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Cloud Container Engine
Cloud Container Engine
- Visão geral de serviço
- Primeiros passos
Guia de usuário
- Operações de alto risco e soluções
- Visão geral de cluster
- Compra de um cluster
- Conexão a um cluster
Atualização de um cluster
- Visão geral de atualização
- Antes de começar
- Atualização in-loco
- Execução de verificação pós-atualização
- Migração de serviços em clusters de versões diferentes
Solução de problemas para exceções de verificação de pré-atualização
- Verificação de pré-atualização
- Restrições de nó
- Gerenciamento de atualização
- Complementos
- Gráficos do Helm
- Conectividade SSH de nós principais
- Pools de nós
- Grupos de segurança
- Restrições de nó Arm
- Nós a serem migrados
- Recursos do Kubernetes descartados
- Riscos de compatibilidade
- Versões do agente do CCE de nó
- Uso da CPU do nó
- CRDs
- Discos de nó
- DNS do nó
- Permissões de arquivo de diretório principal de nó
- Kubelet
- Memória do nó
- Servidor de sincronização de relógio de nó
- Sistema operacional do nó
- CPUs do nó
- Comandos Python do nó
- Versão do ASM
- Prontidão do nó
- Nó journald
- containerd.sock
- Erros internos
- Pontos de montagem do nó
- Manchas de nós do Kubernetes
- Restrições de everest
- Restrições de cce-hpa-controller
- Políticas de CPU aprimorada
- Integridade dos componentes do nó de trabalho
- Integridade dos componentes do nó principal
- Limite de recursos de memória dos componentes do Kubernetes
- APIs do Kubernetes descartadas
- Capacidades de IPv6 de um cluster do CCE Turbo
- NetworkManager de nó
- Arquivo de ID do nó
- Consistência da configuração do nó
- Arquivo da configuração de nó
- Consistência da configuração de CoreDNS
- Comandos sudo de um nó
- Comandos principais dos nós
- A montagem do arquivo sock em um nó
- Consistência do certificado do balanceador de carga de HTTPS
- Montagem do nó
- Permissões de logon de usuário paas em um nó
- Endereços IPv4 privados de balanceadores de carga
- Registros históricos de atualização
- Bloco CIDR do plano de gerenciamento do cluster
- Complemento da GPU
- Configurações de parâmetro do sistema dos nós
- Versões de pacotes residuais
- Comandos do nó
- Troca de nó
Gerenciamento de um cluster
- Gerenciamento de configuração de cluster
- Controle de sobrecarga do cluster
- Alteração de escala do cluster
- Alteração do grupo de segurança padrão de um nó
- Exclusão de um cluster
- Hibernação e despertar de um cluster (pagamento por uso)
- Renovação de um cluster de cobrança anual/mensal
- Alteração do modo de cobrança de pagamento por uso para anual/mensal
- Visão geral do nó
- Mecanismo de contêiner
- Sistema operacional do nó
- Criação de um nó
- Adição de nós para gerenciamento
- Logon em um nó
- Nós de gerenciamento
- O&M do nó
- Pools de nós
Cargas de trabalho
- Visão geral
- Criação de uma carga de trabalho
Configuração de um contêiner
- Configuração da sincronização de fuso horário
- Configuração de uma política de extração de imagem
- Uso de imagens de terceiros
- Configuração de especificações do contêiner
- Definição dos parâmetros do ciclo de vida do contêiner
- Configuração da verificação de integridade para um contêiner
- Configuração de uma variável de ambiente
- Configuração de configurações de APM para análise de gargalo de desempenho
- Configuração da política de atualização da carga de trabalho
- Política de agendamento (afinidade/antiafinidade)
- Manchas e tolerâncias
- Rótulos e anotações
- Acesso de um contêiner
- Gerenciamento de cargas de trabalho e tarefas
- Tempo de execução do Kata e tempo de execução comum
- Agendamento
- Visão geral
- Modelos de rede de contêineres
- Visão geral
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- Criação de um Serviço LoadBalancer
- Uso de anotações para configurar o balanceamento de carga
- Serviço usando HTTP
- Configuração da verificação de integridade para várias portas
- Configuração do status pronto para o pod por meio da verificação de integridade do ELB
- Configuração do tempo limite para um Serviço LoadBalancer
- Configuração de rede de passagem para um Serviço de LoadBalancer
- Ativação de regras de grupo de segurança ICMP
- Serviços headless
- Visão geral
Ingresses do ELB
- Criação de um ingress do ELB no console
- Uso do kubectl para criar um ingress do ELB
- Configuração de ingresses do ELB usando anotações
- Configuração de certificados HTTPS para ingresses do ELB
- Configuração da Indicação de nome do servidor (SNI) para ingresses de ELB
- Roteamento de ingresses do ELB para vários Serviços
- Ingresses do ELB usando HTTP/2
- Interconexão de ingresses do ELB com serviços de back-end HTTPS
- Configuração do tempo limite para um ingress do ELB
Ingresses de Nginx
- Criação de ingresses de Nginx no console
- Uso do kubectl para criar um ingress de Nginx
- Configuração de certificados HTTPS para ingresses do Nginx
- Configuração de regras de reescrita de URL para ingresses de Nginx
- Interconexão de ingresses do Nginx com serviços de back-end HTTPS
- Ingresses de Nginx usar hashing consistente para balanceamento de carga
- Configuração de ingresses de Nginx usando anotações
- Configurações de rede de contêiner
- Configurações da rede do cluster
- Configuração do acesso dentro da VPC
- Acesso a redes públicas a partir de um contêiner
- Armazenamento
- Observabilidade
- Namespaces
- ConfigMaps e segredos
Auto Scaling
- Visão geral
Dimensionamento de uma carga de trabalho
- Mecanismos de dimensionamento da carga de trabalho
- Criação de uma política HPA para dimensionamento automático da carga de trabalho
- Políticas CronHPA
- Criação de uma política CustomedHPA para o dimensionamento automático da carga de trabalho
- Gerenciamento de políticas de dimensionamento de carga de trabalho
- Dimensionamento de um nó
- Uso de HPA e CA para dimensionamento automático de cargas de trabalho e nós
- Visão geral
- CoreDNS
- Armazenamento do contêiner do CCE (Everest)
- Detector de problema de nó do CCE
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- Autoscaler de cluster do CCE
- Nginx Ingress controller
- Kubernetes Metrics Server
- HPA de CCE avançado
- Mecanismo de estouro de nuvem do CCE para CCI
- Suíte IA do CCE (GPU NVIDIA)
- Suíte de IA do CCE (Ascend NPU)
- Volcano scheduler
- Secrets Manager do CCE para DEW
- Exportador de métricas de rede do CCE
- NodeLocal DNSCache
- Monitoramento de cluster da nuvem nativa
- Registro de logs da nuvem nativa
- e-backup (EOM)
- web-terminal (EOM)
- Prometheus (EOM)
- FlexVolume (preterido)
- Gráfico do Helm
- Visão geral de permissões
- Permissões de cluster (baseadas no IAM)
- Permissões de namespace (com base no RBAC do Kubernetes)
- Exemplo: projetar e configurar permissões para usuários em um departamento
- Dependência de permissão do console do CCE
- Segurança de pod
- Melhoria da segurança do token da conta de serviço
- Descrição da atribuição do sistema
Gerenciamento do armazenamento: FlexVolume (preterido)
- Visão geral de FlexVolume
- Alteração da classe de armazenamento usada por um cluster de v1.15 de FlexVolume para CSI Everest
- Uso de discos EVS como volumes de armazenamento
- Usar sistemas de arquivos do SFS Turbo como volumes de armazenamento
- Uso de buckets do OBS como volumes de armazenamento
- Usar sistemas de arquivos do SFS como volumes de armazenamento
Referência de API
- Antes de começar
- Visão geral de API
- Chamada das APIs
- URL da API
Gerenciamento de cluster
- Criação de um cluster
- Leitura de um cluster especificado
- Listagem de clusters em um projeto especificado
- Atualização de um cluster especificado
- Exclusão de um cluster
- Hibernação de um cluster
- Despertar de um cluster
- Obtenção de um certificado de cluster
- Modificação de especificações do cluster
- Consulta de uma tarefa
- Vinculação/desvinculação endereço do servidor da API público
- Obtenção de endereço de acesso ao cluster
- Gerenciamento de nó
- Gerenciamento de pool de nós
- Gerenciamento de armazenamento
- Gerenciamento de complementos
- Gerenciamento de cota
- Gerenciamento de tags
- Atualização de cluster
- Versões de API
- Descrição de parâmetros de instância do complemento
- APIs do Kubernetes
- APIs desatualizadas
- Políticas de permissões e ações suportadas
- Código de status
- Códigos de erro
- Obtenção de um ID de projeto
- Obtenção de um ID de conta
- Especificação dos complementos a serem instalados durante a criação do cluster
- Como obter parâmetros no URI da API
- Criação de uma VPC e uma sub-rede
- Criação de um par de chaves
- Descrição de flavor de nó
- Adição de um sal no campo de senha ao criar um nó
- Número máximo de pods que podem ser criados em um nó
- Sistema operacional do nó
- Alocação de espaço em disco de dados
- Anexação de discos a um nó
- No momento, o conteúdo não está disponível no seu idioma selecionado. Consulte a versão em inglês.
