType, '@FilterText', '@FilterBeginTime', '@FilterEndTime';

  • @FileID: specifies the serial number of a log. The value can be 0, 1, 2, etc.
  • @LogType: specifies the log type. 1 indicates error logs and 2 indicates Agent logs.
  • @FilterText: specifies the filtering character string.
  • @FilterBeginTime: specifies the start time of the specified logs.
  • @FilterEndTime: specifies the end time of the specified logs.

For example, to obtain the Agent logs from 09/25/2018 to 09/30/2018 and set the filtering character string to recovery, run the following command:

EXEC master.dbo.rds_read_errorlog 0, 1, 'recovery', '2018-09-25', '2018-09-30';