Updated on 2024-07-30 GMT+08:00

Group Space

The group space can be the space of a temporary project or group or a long-term collaboration team. After a user creates group space and invites members to the group space, the members can share files in the group space for collaboration. Currently, files cannot be shared to users outside the group space or added to favorites.

Creating Group Space

All KooDrive users can create the group space. By default, the creator is the group owner and has all permissions to operate the group space.

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. The department space, group space owned by you, and group space that you joined are displayed in cards.
  3. Click Create Space. The Create Space page is displayed.
  4. Set the group space by referring to Table 1.

    Table 1 Creating group space




    A space name cannot contain <>|:"*?/\. It cannot be a period (.) or double periods (..) or exceed 30 characters.

    The name of the group space created by the same user must be unique.

    (Optional) Member

    Search for a user in the text box and add the user, or perform the following steps to add a member from your organization:

    1. Click Add from Organization. The Add Member page is displayed.
    2. On the Users, Depts, or User Groups tab, search for and select the target member to be added, and click .
      • Fuzzy search by name is supported for users, departments, and user groups.
      • A group can have up to 200 members.
      • If no user group is available, create one by referring to User Group Management.
    3. Click OK.

      To remove a selected user, search for and select the user in the area of selected members, and click .

    Space Size

    Default size of the space assigned to the group. The default value is 10 GB.

    Profile Pic

    Select a profile picture.

  5. Click Create to create the group space.

Managing Group Members

A group space owner can add members, modify member permissions, and delete members (excluding the owner). A group space administrator can add members and delete common members. A common member can only view group members.

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. The department space, group space owned by you, and group space that you joined are displayed in cards.
  3. Move the cursor to in the upper right corner of the target group space card and choose Manage Member. The Manage Member page is displayed.

    When you point to , if you are the owner or administrator of the group space, Manage Member is displayed. If you are a common user, View Member is displayed and you can choose it to check all members in the group.

  4. Manage group space members by referring to Table 2.

    Table 2 Managing group space members



    Adding a member

    1. Click Add Member.
    2. On the Users, Depts, or User Groups tab, search for and select the target member to be added, and click .
      • Fuzzy search by name is supported for users, departments, and user groups.
      • A group can have up to 200 members.
      • If no user group is available, create one by referring to User Group Management.
    3. Click OK.

      The default role of the added user is common member.

    Modifying the role of a member

    Select a role from the drop-down list next to the member. Role options:

    • Owner
    • Administrator
    • Common member

    Only the group owner can change the role of a member.

    The group owner and administrator have the permission to delete files, restore files in the recycle bin, permanently delete files, and clear files.

    Deleting a member

    Select a member in the member list and click Delete Member.

Viewing Group Space Details

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. The department space, group space owned by you, and group space that you joined are displayed in cards.
  3. Move the pointer to in the upper right corner of the target group space card and choose View Details. The space details are displayed.
  4. Optional: To modify the space details, click Modify.

    Only the group space owner can modify the group space details.

  5. Optional: On the Modify Space page, modify the space name and profile picture, and click Modify.

Pinning Group Space to Top

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. The department space, group space owned by you, and group space that you joined are displayed in cards.
  3. Move the cursor to in the upper right corner of the target group space card and choose Pin to Top. The group space card is displayed on top of all group space cards, and is displayed in the upper right corner of the card.

    If multiple group space cards are pinned on top, they are sorted by space update time in descending order. If the time is the same, they are sorted by name in ascending order.

Exiting Group Space

An administrator and common member of a group can exit the group space, but the owner cannot.

  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. The department space, group space owned by you, and group space that you joined are displayed in cards.
  3. Move the cursor to in the upper right corner of the target group space card and choose Exit Space.
  4. In the Exit Team Space dialog box, read the impact of exit and click OK to exit the space.

Dismissing Group Space

  • Only the group space owner can dismiss the group space.
  • All resources in the space will be cleared. Migrate resources before dismissing the space.
  1. Sign in to the KooDrive service plane.

    Only a HUAWEI ID can be used to log in to the KooDrive service plane.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Team Space. The department space, group space owned by you, and group space that you joined are displayed in cards.
  3. Move the cursor to in the upper right corner of the target group space card and choose Dismiss Space.
  4. In the Dismiss Team Space dialog box, read the impact of the dismissal, enter DISMISS in the dialog box, select I have read and accept the terms above, and click OK to dismiss the space.