- What's New
- Function Overview
Product Bulletin
- Latest Notices
Product Change Notices
- EOM of CentOS
- Billing Changes for Huawei Cloud CCE Autopilot Data Plane
- CCE Autopilot for Commercial Use on September 30, 2024, 00:00 GMT+08:00
- Reliability Hardening for Cluster Networks and Storage Functions
- Support for Docker
- Service Account Token Security Improvement
- Upgrade of Helm v2 to Helm v3
- Problems Caused by conn_reuse_mode Settings in the IPVS Forwarding Mode of CCE Clusters
- Optimized Key Authentication of the everest Add-on
Cluster Version Release Notes
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.25
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.23
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.21
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.19
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.17
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.15
- End of Maintenance for Clusters 1.13
- Creation of CCE Clusters 1.13 and Earlier Not Supported
- Upgrade for Kubernetes Clusters 1.9
Vulnerability Notices
- Vulnerability Fixing Policies
- Notice of Kubernetes Security Vulnerability (CVE-2024-10220)
- Notice of Kubernetes Security Vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-9486 and CVE-2024-9594)
- Notice of Container Escape Vulnerability in NVIDIA Container Toolkit (CVE-2024-0132)
- Notice of Linux Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in CUPS (CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176, and CVE-2024-47177)
- Notice of the NGINX Ingress Controller Vulnerability That Allows Attackers to Bypass Annotation Validation (CVE-2024-7646)
- Notice of Docker Engine Vulnerability That Allows Attackers to Bypass AuthZ (CVE-2024-41110)
- Notice of Linux Kernel Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2024-1086)
- Notice of OpenSSH Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2024-6387)
- Notice of Fluent Bit Memory Corruption Vulnerability (CVE-2024-4323)
- Notice of runC systemd Attribute Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2024-3154)
- Notice of the Impact of runC Vulnerability (CVE-2024-21626)
- Notice of Kubernetes Security Vulnerability (CVE-2022-3172)
- Notice of Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Linux Kernel openvswitch Module (CVE-2022-2639)
- Notice of nginx-ingress Add-on Security Vulnerability (CVE-2021-25748)
- Notice of nginx-ingress Security Vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-25745 and CVE-2021-25746)
- Notice of containerd Process Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2022-24769)
- Notice of CRI-O Container Runtime Engine Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0811)
- Notice of Container Escape Vulnerability Caused by the Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-0492)
- Notice of Non-Security Handling Vulnerability of containerd Image Volumes (CVE-2022-23648)
- Notice of Linux Kernel Integer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0185)
- Notice of Linux Polkit Privilege Escalation Vulnerability (CVE-2021-4034)
- Notice of Vulnerability of Kubernetes subPath Symlink Exchange (CVE-2021-25741)
- Notice of runC Vulnerability That Allows a Container Filesystem Breakout via Directory Traversal (CVE-2021-30465)
- Notice of Docker Resource Management Vulnerability (CVE-2021-21285)
- Notice of NVIDIA GPU Driver Vulnerability (CVE-2021-1056)
- Notice of the Sudo Buffer Vulnerability (CVE-2021-3156)
- Notice of the Kubernetes Security Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8554)
- Notice of Apache containerd Security Vulnerability (CVE-2020-15257)
- Notice of Docker Engine Input Verification Vulnerability (CVE-2020-13401)
- Notice of Kubernetes kube-apiserver Input Verification Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8559)
- Notice of Kubernetes kubelet Resource Management Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8557)
- Notice of Kubernetes kubelet and kube-proxy Authorization Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8558)
- Notice of Fixing the Kubernetes HTTP/2 Vulnerability
- Notice of Fixing the Linux Kernel SACK Vulnerabilities
- Notice of Fixing the Docker Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2019-5736)
- Notice of Fixing the Kubernetes Permission and Access Control Vulnerability (CVE-2018-1002105)
- Notice of Fixing the Kubernetes Dashboard Security Vulnerability (CVE-2018-18264)
Product Release Notes
Cluster Versions
- Kubernetes Version Policy
Kubernetes Version Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.31 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.30 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.29 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.28 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.27 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.25 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.23 Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.21 (EOM) Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.19 (EOM) Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.17 (EOM) Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.15 (EOM) Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.13 (EOM) Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.11 (EOM) Release Notes
- Kubernetes 1.9 (EOM) and Earlier Versions Release Notes
- Patch Versions
- OS Images
Add-on Versions
- CoreDNS Release History
- CCE Container Storage (Everest) Release History
- CCE Node Problem Detector Release History
- Kubernetes Dashboard Release History
- CCE Cluster Autoscaler Release History
- NGINX Ingress Controller Release History
- Kubernetes Metrics Server Release History
- CCE Advanced HPA Release History
- CCE Cloud Bursting Engine for CCI Release History
- CCE AI Suite (NVIDIA GPU) Release History
- CCE AI Suite (Ascend NPU) Release History
- Volcano Scheduler Release History
- CCE Secrets Manager for DEW Release History
- CCE Network Metrics Exporter Release History
- NodeLocal DNSCache Release History
- Cloud Native Cluster Monitoring Release History
- Cloud Native Log Collection Release History
- Container Image Signature Verification Release History
- Grafana Release History
- OpenKruise Release History
- Gatekeeper Release History
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler Release History
- CCE Cluster Backup & Recovery (End of Maintenance) Release History
- Kubernetes Web Terminal (End of Maintenance) Release History
- Prometheus (End of Maintenance) Release History
Cluster Versions
- Billing
- Kubernetes Basics
Best Practices
- Checklist for Deploying Containerized Applications in the Cloud
- Containerization
- Migration
- DevOps
- Disaster Recovery
- Overview
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Cluster Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Node Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Container Runtime Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Container Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Container Image Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Secret Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Workload Identity Security
- Auto Scaling
- Monitoring
- Suggestions on CCE Cluster Selection
- Creating an IPv4/IPv6 Dual-Stack Cluster in CCE
- Creating a Custom CCE Node Image
- Executing the Pre- or Post-installation Commands During Node Creation
- Using OBS Buckets to Implement Custom Script Injection During Node Creation
- Connecting to Multiple Clusters Using kubectl
- Selecting a Data Disk for the Node
- Implementing Cost Visualization for a CCE Cluster
- Creating a CCE Turbo Cluster Using a Shared VPC
- Protecting a CCE Cluster Against Overload
- Managing Costs for a Cluster
- Planning CIDR Blocks for a Cluster
- Selecting a Network Model
- Enabling Cross-VPC Network Communications Between CCE Clusters
- Implementing Network Communications Between Containers and IDCs Using VPC and Direct Connect
- Enabling a CCE Cluster to Resolve Domain Names on Both On-Premises IDCs and HUAWEI CLOUD
- Implementing Sticky Session Through Load Balancing
- Obtaining the Client Source IP Address for a Container
- Increasing the Listening Queue Length by Configuring Container Kernel Parameters
- Configuring Passthrough Networking for a LoadBalancer Service
- Accessing an External Network from a Pod
- Deploying Nginx Ingress Controllers Using a Chart
- CoreDNS Configuration Optimization
- Pre-Binding Container ENI for CCE Turbo Clusters
- Connecting a Cluster to the Peer VPC Through an Enterprise Router
- Accessing an IP Address Outside a Cluster That Uses a VPC Network Using Source Pod IP Addresses in the Cluster
- Expanding the Storage Space
- Mounting Object Storage Across Accounts
- Dynamically Creating an SFS Turbo Subdirectory Using StorageClass
- Changing the Storage Class Used by a Cluster of v1.15 from FlexVolume to CSI Everest
- Using Custom Storage Classes
- Scheduling EVS Disks Across AZs Using csi-disk-topology
- Automatically Collecting JVM Dump Files That Exit Unexpectedly Using SFS 3.0
- Deploying Storage Volumes in Multiple AZs
- Recommended Configurations for Workloads
- Properly Allocating Container Computing Resources
- Upgrading Pods Without Interrupting Services
- Modifying Kernel Parameters Using a Privileged Container
- Using Init Containers to Initialize an Application
- Setting Time Zone Synchronization
- Configuration Suggestions on Container Network Bandwidth Limit
- Configuring the /etc/hosts File of a Pod Using hostAliases
- Configuring Domain Name Resolution for CCE Containers
- Using Dual-Architecture Images (x86 and Arm) in CCE
- Locating Container Faults Using the Core Dump File
- Configuring Parameters to Delay the Pod Startup in a CCE Turbo Cluster
- Automatically Updating a Workload Version Using SWR Triggers
- Permission
- Release
- Batch Computing
- SDK Reference
- Common FAQ
- How Is CCE Billed?
