Updated on 2024-01-09 GMT+08:00

Creating Read Replicas in Batches


Read replicas are used to enhance read capabilities and reduce the load on primary DB instances. On the Instances page, you can select one or more DB instances and create read replicas for them in batches.

  • To create read replicas in batches, contact customer service to apply for required permissions.
  • You can create a maximum of five read replicas for each primary DB instance.
  • You can create read replicas for a maximum of 50 DB instances at a time.
  • Read replicas can be created in batches only for RDS for MariaDB instances running the same database version.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page and choose Databases > Relational Database Service.
  3. On the Instances page, select one or more DB instances and choose More > Create Read Replica above the instance list.
  4. On the displayed page, configure required information and click Next.

    • By default, read replicas are named with "read" and two digits appended to the primary DB instance name. For example, if the primary instance name is instance-0001, the first read replica will be named instance-0001-read-01.
    • The network and storage configurations are the same as those of the primary DB instance.
    • Each account can create no more than 5 read replicas total for any given DB instance. In a batch creation, the number of read replicas you can create is limited by whichever DB instance already has the most replicas.

      For example, in a batch creation where most of the DB instances only have a single read replica, if any DB instance in the batch has more than one, for example, 3, you would only be able to add 2 more replicas for each DB instance in that particular batch operation.

  5. Confirm specifications.

    • If you need to modify your settings, click Previous.
    • If you do not need to modify your settings, click Submit for pay-per-use read replicas.

  6. After read replicas are created, you can view and manage them.

    You can view the detailed progress and result of the task on the Task Center page. For details, see Task Center.

Follow-up Operations

Managing a Read Replica