- How Do I Change the Billing Mode of a CCE Cluster from Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly?
- Can I Change the Billing Mode of CCE Nodes from Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly?
- Which Invoice Modes Are Supported by Huawei Cloud?
- Will I Be Notified When My Balance Is Insufficient?
- Will I Be Notified When My Account Balance Changes?
- Can I Delete a Yearly/Monthly-Billed CCE Cluster Directly When It Expires?
- How Do I Unsubscribe From CCE?
- Cluster Creation
Cluster Running
- How Do I Locate the Fault When a Cluster Is Unavailable?
- How Do I Reset or Reinstall a CCE Cluster?
- How Do I Check Whether a Cluster Is in Multi-Master Mode?
- Can I Directly Connect to the Master Node of a CCE Cluster?
- How Do I Retrieve Data After a CCE Cluster Is Deleted?
- Why Does CCE Display Node Disk Usage Inconsistently with Cloud Eye?
- How Do I Change the Name of a CCE Cluster?
- Cluster Deletion
- Cluster Upgrade
- Node Creation
Node Running
- What Should I Do If a Cluster Is Available But Some Nodes Are Unavailable?
- How Do I Troubleshoot the Failure to Remotely Log In to a Node in a CCE Cluster?
- How Do I Log In to a Node Using a Password and Reset the Password?
- How Do I Collect Logs of Nodes in a CCE Cluster?
- What Can I Do If the Container Network Becomes Unavailable After yum update Is Used to Upgrade the OS?
- What Should I Do If the vdb Disk of a Node Is Damaged and the Node Cannot Be Recovered After Reset?
- Which Ports Are Used to Install kubelet on CCE Cluster Nodes?
- How Do I Configure a Pod to Use the Acceleration Capability of a GPU Node?
- What Should I Do If I/O Suspension Occasionally Occurs When SCSI EVS Disks Are Used?
- What Should I Do If Excessive Docker Audit Logs Affect the Disk I/O?
- How Do I Fix an Abnormal Container or Node Due to No Thin Pool Disk Space?
- Where Can I Get the Listening Ports of CCE Worker Nodes?
- How Do I Rectify Failures When the NVIDIA Driver Is Used to Start Containers on GPU Nodes?
- What Can I Do If the Time of CCE Nodes Is Not Synchronized with the NTP Server?
- What Should I Do If the Data Disk Usage Is High Because a Large Volume of Data Is Written Into the Log File?
- Why Does My Node Memory Usage Obtained by Running the kubelet top node Command Exceed 100%?
- What Should I Do If "Failed to reclaim image" Is Displayed in the Node Events?
- Specification Change
- What Can I Do If cgroup kmem Leakage Occasionally Occurs When an Application Is Repeatedly Created or Deleted on a Node Running CentOS with an Earlier Kernel Version?
- What Should I Do If There Is a Service Access Failure After a Backend Service Upgrade or a 1-Second Latency When a Service Accesses a CCE Cluster?
- Why Are Pods Evicted by kubelet Due to Abnormal cgroup Statistics?
- When Container OOM Occurs on the CentOS Node with an Earlier Kernel Version, the Ext4 File System Is Occasionally Suspended
- What Should I Do If a DNS Resolution Failure Occurs Due to a Defect in IPVS?
- What Should I Do If the Number of ARP Entries Exceeds the Upper Limit?
- What Should I Do If a VM Is Suspended Due to an EulerOS 2.9 Kernel Defect?
Node Pool
- What Should I Do If a Node Pool Is Abnormal?
- What Should I Do If No Node Creation Record Is Displayed When the Node Pool Is Being Expanding?
- What Should I Do If a Node Pool Scale-Out Fails?
- What Should I Do If Some Kubernetes Events Fail to Display After Nodes Were Added to or Deleted from a Node Pool in Batches?
- How Do I Modify ECS Configurations When an ECS Cannot Be Managed by a Node Pool?
Workload Exception Troubleshooting
- How Can I Find the Fault for an Abnormal Workload?
- What Should I Do If Pod Scheduling Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Pull the Image?
- What Should I Do If Container Startup Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Be Evicted?
- What Should I Do If a Storage Volume Cannot Be Mounted or the Mounting Times Out?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Remains in the Creating State?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Remains in the Terminating State?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Is Stopped Caused by Pod Deletion?
- What Should I Do If an Error Occurs When I Deploy a Service on the GPU Node?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Exception Occurs Due to a Storage Volume Mount Failure?
- Why Does Pod Fail to Write Data?
- Why Is Pod Creation or Deletion Suspended on a Node Where File Storage Is Mounted?
- How Can I Locate Faults Using an Exit Code?
- Container Configuration
- Monitoring Log
Scheduling Policies
- How Do I Evenly Distribute Multiple Pods to Each Node?
- How Do I Prevent a Container on a Node from Being Evicted?
- Why Are Pods Not Evenly Distributed on Nodes?
- How Do I Evict All Pods on a Node?
- How Do I Check Whether a Pod Is Bound with vCPUs?
- What Should I Do If Pods Cannot Be Rescheduled After the Node Is Stopped?
- How Do I Prevent a Non-GPU or Non-NPU Workload from Being Scheduled to a GPU or NPU Node?
- Why Cannot a Pod Be Scheduled to a Node?
- What Should I Do If a Cron Job Cannot Be Restarted After Being Stopped for a Period of Time?
- What Is a Headless Service When I Create a StatefulSet?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Auth is empty" Is Displayed When a Private Image Is Pulled?
- What Is the Image Pull Policy for Containers in a CCE Cluster?
- Why Is the Mount Point of a Docker Container in the Kunpeng Cluster Uninstalled?
- What Can I Do If a Layer Is Missing During Image Pull?
- Why the File Permission and User in the Container Are Question Marks?
Workload Exception Troubleshooting
Network Exception Troubleshooting
- How Do I Locate a Workload Networking Fault?
- Why the ELB Address Cannot Be used to Access Workloads in a Cluster?
- Why the Ingress Cannot Be Accessed Outside the Cluster?
- Why Does the Browser Return Error Code 404 When I Access a Deployed Application?
- What Should I Do If a Container Fails to Access the Internet?
- What Can I Do If a VPC Subnet Cannot Be Deleted?
- How Do I Restore a Faulty Container NIC?
- What Should I Do If a Node Fails to Connect to the Internet (Public Network)?
- How Do I Resolve a Conflict Between the VPC CIDR Block and the Container CIDR Block?
- What Should I Do If the Java Error "Connection reset by peer" Is Reported During Layer-4 ELB Health Check
- How Do I Locate the Service Event Indicating That No Node Is Available for Binding?
- Why Does "Dead loop on virtual device gw_11cbf51a, fix it urgently" Intermittently Occur When I Log In to a VM using VNC?
- Why Does a Panic Occasionally Occur When I Use Network Policies on a Cluster Node?
- Why Are Lots of source ip_type Logs Generated on the VNC?
- What Should I Do If Status Code 308 Is Displayed When the Nginx Ingress Controller Is Accessed Using the Internet Explorer?
- What Should I Do If Nginx Ingress Access in the Cluster Is Abnormal After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
- What Should I Do If An Error Occurred During a LoadBalancer Update?
- What Could Cause Access Exceptions After Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress?
Network Planning
- What Is the Relationship Between Clusters, VPCs, and Subnets?
- How Do I View the VPC CIDR Block?
- How Do I Set the VPC CIDR Block and Subnet CIDR Block for a CCE Cluster?
- How Do I Set a Container CIDR Block for a CCE Cluster?
- When Should I Use Cloud Native Network 2.0?
- What Is an ENI?
- How Can I Configure a Security Group Rule in a Cluster?
- How Do I Configure the IPv6 Service CIDR Block When Creating a CCE Turbo Cluster?
- Can Multiple NICs Be Bound to a Node in a CCE Cluster?
- Security Hardening
Network Configuration
- How Does CCE Communicate with Other Huawei Cloud Services over an Intranet?
- How Do I Set the Port When Configuring the Workload Access Mode on CCE?
- How Can I Achieve Compatibility Between Ingress's property and Kubernetes client-go?
- How Do I Obtain the Actual Source IP Address of a Client After a Service Is Added into Istio?
- Why Cannot an Ingress Be Created After the Namespace Is Changed?
- Why Is the Backend Server Group of an ELB Automatically Deleted After a Service Is Published to the ELB?
- How Can Container IP Addresses Survive a Container Restart?
- How Can I Check Whether an ENI Is Used by a Cluster?
- How Can I Delete a Security Group Rule Associated with a Deleted Subnet?
- How Can I Synchronize Certificates When Multiple Ingresses in Different Namespaces Share a Listener?
- How Can I Determine Which Ingress the Listener Settings Have Been Applied To?
Network Exception Troubleshooting
- How Do I Expand the Storage Capacity of a Container?
- What Are the Differences Among CCE Storage Classes in Terms of Persistent Storage and Multi-Node Mounting?
- Can I Create a CCE Node Without Adding a Data Disk to the Node?
- Can EVS Volumes in a CCE Cluster Be Restored After They Are Deleted or Expired?
- What Should I Do If the Host Cannot Be Found When Files Need to Be Uploaded to OBS During the Access to the CCE Service from a Public Network?
- How Can I Achieve Compatibility Between ExtendPathMode and Kubernetes client-go?
- What Can I Do If a Storage Volume Fails to Be Created?
- Can CCE PVCs Detect Underlying Storage Faults?
- An Error Is Reported When the Owner Group and Permissions of the Mount Point of the SFS 3.0 File System in the OS Are Modified
- Why Cannot I Delete a PV or PVC Using the kubectl delete Command?
- What Should I Do If "target is busy" Is Displayed When a Pod with Cloud Storage Mounted Is Being Deleted?
- What Should I Do If a Yearly/Monthly EVS Disk Cannot Be Automatically Created?
- Namespace
Chart and Add-on
- What Should I Do If the nginx-ingress Add-on Fails to Be Installed on a Cluster and Remains in the Creating State?
- What Should I Do If Residual Process Resources Exist Due to an Earlier npd Add-on Version?
- What Should I Do If a Chart Release Cannot Be Deleted Because the Chart Format Is Incorrect?
- Does CCE Support nginx-ingress?
- What Should I Do If Installation of an Add-on Fails and "The release name is already exist" Is Displayed?
- What Should I Do If a Release Creation or Upgrade Fails and "rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists" Is Displayed?
- What Can I Do If the kube-prometheus-stack Add-on Instance Fails to Be Scheduled?
- What Can I Do If a Chart Fails to Be Uploaded?
- How Do I Configure the Add-on Resource Quotas Based on Cluster Scale?
- How Can I Clean Up Residual Resources After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on in the Unknown State Is Deleted?
- Why TLS v1.0 and v1.1 Cannot Be Used After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
API & kubectl FAQs
- How Can I Access a Cluster API Server?
- Can the Resources Created Using APIs or kubectl Be Displayed on the CCE Console?
- How Do I Download kubeconfig for Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl?
- How Do I Rectify the Error Reported When Running the kubectl top node Command?
- Why Is "Error from server (Forbidden)" Displayed When I Use kubectl?
- What Should I Do If Domain Name Resolution Fails in a CCE Cluster?
- Why Does a Container in a CCE Cluster Fail to Perform DNS Resolution?
- Why Cannot the Domain Name of the Tenant Zone Be Resolved After the Subnet DNS Configuration Is Modified?
- How Do I Optimize the Configuration If the External Domain Name Resolution Is Slow or Times Out?
- How Do I Configure a DNS Policy for a Container?
- Image Repository FAQs
- Permissions
- Related Services
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Getting Started
- High-Risk Operations
- Cluster Overview
- Buying a Cluster
- Connecting to a Cluster
- Managing a Cluster
Upgrading a Cluster
- Process and Method of Upgrading a Cluster
- Before You Start
- Performing Post-Upgrade Verification
- Migrating Services Across Clusters of Different Versions
Troubleshooting for Pre-upgrade Check Exceptions
- Pre-upgrade Check
- Node Restrictions
- Upgrade Management
- Add-ons
- Helm Charts
- SSH Connectivity of Master Nodes
- Node Pools
- Security Groups
- Arm Node Restrictions
- Residual Nodes
- Discarded Kubernetes Resources
- Compatibility Risks
- CCE Agent Versions
- Node CPU Usage
- CRDs
- Node Disks
- Node DNS
- Node Key Directory File Permissions
- kubelet
- Node Memory
- Node Clock Synchronization Server
- Node OS
- Node CPU Cores
- Node Python Commands
- ASM Version
- Node Readiness
- Node journald
- containerd.sock
- Internal Error
- Node Mount Points
- Kubernetes Node Taints
- Everest Restrictions
- cce-hpa-controller Limitations
- Enhanced CPU Policies
- Health of Worker Node Components
- Health of Master Node Components
- Memory Resource Limit of Kubernetes Components
- Discarded Kubernetes APIs
- IPv6 Support in CCE Turbo Clusters
- NetworkManager
- Node ID File
- Node Configuration Consistency
- Node Configuration File
- CoreDNS Configuration Consistency
- sudo
- Key Node Commands
- Mounting of a Sock File on a Node
- HTTPS Load Balancer Certificate Consistency
- Node Mounting
- Login Permissions of User paas on a Node
- Private IPv4 Addresses of Load Balancers
- Historical Upgrade Records
- CIDR Block of the Cluster Management Plane
- GPU Add-on
- Nodes' System Parameters
- Residual Package Version Data
- Node Commands
- Node Swap
- nginx-ingress Upgrade
- containerd Pod Restart Risks
- Key GPU Add-on Parameters
- GPU Pod Rebuild Risks
- ELB Listener Access Control
- Master Node Flavor
- Subnet Quota of Master Nodes
- Node Runtime
- Node Pool Runtime
- Number of Node Images
- Nodes
- Node Pools
- Overview
- Creating a Workload
Configuring a Workload
- Secure Runtime and Common Runtime
- Configuring Time Zone Synchronization
- Configuring an Image Pull Policy
- Using Third-Party Images
- Configuring Container Specifications
- Configuring Container Lifecycle Parameters
- Configuring Container Health Check
- Configuring Environment Variables
- Configuring APM
- Configuring Workload Upgrade Policies
- Scheduling Policies (Affinity/Anti-affinity)
- Configuring Tolerance Policies
- Configuring Labels and Annotations
- Logging In to a Container
- Managing Workloads
- Managing Custom Resources
- Pod Security
- Scheduling
- Overview
Container Network
- Overview
Cloud Native Network 2.0 Settings
- Cloud Native 2.0 Network Model
- Adding a Pod Subnet for a Cluster
- Binding a Security Group to a Pod Using an Annotation
- Binding a Security Group to a Workload Using a Security Group Policy
- Binding a Subnet and Security Group to a Namespace or Workload Using a Container Network Configuration
- Configuring an EIP for a Pod
- VPC Network Settings
- Tunnel Network Settings
- Pod Network Settings
- Overview
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- Creating a LoadBalancer Service
- Using Annotations to Balance Load
- Configuring HTTP/HTTPS for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Health Check on Multiple Ports of a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Passthrough Networking for a LoadBalancer Service
- Setting the Pod Ready Status Through the ELB Health Check
- Enabling ICMP Security Group Rules
- Headless Services
- Overview
LoadBalancer Ingresses
- Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress on the Console
- Using kubectl to Create a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a LoadBalancer Ingress Using Annotations
- Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Updating the HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Routing a LoadBalancer Ingress to Multiple Services
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring HTTPS Backend Services for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Custom Header Forwarding Policy for a LoadBalancer Ingress
Nginx Ingresses
- Creating Nginx Ingresses on the Console
- Using kubectl to Create an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Nginx Ingresses Using Annotations
- Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Redirection Rules for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring URL Rewriting Rules for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring HTTPS Backend Services for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Consistent Hashing for Load Balancing of an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Intra-VPC Access
- Accessing the Internet from a Container
- Storage
- Observability
- Auto Scaling
- Namespaces
- ConfigMaps and Secrets
- Add-ons
- Helm Chart
- Permissions
- Settings
Best Practices
- Checklist for Deploying Containerized Applications in the Cloud
- Containerization
- Disaster Recovery
- Security
- Auto Scaling
- Monitoring
- Cluster
- Planning CIDR Blocks for a Cluster
- Selecting a Network Model
- Implementing Sticky Session Through Load Balancing
- Obtaining the Client Source IP Address for a Container
- Deploying Nginx Ingress Controllers Using a Chart
- CoreDNS Configuration Optimization
- Pre-Binding Container ENI for CCE Turbo Clusters
- Retaining the Original IP Address of a Pod
- Storage
- Container
- Permission
- Release
- Common Questions
- Billing
- Cluster
- Node Creation
Node Running
- What Should I Do If a Cluster Is Available But Some Nodes Are Unavailable?
- How Do I Log In to a Node Using a Password and Reset the Password?
- How Do I Collect Logs of Nodes in a CCE Cluster?
- What Should I Do If the vdb Disk of a Node Is Damaged and the Node Cannot Be Recovered After Reset?
- What Should I Do If I/O Suspension Occasionally Occurs When SCSI EVS Disks Are Used?
- How Do I Fix an Abnormal Container or Node Due to No Thin Pool Disk Space?
- How Do I Rectify Failures When the NVIDIA Driver Is Used to Start Containers on GPU Nodes?
- Specification Change
- OSs
- Node Pool
Workload Abnormalities
- How Do I Use Events to Fix Abnormal Workloads?
- What Should I Do If Pod Scheduling Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Pull the Image?
- What Should I Do If Container Startup Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Be Evicted?
- What Should I Do If a Storage Volume Cannot Be Mounted or the Mounting Times Out?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Remains in the Creating State?
- What Should I Do If Pods in the Terminating State Cannot Be Deleted?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Is Stopped Caused by Pod Deletion?
- What Should I Do If an Error Occurs When Deploying a Service on the GPU Node?
- Container Configuration
- Scheduling Policies
- What Should I Do If a Scheduled Task Cannot Be Restarted After Being Stopped for a Period of Time?
- What Is a Headless Service When I Create a StatefulSet?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Auth is empty" Is Displayed When a Private Image Is Pulled?
- What Is the Image Pull Policy for Containers in a CCE Cluster?
- What Can I Do If a Layer Is Missing During Image Pull?
Workload Abnormalities
- Network Planning
Network Fault
- How Do I Locate a Workload Networking Fault?
- Why Does the Browser Return Error Code 404 When I Access a Deployed Application?
- What Should I Do If a Container Fails to Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If a Node Fails to Connect to the Internet (Public Network)?
- What Should I Do If an Nginx Ingress Access in the Cluster Is Abnormal After the Add-on Is Upgraded?
- Security Hardening
- Network Configuration
- How Do I Expand the Storage Capacity of a Container?
- What Are the Differences Among CCE Storage Classes in Terms of Persistent Storage and Multi-node Mounting?
- Can I Create a CCE Node Without Adding a Data Disk to the Node?
- What Should I Do If the Host Cannot Be Found When Files Need to Be Uploaded to OBS During the Access to the CCE Service from a Public Network?
- How Can I Achieve Compatibility Between ExtendPathMode and Kubernetes client-go?
- Can CCE PVCs Detect Underlying Storage Faults?
- Namespace
Chart and Add-on
- What Should I Do If Installation of an Add-on Fails and "The release name is already exist" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Configure the Add-on Resource Quotas Based on Cluster Scale?
- How Can I Clean Up Residual Resources After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on in the Unknown State Is Deleted?
- Why TLS v1.0 and v1.1 Cannot Be Used After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
API & kubectl FAQs
- How Can I Access a Cluster API Server?
- Can the Resources Created Using APIs or kubectl Be Displayed on the CCE Console?
- How Do I Download kubeconfig for Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl?
- How Do I Rectify the Error Reported When Running the kubectl top node Command?
- Why Is "Error from server (Forbidden)" Displayed When I Use kubectl?
- Image Repository FAQs
- Permissions
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Cluster Management
- Creating a Cluster
- Reading a Specified Cluster
- Listing Clusters in a Specified Project
- Updating a Specified Cluster
- Deleting a Cluster
- Hibernating a Cluster
- Waking Up a Cluster
- Obtaining a Cluster Certificate
- Querying a Job
- Binding/Unbinding Public API Server Address
- Obtaining Cluster Access Address
- Node Management
- Node Pool Management
- Storage Management
- Add-on Management
- Quota Management
- API Versions
- Kubernetes APIs
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Status Code
- Error Codes
- Obtaining a Project ID
- Obtaining the Account ID
- Specifying Add-ons to Be Installed During Cluster Creation
- How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI
- Creating a VPC and Subnet
- Creating a Key Pair
- Node Flavor Description
- Adding a Salt in the password Field When Creating a Node
- Maximum Number of Pods That Can Be Created on a Node
- Node OS
- Data Disk Space Allocation
- Attaching Disks to a Node
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
Product Bulletin
- Risky Operations on Cluster Nodes
- CCE Security Guide
- Cluster Node OS Patch Notes
Vulnerability Notice
- Notice on the Kubernetes Security Vulnerability (CVE-2022-3172)
- Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Linux openvswitch Kernel Module (CVE-2022-2639)
- Notice on CRI-O Container Runtime Engine Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0811)
- Notice on the Container Escape Vulnerability Caused by the Linux Kernel (CVE-2022-0492)
- Linux Kernel Integer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0185)
- CCE Console Upgrade
- Kubernetes Basics
- Getting Started
- High-Risk Operations
- Cluster Overview
- Creating a Cluster
- Connecting to a Cluster
- Managing a Cluster
Upgrading a Cluster
- Process and Method of Upgrading a Cluster
- Before You Start
- Performing Post-Upgrade Verification
- Migrating Services Across Clusters of Different Versions
Troubleshooting for Pre-upgrade Check Exceptions
- Pre-upgrade Check
- Node Restrictions
- Upgrade Management
- Add-ons
- Helm Charts
- SSH Connectivity of Master Nodes
- Node Pools
- Security Groups
- Arm Node Restrictions
- Residual Nodes
- Discarded Kubernetes Resources
- Compatibility Risks
- CCE Agent Versions
- Node CPU Usage
- CRDs
- Node Disks
- Node DNS
- Node Key Directory File Permissions
- kubelet
- Node Memory
- Node Clock Synchronization Server
- Node OS
- Node CPU Cores
- Node Python Commands
- ASM Version
- Node Readiness
- Node journald
- containerd.sock
- Internal Error
- Node Mount Points
- Kubernetes Node Taints
- Everest Restrictions
- cce-hpa-controller Limitations
- Enhanced CPU Policies
- Health of Worker Node Components
- Health of Master Node Components
- Memory Resource Limit of Kubernetes Components
- Discarded Kubernetes APIs
- IPv6 Support in CCE Turbo Clusters
- NetworkManager
- Node ID File
- Node Configuration Consistency
- Node Configuration File
- CoreDNS Configuration Consistency
- sudo
- Key Node Commands
- Mounting of a Sock File on a Node
- HTTPS Load Balancer Certificate Consistency
- Node Mounting
- Login Permissions of User paas on a Node
- Private IPv4 Addresses of Load Balancers
- Historical Upgrade Records
- CIDR Block of the Cluster Management Plane
- GPU Add-on
- Nodes' System Parameters
- Residual Package Version Data
- Node Commands
- Node Swap
- nginx-ingress Upgrade
- containerd Pod Restart Risks
- Key GPU Add-on Parameters
- GPU Pod Rebuild Risks
- ELB Listener Access Control
- Master Node Flavor
- Subnet Quota of Master Nodes
- Node Runtime
- Node Pool Runtime
- Number of Node Images
- Nodes
- Node Pools
- Overview
- Creating a Workload
Configuring a Workload
- Configuring Time Zone Synchronization
- Configuring an Image Pull Policy
- Using Third-Party Images
- Configuring Container Specifications
- Configuring Container Lifecycle Parameters
- Configuring Container Health Check
- Configuring Environment Variables
- Configuring Workload Upgrade Policies
- Scheduling Policies (Affinity/Anti-affinity)
- Configuring Tolerance Policies
- Configuring Labels and Annotations
- Logging In to a Container
- Managing Workloads
- Managing Custom Resources
- Pod Security
- Scheduling
- Overview
- Container Network
- Overview
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- Creating a LoadBalancer Service
- Using Annotations to Balance Load
- Configuring HTTP/HTTPS for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring a Blocklist/Trustlist Access Policy for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Health Check on Multiple Ports of a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Passthrough Networking for a LoadBalancer Service
- Enabling ICMP Security Group Rules
- Headless Services
- Overview
LoadBalancer Ingresses
- Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress on the Console
- Using kubectl to Create a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a LoadBalancer Ingress Using Annotations
- Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Routing a LoadBalancer Ingress to Multiple Services
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring HTTPS Backend Services for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Blocklist/Trustlist Access Policy for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Custom Header Forwarding Policy for a LoadBalancer Ingress
Nginx Ingresses
- Creating Nginx Ingresses on the Console
- Using kubectl to Create an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Nginx Ingresses Using Annotations
- Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Redirection Rules for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring URL Rewriting Rules for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring HTTPS Backend Services for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Consistent Hashing for Load Balancing of an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Intra-VPC Access
- Accessing the Internet from a Container
- Storage
- Observability
- Auto Scaling
- Namespaces
- ConfigMaps and Secrets
- Add-ons
- Helm Chart
- Permissions
- Settings
- Common Questions
- Billing
- Cluster
- Node Creation
Node Running
- What Should I Do If a Cluster Is Available But Some Nodes Are Unavailable?
- How Do I Log In to a Node Using a Password and Reset the Password?
- How Do I Collect Logs of Nodes in a CCE Cluster?
- What Should I Do If the vdb Disk of a Node Is Damaged and the Node Cannot Be Recovered After Reset?
- What Should I Do If I/O Suspension Occasionally Occurs When SCSI EVS Disks Are Used?
- How Do I Fix an Abnormal Container or Node Due to No Thin Pool Disk Space?
- How Do I Rectify Failures When the NVIDIA Driver Is Used to Start Containers on GPU Nodes?
- Specification Change
- OSs
- Node Pool
Workload Abnormalities
- How Do I Use Events to Fix Abnormal Workloads?
- What Should I Do If Pod Scheduling Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Pull the Image?
- What Should I Do If Container Startup Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Be Evicted?
- What Should I Do If a Storage Volume Cannot Be Mounted or the Mounting Times Out?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Remains in the Creating State?
- What Should I Do If Pods in the Terminating State Cannot Be Deleted?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Is Stopped Caused by Pod Deletion?
- What Should I Do If an Error Occurs When Deploying a Service on the GPU Node?
- Container Configuration
- Scheduling Policies
- What Should I Do If a Scheduled Task Cannot Be Restarted After Being Stopped for a Period of Time?
- What Is a Headless Service When I Create a StatefulSet?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Auth is empty" Is Displayed When a Private Image Is Pulled?
- What Is the Image Pull Policy for Containers in a CCE Cluster?
- What Can I Do If a Layer Is Missing During Image Pull?
Workload Abnormalities
- Network Planning
Network Fault
- How Do I Locate a Workload Networking Fault?
- Why Does the Browser Return Error Code 404 When I Access a Deployed Application?
- What Should I Do If a Container Fails to Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If a Node Fails to Connect to the Internet (Public Network)?
- What Should I Do If an Nginx Ingress Access in the Cluster Is Abnormal After the Add-on Is Upgraded?
- Security Hardening
- Network Configuration
- How Do I Expand the Storage Capacity of a Container?
- What Are the Differences Among CCE Storage Classes in Terms of Persistent Storage and Multi-node Mounting?
- Can I Create a CCE Node Without Adding a Data Disk to the Node?
- What Should I Do If the Host Cannot Be Found When Files Need to Be Uploaded to OBS During the Access to the CCE Service from a Public Network?
- How Can I Achieve Compatibility Between ExtendPathMode and Kubernetes client-go?
- Can CCE PVCs Detect Underlying Storage Faults?
- Namespace
Chart and Add-on
- What Should I Do If Installation of an Add-on Fails and "The release name is already exist" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Configure the Add-on Resource Quotas Based on Cluster Scale?
- How Can I Clean Up Residual Resources After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on in the Unknown State Is Deleted?
- Why TLS v1.0 and v1.1 Cannot Be Used After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
API & kubectl FAQs
- How Can I Access a Cluster API Server?
- Can the Resources Created Using APIs or kubectl Be Displayed on the CCE Console?
- How Do I Download kubeconfig for Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl?
- How Do I Rectify the Error Reported When Running the kubectl top node Command?
- Why Is "Error from server (Forbidden)" Displayed When I Use kubectl?
- Image Repository FAQs
- Permissions
Best Practices
- Checklist for Deploying Containerized Applications in the Cloud
- Containerization
- Disaster Recovery
- Security
- Auto Scaling
- Monitoring
- Cluster
- Networking
- Expanding the Storage Space
- Mounting an Object Storage Bucket of a Third-Party Tenant
- Dynamically Creating an SFS Turbo Subdirectory Using StorageClass
- Changing the Storage Class Used by a Cluster of v1.15 from FlexVolume to CSI Everest
- Using Custom Storage Classes
- Scheduling EVS Disks Across AZs Using csi-disk-topology
- Container
- Permission
- Release
- Migrating Data from CCE 1.0 to CCE 2.0
API Reference (Paris Regions)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Cluster Management
- Creating a Cluster
- Reading a Specified Cluster
- Listing Clusters in a Specified Project
- Updating a Specified Cluster
- Deleting a Cluster
- Hibernating a Cluster
- Waking Up a Cluster
- Obtaining a Cluster Certificate
- Querying a Job
- Binding/Unbinding Public API Server Address
- Obtaining Cluster Access Address
- Node Management
- Node Pool Management
- Add-on Management
- Quota Management
- API Versions
- Kubernetes APIs
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Status Code
- Error Codes
- Obtaining a Project ID
- Obtaining the Account ID
- Specifying Add-ons to Be Installed During Cluster Creation
- How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI
- Creating a VPC and Subnet
- Creating a Key Pair
- Node Flavor Description
- Adding a Salt in the password Field When Creating a Node
- Maximum Number of Pods That Can Be Created on a Node
- Node OS
- Data Disk Space Allocation
- Attaching Disks to a Node
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Getting Started
- High-Risk Operations
- Cluster Overview
- Buying a Cluster
- Connecting to a Cluster
- Managing a Cluster
Upgrading a Cluster
- Process and Method of Upgrading a Cluster
- Before You Start
- Performing Post-Upgrade Verification
- Migrating Services Across Clusters of Different Versions
Troubleshooting for Pre-upgrade Check Exceptions
- Pre-upgrade Check
- Node Restrictions
- Upgrade Management
- Add-ons
- Helm Charts
- SSH Connectivity of Master Nodes
- Node Pools
- Security Groups
- Arm Node Restrictions
- Residual Nodes
- Discarded Kubernetes Resources
- Compatibility Risks
- CCE Agent Versions
- Node CPU Usage
- CRDs
- Node Disks
- Node DNS
- Node Key Directory File Permissions
- kubelet
- Node Memory
- Node Clock Synchronization Server
- Node OS
- Node CPU Cores
- Node Python Commands
- ASM Version
- Node Readiness
- Node journald
- containerd.sock
- Internal Error
- Node Mount Points
- Kubernetes Node Taints
- Everest Restrictions
- cce-hpa-controller Limitations
- Enhanced CPU Policies
- Health of Worker Node Components
- Health of Master Node Components
- Memory Resource Limit of Kubernetes Components
- Discarded Kubernetes APIs
- NetworkManager
- Node ID File
- Node Configuration Consistency
- Node Configuration File
- CoreDNS Configuration Consistency
- sudo
- Key Node Commands
- Mounting of a Sock File on a Node
- HTTPS Load Balancer Certificate Consistency
- Node Mounting
- Login Permissions of User paas on a Node
- Private IPv4 Addresses of Load Balancers
- Historical Upgrade Records
- CIDR Block of the Cluster Management Plane
- GPU Add-on
- Nodes' System Parameters
- Residual Package Version Data
- Node Commands
- Node Swap
- nginx-ingress Upgrade
- Upgrade of Cloud Native Cluster Monitoring
- containerd Pod Restart Risks
- Key GPU Add-on Parameters
- GPU Pod Rebuild Risks
- ELB Listener Access Control
- Master Node Flavor
- Subnet Quota of Master Nodes
- Node Runtime
- Node Pool Runtime
- Number of Node Images
- OpenKruise Compatibility Check
- Compatibility Check of Secret Encryption
- Compatibility Between the Ubuntu Kernel and GPU Driver
- Drainage Tasks
- Image Layers on a Node
- Cluster Rolling Upgrade
- Rotation Certificates
- Ingress and ELB Configuration Consistency
- Node Overview
- Container Engines
- Creating a Node
- Accepting Nodes for Management
- Logging In to a Node
- Management Nodes
Node O&M
- Node Resource Reservation Policy
- Space Allocation of a Data Disk
- Maximum Number of Pods That Can Be Created on a Node
- Differences in kubelet and Runtime Component Configurations Between CCE and the Native Community
- Migrating Nodes from Docker to containerd
- Configuring Node Fault Detection Policies
- Executing the Pre- or Post-installation Commands During Node Creation
- Node Pools
- Overview
- Creating a Workload
Configuring a Workload
- Configuring Time Zone Synchronization
- Configuring an Image Pull Policy
- Using Third-Party Images
- Configuring Container Specifications
- Configuring Container Lifecycle Parameters
- Configuring Container Health Check
- Configuring Environment Variables
- Configuring Workload Upgrade Policies
- Configuring Tolerance Policies
- Configuring Labels and Annotations
- Scheduling a Workload
- Logging In to a Container
- Managing Workloads
- Managing Custom Resources
- Pod Security
- Scheduling
- Overview
- Container Network
- Overview
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- Creating a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring LoadBalancer Services Using Annotations
- Configuring HTTP/HTTPS for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Health Check on Multiple Ports of a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring Passthrough Networking for a LoadBalancer Service
- Configuring a Custom EIP for a LoadBalancer Service
- Enabling ICMP Security Group Rules
- Headless Services
- Overview
LoadBalancer Ingresses
- Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress on the Console
- Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress Using kubectl
- Annotations for Configuring LoadBalancer Ingresses
Advanced Setting Examples of LoadBalancer Ingresses
- Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Updating the HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Multiple Forwarding Policies for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring HTTPS Backend Services for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Slow Start for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Range of Listening Ports for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring the Priorities of Forwarding Rules for LoadBalancer Ingresses
- Configuring a Custom Header Forwarding Policy for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Custom EIP for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Header Writing or Deletion for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Advanced Forwarding Rules for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Nginx Ingresses
- Configuring Intra-VPC Access
- Accessing the Internet from a Container
- Storage
- Observability
- Auto Scaling
- Namespaces
- ConfigMaps and Secrets
- Add-ons
- Helm Chart
- Permissions
- Settings
Best Practices
- Checklist for Deploying Containerized Applications in the Cloud
- Containerization
- Disaster Recovery
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Cluster Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Node Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Container Runtime Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Container Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Container Image Security
- Configuration Suggestions on CCE Secret Security
- Auto Scaling
- Monitoring
- Cluster
- Planning CIDR Blocks for a Cluster
- Selecting a Network Model
- Implementing Sticky Session Through Load Balancing
- Obtaining the Client Source IP Address for a Container
- CoreDNS Configuration Optimization
- Accessing an IP Address Outside a Cluster That Uses a VPC Network Using Source Pod IP Addresses in the Cluster
- Storage
- Container
- Permission
- Release
- Common FAQ
- Cluster
- Node Creation
Node Running
- What Should I Do If a Cluster Is Available But Some Nodes Are Unavailable?
- How Do I Log In to a Node Using a Password and Reset the Password?
- How Do I Collect Logs of Nodes in a CCE Cluster?
- What Should I Do If the vdb Disk of a Node Is Damaged and the Node Cannot Be Recovered After Reset?
- What Should I Do If I/O Suspension Occasionally Occurs When SCSI EVS Disks Are Used?
- How Do I Fix an Abnormal Container or Node Due to No Thin Pool Disk Space?
- How Do I Rectify Failures When the NVIDIA Driver Is Used to Start Containers on GPU Nodes?
- Specification Change
- OSs
- Node Pool
Workload Exception Troubleshooting
- How Can I Find the Fault for an Abnormal Workload?
- What Should I Do If Pod Scheduling Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Pull the Image?
- What Should I Do If Container Startup Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Be Evicted?
- What Should I Do If a Storage Volume Cannot Be Mounted or the Mounting Times Out?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Remains in the Creating State?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Remains in the Terminating State?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Is Stopped Caused by Pod Deletion?
- What Should I Do If an Error Occurs When I Deploy a Service on the GPU Node?
- Container Configuration
- Scheduling Policies
- What Should I Do If a Cron Job Cannot Be Restarted After Being Stopped for a Period of Time?
- What Is a Headless Service When I Create a StatefulSet?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Auth is empty" Is Displayed When a Private Image Is Pulled?
- What Is the Image Pull Policy for Containers in a CCE Cluster?
- What Can I Do If a Layer Is Missing During Image Pull?
Workload Exception Troubleshooting
Network Exception Troubleshooting
- How Do I Locate a Workload Networking Fault?
- Why Does the Browser Return Error Code 404 When I Access a Deployed Application?
- What Should I Do If a Container Fails to Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If a Node Fails to Connect to the Internet (Public Network)?
- What Should I Do If Nginx Ingress Access in the Cluster Is Abnormal After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
- Network Planning
- Security Hardening
- Network Configuration
Network Exception Troubleshooting
- How Do I Expand the Storage Capacity of a Container?
- What Are the Differences Among CCE Storage Classes in Terms of Persistent Storage and Multi-Node Mounting?
- Can I Create a CCE Node Without Adding a Data Disk to the Node?
- What Should I Do If the Host Cannot Be Found When Files Need to Be Uploaded to OBS During the Access to the CCE Service from a Public Network?
- How Can I Achieve Compatibility Between ExtendPathMode and Kubernetes client-go?
- Can CCE PVCs Detect Underlying Storage Faults?
- Namespace
Chart and Add-on
- What Should I Do If Installation of an Add-on Fails and "The release name is already exist" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Configure the Add-on Resource Quotas Based on Cluster Scale?
- How Can I Clean Up Residual Resources After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on in the Unknown State Is Deleted?
- Why TLS v1.0 and v1.1 Cannot Be Used After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
API & kubectl FAQs
- How Can I Access a Cluster API Server?
- Can the Resources Created Using APIs or kubectl Be Displayed on the CCE Console?
- How Do I Download kubeconfig for Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl?
- How Do I Rectify the Error Reported When Running the kubectl top node Command?
- Why Is "Error from server (Forbidden)" Displayed When I Use kubectl?
- Image Repository FAQs
- Permissions
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Cluster Management
- Creating a Cluster
- Reading a Specified Cluster
- Listing Clusters in a Specified Project
- Updating a Specified Cluster
- Deleting a Cluster
- Hibernating a Cluster
- Waking Up a Cluster
- Obtaining a Cluster Certificate
- Modifying Cluster Specifications
- Querying a Job
- Binding/Unbinding Public API Server Address
- Node Management
- Node Pool Management
- Storage Management
- Add-on Management
- Tag Management
- Configuration Management
Chart Management
- Uploading a Chart
- Obtaining a Chart List
- Obtaining a Release List
- Updating a Chart
- Creating a Release
- Deleting a Chart
- Updating a Release
- Obtaining a Chart
- Deleting a Release
- Downloading a Chart
- Obtaining a Release
- Obtaining Chart Values
- Obtaining Historical Records of a Release
- Obtaining the Quota of a User Chart
- Kubernetes APIs
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Status Code
- Error Codes
- Obtaining a Project ID
- Obtaining a Domain ID
- Specifying Add-ons to Be Installed During Cluster Creation
- How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI
- Creating a VPC and Subnet
- Creating a Key Pair
- Node Flavor Description
- Adding a Salt in the password Field When Creating a Node
- Maximum Number of Pods That Can Be Created on a Node
- Node OS
- Data Disk Space Allocation
- Attaching Disks to a Node
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Product Bulletin
- Getting Started
- High-Risk Operations and Solutions
- Cluster Overview
- Creating a Cluster
- Connecting to a Cluster
Upgrading a Cluster
- Upgrade Overview
- Before You Start
- Performing Post-Upgrade Verification
- Migrating Services Across Clusters of Different Versions
Troubleshooting for Pre-upgrade Check Exceptions
- Pre-upgrade Check
- Node Restrictions
- Upgrade Management
- Add-ons
- Helm Charts
- SSH Connectivity of Master Nodes
- Node Pools
- Security Groups
- Arm Node Restrictions
- To-Be-Migrated Nodes
- Discarded Kubernetes Resources
- Compatibility Risks
- CCE Agent Versions
- Node CPU Usage
- CRDs
- Node Disks
- Node DNS
- Node Key Directory File Permissions
- Kubelet
- Node Memory
- Node Clock Synchronization Server
- Node OS
- Node CPU Cores
- Node Python Commands
- ASM Version
- Node Readiness
- Node journald
- containerd.sock
- Internal Error
- Node Mount Points
- Kubernetes Node Taints
- Everest Restrictions
- cce-hpa-controller Limitations
- Enhanced CPU Policies
- Health of Worker Node Components
- Health of Master Node Components
- Memory Resource Limit of Kubernetes Components
- Discarded Kubernetes APIs
- Node NetworkManager
- Node ID File
- Node Configuration Consistency
- Node Configuration File
- CoreDNS Configuration Consistency
- sudo Commands of a Node
- Key Commands of Nodes
- Mounting of a Sock File on a Node
- HTTPS Load Balancer Certificate Consistency
- Node Mounting
- Login Permissions of User paas on a Node
- Private IPv4 Addresses of Load Balancers
- Historical Upgrade Records
- CIDR Block of the Cluster Management Plane
- GPU Add-on
- Nodes' System Parameters
- Residual Package Versions
- Node Commands
- Node Swap
- nginx-ingress Upgrade
- Upgrade of Cloud Native Cluster Monitoring
- containerd Pod Restart Risks
- Key GPU Add-on Parameters
- GPU or NPU Pod Rebuild Risks
- ELB Listener Access Control
- Master Node Flavor
- Subnet Quota of Master Nodes
- Node Runtime
- Node Pool Runtime
- Number of Node Images
- Managing a Cluster
- Nodes
- Node Pools
- Overview
- Creating a Workload
Configuring a Container
- Configuring Time Zone Synchronization
- Configuring an Image Pull Policy
- Using Third-Party Images
- Configuring Container Specifications
- Configuring Container Lifecycle Parameters
- Configuring Container Health Check
- Configuring Environment Variables
- Workload Upgrade Policies
- Scheduling Policies (Affinity/Anti-affinity)
- Taints and Tolerations
- Labels and Annotations
- Accessing a Container
- Managing Workloads and Jobs
- Managing Custom Resources
- Scheduling
- Overview
- Container Network Models
- Overview
- ClusterIP
- NodePort
- Creating a LoadBalancer Service
- Using Annotations to Balance Load
- Configuring an HTTP or HTTPS Service
- Configuring SNI for a Service
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a Service
- Configuring Timeout for a Service
- Configuring Health Check on Multiple Service Ports
- Enabling Passthrough Networking for LoadBalancer Services
- Enabling ICMP Security Group Rules
- Headless Services
- Overview
LoadBalancer Ingresses
- Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress on the Console
- Using kubectl to Create a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a LoadBalancer Ingress Using Annotations
- Configuring an HTTPS Certificate for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring SNI for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- LoadBalancer Ingresses to Multiple Services
- Configuring HTTP/2 for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring URL Redirection for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring URL Rewriting for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring Timeout for a LoadBalancer Ingress
- Configuring a Custom Header Forwarding Policy for a LoadBalancer Ingress
Nginx Ingresses
- Creating Nginx Ingresses on the Console
- Using kubectl to Create an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring Nginx Ingresses Using Annotations
- Configuring HTTPS Certificates for Nginx Ingresses
- Configuring Redirection Rules for an Nginx Ingress
- Configuring URL Rewriting Rules for Nginx Ingresses
- Nginx Ingresses Using Consistent Hashing for Load Balancing
- Container Network Settings
- Cluster Network Settings
- Configuring Intra-VPC Access
- Accessing the Internet from a Container
- Storage
- Observability
- Namespaces
- ConfigMaps and Secrets
- Auto Scaling
- Overview
- CoreDNS
- CCE Container Storage (Everest)
- CCE Node Problem Detector
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- CCE Cluster Autoscaler
- Nginx Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes Metrics Server
- CCE Advanced HPA
- CCE AI Suite (Ascend NPU)
- Volcano Scheduler
- NodeLocal DNSCache
- Cloud Native Cluster Monitoring
- Cloud Native Logging
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- Helm Chart
- Permissions
- Common Questions
- Cluster
- Node Creation
Node Running
- What Should I Do If a Cluster Is Available But Some Nodes Are Unavailable?
- How Do I Log In to a Node Using a Password and Reset the Password?
- How Do I Collect Logs of Nodes in a CCE Cluster?
- What Should I Do If the vdb Disk of a Node Is Damaged and the Node Cannot Be Recovered After Reset?
- What Should I Do If I/O Suspension Occasionally Occurs When SCSI EVS Disks Are Used?
- How Do I Fix an Abnormal Container or Node Due to No Thin Pool Disk Space?
- How Do I Rectify Failures When the NVIDIA Driver Is Used to Start Containers on GPU Nodes?
- Specification Change
- OSs
- Node Pool
Workload Abnormalities
- How Do I Use Events to Fix Abnormal Workloads?
- What Should I Do If Pod Scheduling Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Pull the Image?
- What Should I Do If Container Startup Fails?
- What Should I Do If a Pod Fails to Be Evicted?
- What Should I Do If a Storage Volume Cannot Be Mounted or the Mounting Times Out?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Remains in the Creating State?
- What Should I Do If Pods in the Terminating State Cannot Be Deleted?
- What Should I Do If a Workload Is Stopped Caused by Pod Deletion?
- What Should I Do If an Error Occurs When Deploying a Service on the GPU Node?
- Container Configuration
- Scheduling Policies
- What Should I Do If a Scheduled Task Cannot Be Restarted After Being Stopped for a Period of Time?
- What Is a Headless Service When I Create a StatefulSet?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Auth is empty" Is Displayed When a Private Image Is Pulled?
- Why Cannot a Pod Be Scheduled to a Node?
- What Is the Image Pull Policy for Containers in a CCE Cluster?
- What Can I Do If a Layer Is Missing During Image Pull?
Workload Abnormalities
- Network Planning
Network Fault
- How Do I Locate a Workload Networking Fault?
- Why Does the Browser Return Error Code 404 When I Access a Deployed Application?
- What Should I Do If a Container Fails to Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If a Node Fails to Connect to the Internet (Public Network)?
- What Should I Do If an Nginx Ingress Access in the Cluster Is Abnormal After the Add-on Is Upgraded?
- Security Hardening
- Others
- What Are the Differences Among CCE Storage Classes in Terms of Persistent Storage and Multi-node Mounting?
- Can I Add a Node Without a Data Disk?
- What Should I Do If the Host Cannot Be Found When Files Need to Be Uploaded to OBS During the Access to the CCE Service from a Public Network?
- How Can I Achieve Compatibility Between ExtendPathMode and Kubernetes client-go?
- Can CCE PVCs Detect Underlying Storage Faults?
- Namespace
Chart and Add-on
- Why Does Add-on Installation Fail and Prompt "The release name is already exist"?
- How Do I Configure the Add-on Resource Quotas Based on Cluster Scale?
- What Should I Do If the Helm Chart Uploaded Before the Tenant Account Name Is Changed Is Abnormal?
- How Can I Clean Up Residual Resources After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on in the Unknown State Is Deleted?
- Why TLS v1.0 and v1.1 Cannot Be Used After the NGINX Ingress Controller Add-on Is Upgraded?
API & kubectl FAQs
- How Can I Access a Cluster API Server?
- Can the Resources Created Using APIs or kubectl Be Displayed on the CCE Console?
- How Do I Download kubeconfig for Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl?
- How Do I Rectify the Error Reported When Running the kubectl top node Command?
- Why Is "Error from server (Forbidden)" Displayed When I Use kubectl?
- Permissions
- Reference
Best Practices
- Checklist for Deploying Containerized Applications in the Cloud
- Containerization
- Disaster Recovery
- Security
- Auto Scaling
- Monitoring
- Cluster
- Networking
- Storage
- Container
- Permission
- Release
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
Cluster Management
- Creating a Cluster
- Reading a Specified Cluster
- Listing Clusters in a Specified Project
- Updating a Specified Cluster
- Deleting a Cluster
- Hibernating a Cluster
- Waking Up a Cluster
- Obtaining a Cluster Certificate
- Modifying Cluster Specifications
- Querying a Job
- Binding/Unbinding Public API Server Address
- Obtaining Cluster Access Address
- Node Management
- Node Pool Management
- Storage Management
- Add-on Management
- Quota Management
- API Versions
- Tag Management
- Configuration Management
Chart Management
- Uploading a Chart
- Obtaining a Chart List
- Obtaining a Release List
- Updating a Chart
- Creating a Release
- Deleting a Chart
- Updating a Release
- Obtaining a Chart
- Deleting a Release
- Downloading a Chart
- Obtaining a Release
- Obtaining Chart Values
- Obtaining Historical Records of a Release
- Obtaining the Quota of a User Chart
- Kubernetes APIs
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Status Code
- Error Codes
- Obtaining a Project ID
- Obtaining an Account ID
- Specifying Add-ons to Be Installed During Cluster Creation
- How to Obtain Parameters in the API URI
- Creating a VPC and Subnet
- Creating a Key Pair
- Node Flavor Description
- Adding a Salt in the password Field When Creating a Node
- Maximum Number of Pods That Can Be Created on a Node
- Node OS
- Data Disk Space Allocation
- Attaching Disks to a Node
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
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